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We invite you at the Centro Congressi “A. Luciani” in Padova for the 2016 Real Time Conference (RT2016). It will take place Monday 6 through Friday 10 June 2016, with optional pre-conference tutorials Sunday, June 5.
Like the previous editions, RT2016 will be a multidisciplinary conference devoted to the latest developments on realtime techniques in the fields of Plasma and Nuclear Fusion, particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics, space science, accelerators, medical physics, nuclear power instrumentation and other radiation instrumentation.
Important Dates:
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Virgo seismic isolation system is composed by 10 complex mechanical structures named “Superattenuators”, or simply “Suspensions”, that isolate optical elements of Virgo interferometer from seismic noise at frequency larger than a few Hz. Each structure can be described by a model with 80 vibrational modes and is controlled by 24 coil-magnet pairs actuators. The suspension status is observed using 20 local sensors plus 3 global sensors available when the VIRGO interferometer is locked, that is when all optical lengths are controlled.
Since early beginning we made extensive use of digital control techniques implemented on custom Digital Signal Processor boards and software tools designed and developed within our group. With Advanced Virgo we are now at the third generation of Suspension Control Systems and our data conditioning, conversion and processing boards, developed in accordance with a custom variation of MicroTCA.4.
Results of our design and development efforts will be presented focusing mainly on real time issues and key performances of the overall system
The lagoon of Venice is the largest of the Mediterranean Sea, facing the North Adriatic Sea. It is about 55km2 wide and 1,5 m average deep. The astronomic tide maximum excursion is about ± 50 cm over the mean sea level. Tides force a water flush in the lagoon, carrying inside oxygenated and expelling de-oxygenated water, two times per day. This “breath” is essential to biological life and to connected ecosystem services. However, in some meteorological conditions, the level of the sea can be substantially higher (max registered + 2 m over the mean value in 1966). In these occasions, the historical city of Venice, located in the centre of the lagoon, is flooded. Climate changes and local anthropic pressures caused an intensification of flooding events in the last century. They can occur more than 20 times in a year, with different severity levels. Meteorological conditions can be forecast, with a precision which rises in the few hours before the event. The municipality operates an alert system and ensures services such as walkpaths.
However, the only way to protect Venice’s from any flooding, including the most severe ones, is to temporarily close the entrance of sea water into the lagoon, when needed and as long as necessary, i.e. until the sea level will be back to a ”safe” quote.
For this reason, a complex system of mobile barriers at the lagoon inlets (MOSE) is being constructed, funded by the Italian State and controlled by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Work began in 2003 and is continuing in parallel at the Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets. Worksites are now in the final stage. The first barrier (North Lido) has been completed with the installation of the housing caissons and of the 21 gates. In the others barriers (South Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia) works will be concluded by the 2018. In that moment, the lagoon of Venice will become the first “regulated lagoon” in the world.
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Upgrade 2
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A new tracking system is under development for operation in the CMS experiment at the High Luminosity LHC. It includes an outer tracker which will construct stubs, built by correlating clusters in two closely spaced sensor layers for the rejection of hits from low transverse momentum tracks, and transmit them off-detector at 40 MHz. If tracker data is to contribute to keeping the Level-1 trigger rate at around 750 kHz under increased luminosity, a crucial component of the upgrade will be the ability to identify tracks with transverse momentum above 3 GeV/c by building tracks out of stubs. A concept for an FPGA-based track finder using a fully time-multiplexed architecture is presented, where track candidates are identified using a projective binning algorithm based on the Hough Transform. A hardware system based on the MP7 MicroTCA processing card has been assembled, demonstrating a realistic slice of the track finder in order to help gauge the performance and requirements for a full system. This paper outlines the system architecture and algorithms employed, highlighting some of the first results from the hardware demonstrator and discusses the prospects and performance of the completed track finder
With the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity more than a century ago, the need for data acquisition and processing soon became one of the foundations of medical imaging. Contrary to the early devices where simple integration of the radiation signal over time was the way to build contrast in images, modern imaging systems rely on the detection and real-time characterization of every quanta of radiation to extract relevant information for forming images reflecting underlying physical parameters. The most common parameters of interest in imaging modalities using ionizing radiation, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and X-ray computed tomography (CT), are position of interaction, energy and time. Traditionally, such information was extracted through pulse shaping and processing with analog components prior to digitization and data acquisition. Nowadays, most systems rely on early digitization of the signals by sampling with free-running analog-to-digital converters and by replacing analog processing with real-time digital algorithms implemented in high-density FPGA and DSP. While such fully digital data acquisition architecture improves flexibility, scalability and upgradability, future requirements make this approach impractical due to performance limitations, power management constraints, and prohibitive cost. For instance, the number of channels had to be raised from the few hundred of early devices to several tens of thousands to reach sub-mm spatial resolution in PET. Similarly, the coincidence time resolution had to be improved from tens of ns to the few hundred ps regime for achieving time-of-flight measurement. The introduction of single-photon counting spectral CT requires individual events no only to be counted, but the energy to be simultaneously recorded. New technological advances must be sought to cope with these stringent requirements. The challenges to reach these next frontiers in medical imaging will be reviewed with special emphasis on the significance for real-time data acquisition and processing.