Peter Seidl
A novel linear induction accelerator, the Neutralized Drift Compression eXperiment-II (NDCX-II), is currently being used at Berkeley Lab to explore intense beam physics and intense-beam material interactions. For the latter topic, fluences range from overlapping cascades of lattice disorder to eventually heating solids to ~1 eV on a timescale similar to the hydrodynamic expansion. This accelerator is designed to deliver intense (up to 3x10^11 ions/pulse), 1 to ~600 ns duration pulses of 0.13 to 1.2 MeV lithium ions at a rate of about 2 pulses per minute onto 1 to 10 mm scale target areas. At lower beam power densities, the short excitation pulse with tunable intensity and time profile enables pump-probe type studies of defect dynamics in a broad range of materials. We briefly describe the accelerator concept and design, present results from beam pulse shaping experiments and discuss examples of pump-probe type studies of defect dynamics using Li+ ions.
Peter Seidl
Andrew M. Minor
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley)
Arun Persaud
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Hua Guo
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Peter Hosemann
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley)
Thomas Schenkel
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
William L. Waldron
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)