Participants can now download the talks posted on the bottom of the page.
Participants can now download the book of the conference in PDF format here or you can find it posted in the menu on the left. This file contains the schedule of the talks with the corresponding abstracts.
In this conference we will address some of the open problems in non perturbative QFT while simultaneously celebrating Marcelo Loewe's 65 birthday. Dr. M. Loewe research has lead to new insight in topics as finite temperature field theory, under extreme conditions. including chemical potential, non commutative fields, and sum rules among others.
The program of the conference will address a broad range of non perturbative topics in QFT, with a special focus on establish a connection between young and senior scientists. Some of the topics will include:
- Gribov and confinements.
- Lattice and highr order corrections.
- Analytic QCD
- CGC / BFKL-BK equations.
- Schwinger-Dyson equations.
- Low dimensions QFT.
- Effective field theories.
- New trends in particle physics.
- QCD phase transitions and
under extreme conditions.
The Conference will be held at the Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Campus San Joaquín.
Local Organizing Committee:
- Carlos Contreras (UTFSM)
- Benjamin Koch (PUC)
- Sebastián Mendizabal (UTFSM)
- Juan Cristobal Rojas (UCN)
- Cristián Villavicencio (UBB)
International Scientific Committee:
- Jochen Bartels (DESY)
- Gorazd Cvetic (UTFSM)
- Jorge Gamboa (USCH)
- York Schroeder (UBB)
- Edgardo Stockmeyer (PUC)
Registration deadline: October 31
Registration Fee*: Participant $150 USD.
Student $75 USD**
* The registration fee has to be paid in cash upon arrival.
** Students can apply for financial support.
Organizing Institutions: