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ICEPP symposium is a renowned physics-skiing hybrid conference inspired the concept of the summer/winter schools common in western HEP community, targeting the increasingly more entangled fields of particle, nuclear, and astro physics. The symposium aims to serve as an opportunity to bring the students, scientists from various career stages, frontier-leading experts altogether at one place to interact, and discuss the latest development and technology in the theories and experiments. Early-career scientists are particularly encouraged for the participation.
日 時 | 2025年2月16日(日)~2月19日(水) |
場 所 | 志賀レークホテル 〒381-0401 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町志賀高原蓮池 |
内 容 | 招待講師による講義、参加者による 講演 (口頭/ポスター)、自由討論 |
招待講師・ 講義題目 |
田中章詞先生 (理研AIP/iTHEMS) 「機械学習と深層学習入門」 戸谷友則先生 (東大理 天文学専攻) 「生命の起源と宇宙論/ダークエネルギーと人間原理/高速電波バースト」 |
お申し込み方法 | Registrationにアクセスし、必要事項を入力して お申し込みください。 |
申し込み締切 | 2024年12月16日(月) |
Date | 16 Feb. 2025 (Sun) - 19 Feb 2025 (Wed) |
Venue | Shiga Lake Hotel Shiga-kogen Hasuike, Yamanouchi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano, 381-0401, Japan |
Program | Invited lectures, contributed talks (oral and posters), free discussion |
Invited lecturers / Lecture titles | Dr. Akinori Tanaka (RIKEN AIP/iTHEMS) "Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning" Prof. Tomonori Totani (Dept. of Astronomy, U. Tokyo) "Origin of Life and Cosmology / Dark Energy and Anthropic Principle / Fast Radio Bursts" |
How to apply | Please access to the registration page and enter the required info. |
Registration deadline | 16 Dec. 2024 (Mon) |
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 理学部1号館西棟10階
TEL:03-3815-8384 / FAX:03-3814-8806
E-mail: sympo31@icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Faculty of Science Bldg.1(10F), The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
TEL: (+81-)03-3815-8384 / FAX: (+81-)03-3814-8806
E-mail: sympo31@icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp