394 / 394
- Hass Abouzeid (University of Toronto (CA))
- Ian Affleck (University of British Columbia)
- Mohammad Ahmady (Mount Allison University)
- Aida Ahmadzadegan (University of Waterloo)
- Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)
- Justin Albert (University of Victoria (CA))
- Karen Allahverdyan (Laval University)
- Ahmad Almudallal (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Richard Alsop
- Speaker at Aspirin Reorganizes the Lipid Membrane
- Chanpreet Amole (Q)
- Patrizio Antici (INRS)
- Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University, Toronto)
- Simon Archambault (M)
Jean-Francois Arguin
(Universite de Montreal (CA))
- Speaker at Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS
- Douglas Arion (Carthage College)
- Pandurang Ashrit (Université de MOncton)
- Sayantan Auddy (Student)
- Pantea Aurang (Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey and Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey)
Arif Babul
- Speaker at Clusters for Cosmology
- Matilda Backholm (McMaster University)
- Stéphane Bancelin (Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences)
Aristide Baratin
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at An overview of Loop Quantum Gravity
- Paul Barclay (University of Calgary)
- Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University)
Solomon Barkley
- Speaker at Collective Motion of Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Francesco Barletta (CMÉC)
- Alina Jade Barnett (McMaster University)
- Jean Barrette (McGill University)
- Riccardo Bassiri (E. L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University)
- Santiago Batista (University of Toronto (CA))
- Catherine Beauchemin (Ryerson University)
- Samuel Beaulieu (INRS-EMT)
Alexandre Beaulieu
(University of Victoria)
- Speaker at Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- Peter Beiersdorfer (LLNL)
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
Broerman Benjamin
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at DEAP-3600 Optical Calibration Systems.
- Speaker at Organic Thin Film Deposition System for DEAP-3600
Craig Bennett
(Dept. of Physics, Acadia University)
- Speaker at The CDW modulated structure of NbSe3
Christopher Bergevin
(York University)
- Speaker at Slow to hear: Traveling waves on the eardrum
- Pierre Berini (U)
- Sophie Berkman (University of British Columbia)
- Nikita Bernier (TRIUMF)
- Florian Urs Bernlochner (University of Victoria (CA))
- Divya Bhatnagar (University of Victoria)
Ewart Blackmore
- Speaker at Erich Vogt - Putting TRIUMF on the world map
- Kenneth Blahut (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada)
- Sébastien Blais-OUellette (Photon etc.)
Ian Blokland
(University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)
- Speaker at Using Conceptual Multiple Choice Questions
- Joshua Bonatt (Queen's University)
- domenico bongiovanni (I)
Mark Boulay
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at DEAP
David Braid
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at PMT Repairs for the SNO+ Experiment
- Wilson Brenna (University of Waterloo)
- Mitchell Brocklebank (UWO)
- Avery Broderick (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Aharon Brodutch (Univesity of Waterloo)
- Alex Brown (University of Alberta)
Douglas Bryman
- Speaker at PiENu
- Michael Busuttil (University of Windsor)
Erica Caden
- Speaker at Calibrating the SNO+ Detector
- Melanie C.W. Campbell (Physics and Atronomy, School of Optometry and Guelph Waterloo Physics Institute, University of Waterloo)
Anadi Canepa
- Speaker at Presentation
- Kipp Cannon (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Vincent Cardin
(Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- Speaker at High energy OPA and few-cycle IR pulses
- Kelly Cathcart (M)
- Clifford Champness (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., McGill University)
- Melanie Chanona (University of Waterloo)
- Dean Chapman (University of Saskatchewan)
- Dimpal Chauhan (Queen's University)
- Racha Cheaib (McGill University)
- James R. Chelikowsky (University of Texas at Austin)
- Po-Jui Chen (Y)
- Aaron Chester (Simon Fraser University Department of Chemistry)
Gregory Christian
- Speaker at Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Patrick Clancy (University of Toronto)
- Michael Clark (Queen's University)
- Ken Clark (University of Toronto)
- Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science)
- Robert Collister (University of Manitoba / TRIUMF)
- Ashley Cook (University of Toronto)
- Paulina Corona Ugalde (University of Waterloo-IQC)
- Michel Côté (Université de Montréal)
- Charles-Andre Couture (INRS)
- Lucian Covaci (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Michael Craddock
(University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
- Speaker at Erich Vogt – a Champion for Physics
- Charmainne Cruje (R)
- Steffen Cruz (University of British Columbia)
- J.R. Cunningham (Ret. Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta)
- Alex Cushley
- Olivier Cyr-Choinière (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Denis Dalidovich (P)
- Frederick Dallaire (Universite de Montreal (CA))
- Matthias Danninger (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Keshav Dasgupta (McGill University)
Arundhati Dasgupta
(University of Lethbridge)
- Speaker at Quantum Gravity and Accelerated Frames
- Ashkan Dehghan (McMaster University)
- Adrian Del Maestro (University of Vermont)
- David Anthony Demarco (University of Toronto (CA))
- Nils Deppe (University of Winnipeg)
Elise Gaia Devoie
- Speaker at ATLAS Muon Chamber Ageing Studie
- Miriam Deborah Joy Diamond (University of Toronto (CA))
- Hannah Dies (McMaster University)
- Jens Dilling (TRIUMF/ University of British Columbia)
Christopher DiLoreto
(University of Windsor)
- Speaker at Surface-Enhanced Quantum Control
- Chris F. Dimas (Spectral Applied Research)
- Matt Dobbs (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- J. Steven Dodge (Simon Fraser University)
- Ian D'Souza (COM DEV International Systems)
- Ismaël Duchesne (Laval University)
- Antoine Dumont (York University)
- Michelle Dunlop (U)
- Esmat Elhami (U)
Jonathan R. Ellis
- Speaker at The Higgs Boson and Beyond
- Hussein Esam (University of Regina)
- Camille Estienne (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik)
- Fazel Fallah Tafti (U)
- Jennifer Fallis (TRIUMF)
- nasim fatemighomi (Queen's University)
- Wojtek Fedorko (University of British Columbia)
- Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta)
- Paul Finlay (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Paul Francois (McGill University)
Mariana Frank
(Concordia University)
- Speaker at Supersymmetry after the LHC data
- James Fraser (Queen's University)
- Jeff Frimeth (Xspect Inc.)
- Barbara Frisken (Simon Fraser University)
Makoto Fujiwara
- Speaker at ALPHA
- Eduardo Galiano (Laurentian University)
Ion Garate
(Université de Sherbrooke)
- Speaker at Phonon-induced topological insulation
- Adam Garnsworthy (TRIUMF)
- Zoltan Gecse (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Marie-Lou Gendron Marsolais (Université de Montréal)
- Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)
- Alexandros Gezerlis (University of Guelph)
- Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Matthew Gignac (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Michel Gingras (University of Waterloo)
Florian Girelli
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at An overview of Loop Quantum Gravity
- Michel Godin
- Lyudmila Goncharova (T)
Gabriela González
(Louisiana State University)
- Speaker at Opening the gravitational wave window
Stefania Gori
- Speaker at Higgs: theory review
Gilad Gour
- Speaker at Quantum Resource Theories
kevin graham
- Speaker at EXO-WIPP
Darren Grant
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at ICECUBE
- Pascal Grégoire (Université de Montréal)
- Sean Griffin (McGill University)
- Douglas Grzetic (University of Guelph)
- Aimee K. Gunther (University of Waterloo)
- Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University)
Aksel Hallin
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at The DEAP 3600 Dark Matter Detector
- Kenji Hamano (University of Victoria)
David Hanna
(McGill University)
- Speaker at VERITAS
- Benjamin Hatton (U Toronto)
- Peter Hayman (Carleton University)
Christopher Hearty
(University of British Columbia/IPP)
- Speaker at BaBar
- Speaker at Belle-II: searching for new physics in the heavy flavor sector
- Frank Hegmann (University of Alberta)
- Steffen Henkelmann (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Heike Herper (Uppsala university, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Anthony Hillairet (University of Victoria)
- Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF)
Gil Holder
- Speaker at Future Directions in Cosmology
- Marie-Andrée Houle (INRS)
Peter Hoyer
(University of Calgary)
- Speaker at Quantum computing
- Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba)
- Garth Huber (University of Regina)
- Glenn Hussey (University of Saskatchewan)
- Véronique Hussin (U)
- Mark Ilton (McMaster University)
Christopher Jackson
(Université de Montréal)
- Speaker at Searching for Dark Matter with PICASSO
- Gordon James (CSA David Florida Laboratory)
Matthew Johnson
- Speaker at Early Universe Cosmology
Wang Jui-Jen
(University of New Mexico)
- Speaker at In Situ Optical Calibration of MiniCLEAN
- Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)
- Katerina Katsika (TRIUMF)
Achim Kempf
- Speaker at Quantum gravity on a quantum computer?
- Pouya Khaghani
- William E. Kieser (Physics, University of Ottawa)
Young-June Kim
- Speaker at Local moments in iron-based superconductors
- Joseph Peter Kinghorn-Taenzer (University of Toronto (CA))
- Wyatt Kirkby (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Robin Kleiv (University of the Fraser Valley)
- David Knudsen (University of Calgary)
Allison Kolly
(University of Winnipeg)
- Speaker at To Infinity and Back
Jory Korobanik
(Brock University)
- Speaker at Magnetic Properties of GeFe2O4 Spinel
Carsten Krauss
- Speaker at PICASSO-PICO
Reiner Kruecken
- Speaker at TRIUMF Scientific Director Report
- Speaker at The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) at TRIUMF
Hari Kunduri
(Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University)
- Speaker at Black Holes in the Extreme
- Matthieu Lafrenière Poisson (Laboratoire René J.A. Lévesque, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada)
- Jolanta B. Lagowski (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Mathieu Laliberté (I)
Gaëtan Landry
(Dalhousie University)
- Speaker at The Generalized Gell-Mann--Okubo Formalism
- Johannes Lang (II. Physikalisches Insitut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen)
- Michael Lang (The University of Winnipeg, The University of Manitoba)
- Nathaniel Lasry (John Abbott College, Montreal)
- Mathieu Laurin (PICO / Université de Montréal)
- R. J. LeClair (Laurentian University)
- Katherine Légaré (Université de Sherbrooke)
- C. Danielle Leonard (University of Oxford)
- Jaan Lepson (University of California, Berkeley)
Debbie Leung
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at The little we know about quantum nonlocality
Randy Lewis
(York University)
- Speaker at The long arm of the lattice
- Gang Li (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Laura Liao (Ryerson University)
- Aaron Arthur Liblong (University of Toronto (CA))
- Caio Licciardi (Carleton University)
- Gang Liu (HPCVL, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
- Renjie Liu (Lakehead University)
- David London (Universite de Montreal)
Ernest Ma
(University of California, Riverside)
- Speaker at Neutrino Theory Impacts
- Cole MacDonald (University of Ottawa)
- Joseph Maciejko (Princeton University)
- Ian MacKay (University of Guelph)
Richard MacKenzie
- Speaker at Tunneling and domain walls
- Kendall Mahn (TRIUMF)
Hassan Mallahzadeh
(University of Calgary)
- Speaker at A cavity-enhanced waveguide quantum memory
- Russell Mammei (The University of Winnipeg)
- Chris M. Mangiardi (Laurentian University)
Robert Mann
- Speaker at Quantum Control of Wave-Particle Duality
- Speaker at The Everyday Phenomena of Black Hole Chemistry
Richard Marchand
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at Wake modes in a supersonic flow
Louis Marchildon
(Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres)
- Speaker at Why I am not a QBist
- Robin Marjoribanks (U)
Chen Mark
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at SNO+
- Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg (Physics) and Manitoba (Radiology, Physics & Astronomy))
- Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)
- James Martin (University of Waterloo)
Eduardo Martin-Martinez
(Institute for Quantum Computing and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Speaker at Sustainable entanglement farming in quantum optics and beyond
- Speaker at The Echo of the Early Universe
- Mercedes Martinson (University of Saskatchewan)
- Muhammad Raj Masud (University of Alberta)
- Mark Matsen (University of Waterloo)
- Giuliani Maximiliano (University of Guelph)
A. D. May
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- Mark Mccrea (University of Manitoba)
Thomas McElroy
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Garrin Mcgoldrick (University of Toronto (CA))
- Scott Menary (York University)
- Morgan E Mercredi (University of Manitoba)
- Ralf Meyer (Laurentian University)
- David Miles (University of Alberta)
- Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia)
- Pitam Mitra (University of Alberta)
- Amirreza Moini (University of Windsor)
- Graeme Morgan (U)
- David Morrissey (TRIUMF)
- Michael Morrow (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Mohamad Moukaddam
- Speaker at First in-beam test of SPICE
Oussama Moutanabbir
(Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
- Speaker at Atomistic Studies of Semiconductor Nanowires
- Christopher Murray (L)
- Jordan Myslik (University of Victoria)
- Corina Nantais (U)
Rumila Narraidoo Ramiah
(Research in Public Health)
- Speaker at Stellar Physics
- Ashwin Nayak (University of Waterloo)
Keith Ng
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at Unruh-Dewitt detectors and AdS Black Holes
- Ye Ning (University of New Brunswick, Physics Department)
- Sarah Nowicki (University of Alberta)
- Ian Michael Nugent (RWTH-Aachen)
- Jean-Michel Nunzi (Queen's University)
- Gerald Oakham (Carleton University (CA))
(brock university-physics department)
- Speaker at Ge:Mn Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
- Duncan O'Dell (M)
- Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))
- Mike Oliver (Health Sciences North)
Marius Oltean
(McGill University)
- Speaker at Cosmological Perturbations in Antigravity
Dugan O'Neil
(SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Speaker at Compute Canada-Upcoming Competition
- Speaker at NSERC SAP ES Chair's Report
- Michael O'Neill (CAP - PAC)
- Marvellous Onuma-Kalu (University of Waterloo)
- Sheldon Opps (Associate Professor in Physics at UPEI)
- Scott Oser (University of British Columbia)
- Solomon Akaraka Owerre (University of Montreal)
- isil ozfidan (U)
- Shelley Page (University of Manitoba)
William Page
(University of British Columbia)
- Speaker at Data Acquisition for SuperCDMS-SNOLAB
- Toplal Pandey (Department of Physics, Laurentian University)
- Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina)
Guillaume Paradis
(Université Laval)
- Speaker at Can bacterial filaments regrow ?
- Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal)
- Jason Park (University of British Columbia/TRIUMF)
Paradorn Pasuthip
- Speaker at Characterization of DEAP-3600 PMTs
Steve Patitsas
- Speaker at Thermodynamic Induction
David Pearson
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at A Little Physics Goes a Long Way
- Ue-Li Pen (University of Toronto, CITA)
Tami Pereg-Barnea
(McGill University)
- Speaker at Spin-orbit coupling + Interaction = ?
- Jayanayana Perera
- Robert Peters (McMaster University)
- Harald Pfeiffer (CITA, University of Toronto)
- Giampa Pietro (Queen's University)
- Elder Pinzon (Y)
- Réjean Plamondon (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
- Arthur Plante (Université de Montréal)
- Ruslan Podviyanuk (Laurentian University)
- Alan Poon (Berkeley Lab)
- Glen Pridham (U)
- Nikolas Provatas (McGill University)
- Christopher Pugh (Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Russell Putnam (University of Windsor)
- Nicolas Quesada (University of Toronto)
Jeffrey Quilliam
(Université de Sherbrooke)
- Speaker at New Routes to Quantum Spin Liquid Physics
- Arun Ramachandran (University of Toronto)
Chitra Rangan
- Speaker at PEARL at the University of Windsor
- Robert Rankin (U)
- Amany Raslan (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Trent University, Peterborough Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B8)
Wolfgang Rau
(for the SuperCDMS Collaboration)
- Speaker at SuperCDMS
- Speaker at Dark Matter Search with SuperCDMS
- Jeffrey Rau (University of Toronto)
- Luca Razzari (INRS-EMT)
- Lori Rebenitsch (University of Winnipeg/University of Manitoba)
- Mahmoud Reda (CanadElectrochim)
- Steven Rehse (University of Windsor)
- Matthew Reid (University of Northern BC)
- ELHAM REZASOLTANI (Montreal University)
- Adam Ritz (University of Victoria)
Usman Rizwan
(Simon Fraser University)
- Speaker at GRIFFIN Detector Acceptance Tests
Steven Robertson
- Speaker at Belle II
- Speaker at Latest results from the B factories
Alan Robinson
(University of Chicago)
- Speaker at PICO - Bubble Chambers for Dark Matter
Michael Roney
(University of Victoria)
- Speaker at IPP Director's Report & Council Election Results
- Speaker at Message on behalf of the Institute of Particle Physics
- Speaker at Discussion: IPP Priorities and Inititatives - Summary
- Speaker at Introduction
Michael Roney
(BABAR Collaboration/University of Victoria)
- Speaker at Summary
- Sjoerd Roorda (U)
- Connie Roth (Emory University)
- Patrick Rourke (National Research Council Canada)
- Bruce Rout (Astronomical Teacher Training Institute)
- Matthew Scott Rudolph (University of Toronto (CA))
- Janet Rumleskie (Laurentian University)
- Nazanin Samadi (U)
- Ruben Sandapen (Université de Moncton)
- Joseph Sanderson (University Waterloo)
- Jack Sankey (McGill University)
- Andranik Sarkissian (P)
- François Schiettekatte (Université de Montréal)
Doug Schouten
- Speaker at Higgs Particle Searches with ATLAS
- Mark Scott (TRIUMF)
- Robert Seddon (McGill University)
- Peter Seidl (LBNL)
- Andrei Semenov
- Andrew Senchuk (University of Manitoba)
- Erin Shelton (University of Guelph)
- Yunlong Sheng (Université Laval)
Matthew Shepherd
(Indiana University)
- Speaker at Recent Results from the BESIII Experiment
- Kyle Shiells (U)
Brian Shuve
(Perimeter Institute & McMaster University)
- Speaker at Shedding New Light on Sterile Neutrinos
- Carlos Silva (Université de Montréal)
- John Sipe (Department of Physics, University of Toronto)
Nigel Smith
- Speaker at SNOLAB Director's Report
- Speaker at Deep Underground Physics: the SNOLAB Science Programme
Alexander Smith
- Speaker at Particle Detectors as Topological Probes
Randy Sobie
(University of Victoria (CA))
- Speaker at HEPNET
- Thomas Sonley (Q)
- Adam Sookdeo (University of Ottawa)
- Krzysztof Starosta (Simon Fraser University)
- Patrick St-Onge (Université Laval)
Robert Style
(Yale University)
- Speaker at Surface tension effects in soft composites
- Benjamin Sussman (National Research Council)
- Christopher Sutherland (U)
Mark Sutton
- Speaker at History of X-ray Diffraction in Canada
- Juris Svenne (University of Manitoba)
- Carl Svensson (University of Guelph)
Hirohisa A. Tanaka
(University of British Columbia)
- Speaker at T2K
James E. Taylor
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at Dark Matter: What Do We Know From Cosmology?
Richard Teuscher
(University of Toronto (CA))
- Speaker at ATLAS
- Robert Thacker (S)
Joseph Thywissen
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at Spin transport in a unitary Fermi gas
- Collin Tiessen (U)
- John Tatini Titantah (University of Western Ontario)
laura toppozini
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at The structure of cholesterol in lipid rafts
André-Marie Tremblay
(Université de Sherbrooke)
- Speaker at Life of a theorist without a small parameter
Stephen Trentalange
(University of California at Los Angeles)
- Speaker at Studying the Proton Spin at RHIC
- Brigitte Vachon (McGill University (CA))
- Sree Ram Valluri (University of Western Ontario)
- Bryan van der Ende (A)
- Jacobus Van Nieuwkoop (SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
Mark Van Raamsdonk
(University of British Columbia)
- Speaker at Gravity and Entanglement
- Charles Varin (Université d'Ottawa)
- Andrei Venter
- Fiorenzo Vetrone (INRS-EMT, Université du Québec)
- Simon Viel (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Alain Villeneuve (Genia Photonics)
- Stephane Virally (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
Clarence Virtue
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at HALO
- Speaker at Neutrinos at SNOLAB: SNO+ and HALO
- Philip J. Voss (Simon Fraser University)
- Vincent Wanie (INRS-EMT/ALLS)
Mark Ward
- Speaker at DEAP-3600 Argon Process Systems
- Stephen Albert Weber (Carleton University (CA))
- Jonathan Williams (Simon Fraser University)
- Mark W.B. Wilson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Murray Wilson (McMaster University)
Tania Wood
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at IceCube Detector Efficiency with Muons
- Eric Woolgar (University of Alberta)
- Alex Wright (Q)
Chijin Xiao
(Univ. of Saskatchewan)
- Speaker at Dense Plasma Focus for Isotopes Activation
- Li-Hong Xu (University of New Brunswick)
- Celina Yang
- Fei-Chi Yang (McMaster University)
- Andrew Yau (University of Calgary)
Itay Yavin
(Perimeter Institute)
- Speaker at Review of Canadian Theory Activities
Anand Yethiraj
(Memorial University)
- Speaker at Dynamics of field-driven colloids
Viktor Zacek
(Université de Montréal)
- Speaker at State of the Art of Searches for Dark Matter
- Hai-Jun Zhou (Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences)