936 / 936
- Matthew Abernathy (LIGO/Caltech)
- Hass Abouzeid (University of Toronto (CA))
- Jean-Claude Adam (CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Mohammad Ahmady (Mount Allison University)
- Aida Ahmadzadegan (University of Waterloo)
Belal Ahmed
(University of Northern BC)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
- Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)
Carole Aimé
(Laboratory for Condensed Matter Chemistry of Paris)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
Charlie Akers
(University of York)
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Charlie Akers (TRIUMF / U. York)
Claire Albert
(Laboratory for Condensed Matter Chemistry of Paris)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
- Justin Albert (University of Victoria (CA))
- Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Murray Alexander (University of Winnipeg)
- Quincy Alexander (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Karen Allahverdyan (Laval University)
- Ahmad Almudallal (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Ali S. Alnaser (Physics Department, American University of Sharjah)
Richard Alsop
- Author in Aspirin Reorganizes the Lipid Membrane
- Chanpreet Amole (Q)
- Kenneth Amos (School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia)
- Yonathan Anahory (Université de Montréal)
- Taraneh Andalib (The University of Winnipeg)
Corina Andreoiu
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- C. Andreoiu (Simon Fraser University)
- Patrizio Antici (INRS)
- Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University, Toronto)
- Ani Aprahamian (The University of Notre Dame)
- Simon Archambault (M)
Jean-Francois Arguin
(Universite de Montreal (CA))
- Author in Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS
- Douglas Arion (Carthage College)
- Rachel Ashley (Simon Fraser University)
- Pandurang Ashrit (Université de MOncton)
- W. A. Atkinson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Trent University, Peterborough Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B8)
- Seth Aubin (College of William and Mary)
- Sayantan Auddy (Student)
- Patrick Audebert (LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Gurpreet Aulakh (University of Saskatchewan)
- Pantea Aurang (Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey and Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey)
- R. A. E. Austin (Saint Mary’s University)
- Francisco Avila (Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo and Laboratorio de Óptica, Universidad de Murcia)
- Georges Azuelos (Universite de Montreal (CA))
Arif Babul
- Author in Clusters for Cosmology
- Matilda Backholm (McMaster University)
- Lihui Bai (University of Manitoba)
- Arthur Bailey (SFU)
- Tessa Baker (University of Oxford)
- Marc A. Baldo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- G. C. Ball (TRIUMF)
Gordon Ball
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- T. Ballast (TRIUMF)
- Stéphane Bancelin (Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences)
Abeer Barasheed
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Paul Barclay (University of Calgary)
- Paul Bareil (Université Laval)
- Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University)
- Solomon Barkley (M)
- Francesco Barletta (CMÉC)
- Alina Jade Barnett (McMaster University)
- Jean Barrette (McGill University)
- Graeme Bart (Université d'Ottawa)
- Andrew Barton (Simon Fraser University)
- Bassey Bassey (University of Saskatchewan)
- Bassey Bassey (University of Saskatchewan)
- Shantanu Basu (Professor)
- Santiago Batista (University of Toronto (CA))
- Reginald Bauld (University of Western Ontario)
- Moungi G. Bawendi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Benjamin Baylis (University of Guelph)
- Catherine Beauchemin (Ryerson University)
Normand Beaudoin
(Université de Moncton)
- Co-author in The Generalized Gell-Mann--Okubo Formalism
- Samuel Beaulieu (INRS-EMT)
Alexandre Beaulieu
(University of Victoria)
- Author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
R.A. Behbahani
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Co-author in Dense Plasma Focus for Isotopes Activation
- John A. Behr (TRIUMF)
- Peter Beiersdorfer (LLNL)
- Laurent K. Béland (Université de Montréal)
- George Belev (Canadian Light Source)
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
Berta Beltran
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Francois Benard (BCCA)
P. C. Bender
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Co-author in Single particle structure and shapes of exotic Sr isotopes
- P. Bender (TRIUMF)
- Broerman Benjamin (Queen's University)
- John Bennest (Bennest Enterprises Ltd.)
Craig Bennett
(Dept. of Physics, Acadia University)
- Author in The CDW modulated structure of NbSe3
- Ghaouti Bentoumi (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Christopher Bergevin (York University)
- Pierre Berini (U)
- Sophie Berkman (University of British Columbia)
Simon Bernard
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Paul Bernhardt (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Nikita Bernier (TRIUMF)
- Florian Urs Bernlochner (University of Victoria (CA))
- Peter Bertone (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Antony Bertrand-Grenier (INRS)
- Sumanta Bhandary (Uppsala University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Divya Bhatnagar (University of Victoria)
Christopher P Bidinosti
(University of Winnipeg (Physics and Applied Computer Science) and University of Manitoba (Physics & Astronomy))
- Co-author in Atomic Magnetometry for Neutron EDM experiment at TRIUMF
- Co-author in Inferring Axon Diameter Sizes using Monte Carlo Simulations of Magnetic Resonance Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Sequences
- Co-author in Inferring sub-micron sizes using oscillating gradient diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging
- V. Bildstein (University of Guelph)
- B.E. Billinghurst (Canadian Light Source)
- Thomas S. Bischof (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Ewart Blackmore (TRIUMF)
- Kenneth Blahut (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada)
- Sébastien Blais-OUellette (Photon etc.)
- Ian Blokland (University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)
- Ian Blokland (University of Alberta)
- Matthew Bluteau (University of Strathclyde)
- Guy Boivin (Université Laval, CHUL)
Chris Bolton
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Joshua Bonatt (Queen's University)
- domenico bongiovanni (I)
Alexandre Bourassa
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Jean-Philippe Bourgoin (Institute for Quantum Computing)
Thomas Brabec
(Université d'Ottawa)
- Co-author in Femtosecond few-hundreds-of-keV electron pulses from direct laser acceleration in a low-density gas
- Co-author in Parallel MicPIC for first-principle analysis of light-matter interactions in solids
- Co-author in Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) microscopy of articular cartilage to image collagen modifications caused by osteoarthritis.
David Braid
(Laurentian University)
- Author in PMT Repairs for the SNO+ Experiment
Robert Brandenberger
(McGill University)
- Co-author in Cosmological Perturbations in Antigravity
- Barbara Brena (Uppsala University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Wilson Brenna (University of Waterloo)
- Mitchell Brocklebank (UWO)
- Avery Broderick (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Aharon Brodutch (Univesity of Waterloo)
- Cameron P. Brown (Botnar Research Center, Nuffield Departement of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford)
- Alex Brown (University of Alberta)
- G. V. Brown (LLNL)
- Yorke Brown (Dartmouth College)
- Eric Brown (University of Waterloo)
- Fritz Buchinger (McGill University)
Lothar Buchmann
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Ken Buckley (TRIUMF)
- Juan M. Bueno (Laboratorio de Óptica, Universidad de Murcia)
- Richard Buist (Radiology, University of Manitoba)
- Sergey Buldyrev (Yeshiva University)
- Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary)
- Maggie Burns (McGill University)
- Lori Burrows (McMaster University)
Michael Busuttil
(University of Windsor)
- Co-author in Critical Binding Conditions for Two-electron Atoms
- Michael Busuttil (University of Windsor)
Erica Caden
- Author in Calibrating the SNO+ Detector
- Shane Caldwell (Argonne National Laboratory/University of Chicago)
Reina Coromoto Camacho Toro
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Co-author in Global Sequantial Calibration of jets at ATLAS
Robyn Campbell
(Mount Allison University)
- Co-author in B to \rho transition form factors in AdS/QCD model.
- Co-author in Predicting the rare decay B → K∗μ+μ− in light-front QCD
- Melanie C.W. Campbell (Physics and Atronomy, School of Optometry and Guelph Waterloo Physics Institute, University of Waterloo)
- Kipp Cannon (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
- Luciano Canton (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucléare, Sezione di Padova, Padova I-35131, Italy)
- Gang Cao (University of Kentucky)
Vincent Cardin
(Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- Author in High energy OPA and few-cycle IR pulses
- Andrew J. Carr (Botnar Research Center, Nuffield Departement of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford)
- Kelly Cathcart (M)
- Viviana Cavaliere (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
- Cameron Cerasani (The University of Winnipeg)
- Clifford Champness (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., McGill University)
- Melanie Chanona (University of Waterloo)
- Mounir Chaouch (SEREX)
Dean Chapman
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Author in Biomedical Imaging Applications of X-Ray Diffraction
- Co-author in An energy dispersive bent Laue monochromator for K-edge subtraction imaging
- Co-author in Initial study on vertical electron beam phase space at the Canadian Light Source
- Co-author in Preliminary results of a Beam Expander for Biomedical Imaging
- Chris Charles (University of Ottawa)
- Chav Chhiv Chau (University of Toronto (CA))
- Ankur Chaudhuri (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Dimpal Chauhan (Queen's University)
- Racha Cheaib (McGill University)
- James R. Chelikowsky (University of Texas at Austin)
- Zhijiang Chen (University of Alberta)
- Po-Jui Chen (Y)
- Aaron Chester (Simon Fraser University Department of Chemistry)
- Aaron Chester (Simon Fraser University)
- C. L. Chien (Johns Hopkins University)
- Lily Childress (McGill University)
- Devika Chithrani (Ryerson University)
- Gennady Chitov (Department of Physics, Laurentian University)
Rhys Chouinard
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Gregory Christian (TRIUMF)
R. Ciurylo
(Nicolas Copernicus University)
- Co-author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- Patrick Clancy (University of Toronto)
- Michael Clark (Queen's University)
- Ian D. Clark (Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa)
- Jason Clark (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Ken Clark (University of Toronto)
- Dallas Clement (University of British Columbia)
- Joel Clementson (LLNL)
- Maxime Cloutier (Laboratory of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Department of Min-Met-Materials Engineering, Laval University & University Hospital Research, Quebec City, Canada)
- Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science)
- Gul Coban (Dokuz Eylul University)
- Robert Collister (University of Manitoba / TRIUMF)
Devin Connolly
(Colorado School of Mines)
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Devin Connolly (Colorado School of Mines)
Miles Constable
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Ashley Cook (University of Toronto)
Thibault Coradin
(Laboratory for Condensed Matter Chemistry of Paris)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
- Jack Cornett (University of Ottawa)
- R. Jack Cornett (Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa)
- Paulina Corona Ugalde (University of Waterloo-IQC)
- Sahin Coskun (Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey)
- Michel Côté (Université de Montréal)
- Claude Côté (PLASMIONIQUE Inc, 171B, 1650 boulevard Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, QC, J3X1S2)
- Laurence Coursol (McGill University)
- Charles-Andre Couture (INRS)
- Lucian Covaci (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
- Andres Covarrubias Jaramillo (U)
Michael Craddock
(University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
- Author in Erich Vogt – a Champion for Physics
- Co-author in Ge:Mn Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
- John Crawford (McGill University)
- Jason Crawford (TRIUMF)
- Charmainne Cruje (R)
- Steffen Cruz (University of British Columbia)
- J.R. Cunningham (Ret. Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta)
- Alex Cushley
- Olivier Cyr-Choinière (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Denis Dalidovich (P)
- Frederick Dallaire (Universite de Montreal (CA))
Kari Dalnoki-Veress
(McMaster University)
- Co-author in A single liquid on a homogeneous substrate can lead to quantized contact angles and running droplets
- Co-author in Active and passive properties of the microswimmer C. elegans
- Co-author in Collective Motion of Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Co-author in Diblock copolymer bridges: the break-up dynamics and enhanced stability of structured liquids
- Matthias Danninger (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Keshav Dasgupta (McGill University)
Arundhati Dasgupta
(University of Lethbridge)
- Author in Quantum Gravity and Accelerated Frames
- Barry Davids (TRIUMF)
Etienne Decencière
(Center for Morphological Mathematics of Fontainebleau)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
Sergey Dedyulin
(University of Western Ontario)
- Co-author in Medium energy ions for thin films and monolayers
- Alexander Degeling (University of Alberta)
- Ashkan Dehghan (McMaster University)
- Mark De Jong (Canadian Light Source)
Samuel Dejong
(University of Victoria)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- Adrian Del Maestro (University of Vermont)
Greg Demand
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- David Anthony Demarco (University of Toronto (CA))
Nils Deppe
(University of Winnipeg)
- Author in Critical Phenomena in Higher Dimensional Spherically Symmetric Gravity
- Co-author in To Infinity and Back
- Dennis Deppe (University of Central Florida)
- Pranawa Deshmukh (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai - 600036; Jain University, Bangalore - 560011, India.)
- Dakota Desjarlais (McGill University)
Elise Gaia Devoie
- Author in ATLAS Muon Chamber Ageing Studie
- Miriam Deborah Joy Diamond (University of Toronto (CA))
Alejandra Diaz Varela
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- A. Diaz Varela (University of Guelph)
- Hannah Dies (McMaster University)
- Hannah Dies (McMaster University)
- Bryson Dietz (University of Manitoba)
- Jens Dilling (TRIUMF/ University of British Columbia)
- Iris Dillmann (TRIUMF)
Christopher DiLoreto
(University of Windsor)
- Author in Surface-Enhanced Quantum Control
- Chris F. Dimas (Spectral Applied Research)
- Philippe Di Stefano (Queen's University)
- Matt Dobbs (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Matt Dobbs (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
- Maurice Dodd (TRIUMF)
- J. Steven Dodge (Simon Fraser University)
- Charles Doillon (Université laval)
- Thomas Domingo (Simon Fraser University)
- William Donnelly (University of Waterloo)
- Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)
- John Drozd (University of Western Ontario)
- Ian D'Souza (COM DEV International Systems)
- Ismaël Duchesne (Laval University)
- Antoine Dumont (York University)
- Michelle Dunlop (U)
- R. Dunlop (University of Guelph)
Ryan Dunlop
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- John Dutcher (University of Guelph)
- Luise Dziobek-Garrett (McGill University)
- Esmat Elhami (U)
Jonathan R. Ellis
- Author in The Higgs Boson and Beyond
- Laura Emptage (Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)
- Richard Epp (University of Waterloo)
- Olle Eriksson (Uppsala University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Hussein Esam (University of Regina)
- Gabriel Espinosa (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicola´s de Hidalgo)
Camille Estienne
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik)
- Co-author in Critical Binding Conditions for Two-electron Atoms
Lee J. Evitts
- Author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Tim Fal (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs)
- Fazel Fallah Tafti (U)
- Jennifer Fallis (TRIUMF)
- Giovanni Fanchini (The University of Western Ontario)
- nasim fatemighomi (Queen's University)
- Wojtek Fedorko (University of British Columbia)
- Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta)
- Jordan Feld (Toronto Western Hospital Liver Centre, Sandra Rotman Centre for Global Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
- Thomas Fennel (University of Rostock)
- Pedro Ferreira (University of Oxford)
Andrew Finlay
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Paul Finlay (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Sylvain Fourmaux (INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec)
- Cecile Fradin (McMaster University)
- Paul Francois (McGill University)
Mariana Frank
(Concordia University)
- Author in Supersymmetry after the LHC data
- James Fraser (Queen's University)
- Paul R. Fraser (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucléare, Sezione di Padova, Padova I-35131, Italy)
- Sabine Freisem (University of Central Florida)
Andrew Frey
(University of Winnipeg)
- Co-author in To Infinity and Back
- Daniel Friesen (University of Manitoba)
- Jeff Frimeth (Xspect Inc.)
- Jeffrey Frimeth (Sunnybrook Medical Centre)
- Barbara Frisken (Simon Fraser University)
- Chaoying Fu (McGill University)
- Arnold Gaertner (NRC (Institute for National Measurement Standards))
- Christopher Galbraith (Queen's University)
- Charles Gale (McGill University)
- Eduardo Galiano (Laurentian University)
- Mark Gallagher (Lakehead University)
- Tigran Galstian (Laval University)
- Angela Gamouras (Dalhousie University)
- Ion Garate (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Adam Garnsworthy (TRIUMF)
- A. B. Garnsworthy (TRIUMF)
- P. Garrett (University of Guelph)
Deng Gatjeng
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Zoltan Gecse (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Jean-Paul Geindre (LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Marie-Lou Gendron Marsolais (Université de Montréal)
- Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)
- Alexandros Gezerlis (University of Guelph)
- Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Matthew Gignac (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Harinderjit S. Gill (University of Bath)
- Robert Gillies (University of Calgary)
- Michel Gingras (University of Waterloo)
Florian Girelli
(University of Waterloo)
- Author in An overview of Loop Quantum Gravity
- Nicolas Godbout (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
- Marcelo Godin (Cancer Centre of Paraguay)
- Michel Godin
- Eduardo Gomez (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi)
- Lyudmila Goncharova (T)
Gabriela González
(Louisiana State University)
- Author in Opening the gravitational wave window
Pierre Gorel
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
Stefania Gori
- Author in Higgs: theory review
Gilad Gour
- Author in Quantum Resource Theories
- Kelly Gourdji (McGill University)
- kevin graham
Darren Grant
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Pascal Grégoire (Université de Montréal)
- Hlynur Gretarsson (University of Toronto)
- Sean Griffin (McGill University)
- G. F. Grinyer (Grand Acc´el´erateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL), CEA/DSM-CNRS/IN2P3)
- Douglas Grzetic (University of Guelph)
- Ming Feng Gu (UC Berkeley-SSL)
- Matthieu Guihard (Université de Montréal)
- Aimee K. Gunther (University of Waterloo)
- Hua Guo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Shaun Gupta
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Co-author in Global Sequantial Calibration of jets at ATLAS
Vibhu Gupta
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in Quantum chaotic behaviour of dynamical discord
Ivan Gusachenko
(Laboratory for Optics & Biosciences)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
- Carl Bryan Gwilliam (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba)
- Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba)
- Myklos Gyulassy (Columbia University)
Greg Hackman
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
Baharak Hadinia
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- B. Hadinia (University of Guelph)
Ulrike Hager
(Colorado School of Mines)
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Ulrike Hager (Colorado School of Mines)
- Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University)
Aksel Hallin
(University of Alberta)
- Author in The DEAP 3600 Dark Matter Detector
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Kenji Hamano (University of Victoria)
- Victoire Hanemaayer (TRIUMF)
Ian Hartley
(University of Northern BC)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
Faiyaz Hasan
(McMaster University)
- Co-author in Adiabatic transfer of light in a double cavity
- Benjamin Hatton (U Toronto)
- Pawel Hawrylak (national research council)
Edward Hayden
(Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Co-author in Dynamics of field-driven colloids
- Peter Hayman (Carleton University)
- Helen Hayward (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Christopher Hearty (University of British Columbia/IPP)
Morgan Hedges
(University of Calgary, (Current Affiliation: Princetion University))
- Co-author in A cavity-enhanced waveguide quantum memory
- Frank Hegmann (University of Alberta)
- Jeff Hein (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
Robert Henderson
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Steffen Henkelmann (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Anne Héron (CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Heike Herper (Uppsala university, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Sheryl L Herrera (University of Manitoba)
- Mahdi Hesari (The University of Western Ontario)
- Brendon Higgins (Institute for Quantum Computing)
- IAN G. Hill (Dalhousie University)
- Anthony Hillairet (University of Victoria)
Akira Hirose
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Co-author in Dense Plasma Focus for Isotopes Activation
- Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF)
- Benjamin P. Holder (Ryerson University)
Gil Holder
- Author in Future Directions in Cosmology
- Rolf Horn (University of Waterloo)
- Peter Hosemann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley)
- Marie-Andrée Houle (INRS)
Peter Hoyer
(University of Calgary)
- Author in Quantum computing
- Liviu Hozoi (IFW Dresden)
- Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba)
- Xiang Huang (Marianopolis College)
- Glenn Hussey (University of Saskatchewan)
- Véronique Hussin (U)
Dave Hutcheon
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Paul Hyde (University of Manitoba)
- Heide Ibrahim (INRS-EMT/ALLS)
- Ahmed Ibrahim (McGill)
- Mark Ilton (McMaster University)
Tetsuya Inagaki
(Nagoya University, Japan)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
- Zahir Islam (Argonne National Laboratory)
Tatsuo Izawa
(Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Co-author in Dynamics of field-driven colloids
Christopher Jackson
(Université de Montréal)
- Author in Searching for Dark Matter with PICASSO
- Gordon James (CSA David Florida Laboratory)
- H. Gordon James (CRC Ottawa)
- H. Gordon James (University of Calgary)
- D. Jamieson (University of Guelph)
Erika Janitz
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Thomas Jennewein (Institute for Quantum Computing)
Erik Jensen
(University of Northern BC)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
Eddy Ji
(University of British Columbia)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- Yang Ji (Queen's University)
- Xi Jiang (University of Lancaster)
Badamsambuu Jigmeddorj
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Sarah Johnson (Simon Fraser University)
Matthew Johnson
- Author in Early Universe Cosmology
Wang Jui-Jen
(University of New Mexico)
- Author in In Situ Optical Calibration of MiniCLEAN
- Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)
- Venkataramaniah Kamisetty (Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning)
- Steven Karataglidis (Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, P.O. Box 524 Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa)
- Mikko Karttunen (Department of Chemistry & Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
- Shitikanth Kashyap (University of Waterloo)
- Katerina Katsika (TRIUMF)
- Vamshi Katukuri (IFW Dresden)
- W Kedzierski (University of Windsor)
- Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto)
- Achim Kempf (U)
- Shaun Kerr (University of Alberta)
Steffen Ketelhut
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Pouya Khaghani
- Wahidun Khanam (Concordia University)
- Jean-Claude Kieffer (INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec)
- William E. Kieser (Physics, University of Ottawa)
William Kieser
(University of Ottawa)
- Liam Kieser (University of Ottawa)
- Jungho Kim (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Youngjae Kim (Genia Photonics)
- Young-June Kim (U)
- Maxmillian King (MSc candidate in Physics at Brown University)
- Joseph Peter Kinghorn-Taenzer (University of Toronto (CA))
- Matt Kinley (McMaster University)
- Alison Kinross (Queen's University)
- Wyatt Kirkby (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Marsha L. Kisilak (Physics and Astronomy and School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo)
- Ken Klein (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Robin Kleiv (University of the Fraser Valley)
Andrew Knapton
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Collin Knight (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Anthony Knottenbelt (Spectral Applied Research)
- David Knudsen (University of Calgary)
- Piotr Kolenderski (Nicolaus Copernicus University)
Allison Kolly
(University of Winnipeg)
- Author in To Infinity and Back
- marek KORKUSINSKI (national Research Council)
Jory Korobanik
(Brock University)
- Author in Magnetic Properties of GeFe2O4 Spinel
Wolfram Korten
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Paul Kovacs (University of Toronto)
Robert Kowalewski
(University of Victoria)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- Kevin Krieger (University of Saskatchewan)
Reiner Kruecken
- Author in The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) at TRIUMF
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Co-author in Gamma-ray spectroscopy in the vicinity of $^{100}$Sn
- Co-author in Single particle structure and shapes of exotic Sr isotopes
- Norbert Kucerka (Canadian Neutron Beam Center)
Hari Kunduri
(Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University)
- Author in Black Holes in the Extreme
Gabor Kunstatter
(University of Winnipeg)
- Co-author in Critical Phenomena in Higher Dimensional Spherically Symmetric Gravity
- Co-author in To Infinity and Back
Leonid Kurchaninov
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Curtis Laamanen (Laurentian University)
- A. T. Laffoley (University of Guelph)
Alex Laffoley
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Raymond Laflamme (University of Waterloo)
- Matthieu Lafrenière Poisson (Laboratoire René J.A. Lévesque, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada)
- Jolanta B. Lagowski (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Alison Laird (University of York)
Alison Laird
(University of York)
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Jean-Benoit Lalanne (McGill University)
- Mathieu Laliberté (I)
- Hailey Lambe (MSc. candidate in Environmental Science at UPEI)
- Livia Lancia (S)
- Gaëtan Landry (Dalhousie University)
- Johannes Lang (II. Physikalisches Insitut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen)
- Michael Lang (The University of Winnipeg, The University of Manitoba)
- Richard Langley (University of New Brunswick)
Thamara Laredo
(Lakehead University)
- Daniel Lascar (Argonne National Laboratory/Northwestern University)
Nathaniel Lasry
(John Abbott College, Montreal)
- Co-author in Recent Developments in Physics Education in Canada.
- Mathieu Laurin (PICO / Université de Montréal)
- Jean-Francois Lavigne (Institut national d'optique)
Kimberly Lawyer
(University of Northern BC)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
- Jason Leblanc (CMÉC)
- R. J. LeClair (Laurentian University)
- Gyoungho Lee (Seoul National University)
- Ronald M. Lees (Univeristy of New Brunswick)
- Katherine Légaré (Université de Sherbrooke)
François Légaré
- Co-author in CARS microscopy of cancer cells in vitro and tumors in vivo.
- Co-author in Control of Electron Localization in Molecular Dissociation by a Midinfrared Two-Color Laser Field
- Co-author in High-Flux Table-Top Ultrafast Water Window X-Ray Source Driven By Mid-IR Laser Pulses
- Co-author in Interferometric Second Harmonic Generation imaging of biological tissues
- Co-author in Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) microscopy of articular cartilage to image collagen modifications caused by osteoarthritis.
- C. Danielle Leonard (University of Oxford)
- Richard Leonelli (Université de Montréal)
- Jaan Lepson (University of California, Berkeley)
- J.R. Leslie (Queen’s University)
- Debbie Leung (University of Waterloo)
- Anthony Levand (Argonne National Laboratory)
Randy Lewis
(York University)
- Author in The long arm of the lattice
Marek Lewitowicz
- Co-author in Gamma-ray spectroscopy in the vicinity of $^{100}$Sn
- Jun li (University of science and technology China)
- Gang Li (Argonne National Laboratory/McGill University)
- Liqian Li (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Gang Li (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Hang Li (Tsinghua University)
- Laura Liao (Ryerson University)
- Aaron Arthur Liblong (University of Toronto (CA))
- Lothar Lilge (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto)
- Ted Litherland (Physics, University of Toronto)
- Igor V. Litvinyuk (Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University)
W.-K. Liu
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- Gang Liu (HPCVL, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
- Renjie Liu (Lakehead University)
Sébastien Lord
(Université de Moncton)
- Co-author in B to \rho transition form factors in AdS/QCD model.
- Co-author in Predicting the rare decay B → K∗μ+μ− in light-front QCD
- Valérie Losier (McGill University)
Gavin Lotay
(University of Surrey)
- Co-author in Nuclear astrophysics with DRAGON
- Dawei Lu (University of Waterloo)
Thomas Lueck
(University of Victoria)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Graeme Luke
(McMaster University)
- Co-author in Muon Spin Rotation Investigation of Doped IrTe_2
- Andreea Lupascu (University of Toronto)
Ernest Ma
(University of California, Riverside)
- Author in Neutrino Theory Impacts
- Cole MacDonald (University of Ottawa)
Vaia Machairas
(Center for Morphological Mathematics of Fontainebleau)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
- Joseph Maciejko (Princeton University)
- Ian MacKay (University of Guelph)
- Richard MacKenzie (U)
- A. MacLean (University of Guelph)
Vaibhav Madhok
(Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Co-author in Quantum chaotic behaviour of dynamical discord
- Kendall Mahn (TRIUMF)
- Hassan Mallahzadeh (University of Calgary)
- Russell Mammei (The University of Winnipeg)
- Russell Mammei (The University of Winnipeg)
David Mandurs
(University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Muon Spin Rotation Investigation of Doped IrTe_2
- Chris M. Mangiardi (Laurentian University)
Robert Mann
- Author in Quantum Control of Wave-Particle Duality
- Author in The Everyday Phenomena of Black Hole Chemistry
- Co-author in Angular Momentum Conservation in the Earth-Moon System: A Quasilocal Approach
- Co-author in Mass and Thermodynamic Relations for Lifshitz Symmetric Black Holes
- Co-author in Mode invisibility and single-photon detetction
- Co-author in Particle Detectors as Topological Probes
- Co-author in Relativistic enhancement of quantum optical metrology
- Co-author in The Continuum Limit of the Unruh Effect in a Cavity
- Co-author in Towards Simulating Relativistic Quantum Field Theory in Circuit QED
- Co-author in Unruh-Dewitt detectors and AdS Black Holes
- Diego Mantovani (Laboratory of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Department of Min-Met-Materials Engineering, Laval University & University Hospital Research, Quebec City, Canada)
- Vincent Marceau (Université Laval)
Richard Marchand
(University of Alberta)
- Author in Wake modes in a supersonic flow
- Michel Marcheterre (CMÉC)
Louis Marchildon
(Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres)
- Author in Why I am not a QBist
- Robin Marjoribanks (U)
Luc Marleau
(Université Laval)
- Co-author in Tunneling and domain walls
- Scott Marley (The University of Notre Dame)
- Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg (Physics) and Manitoba (Radiology, Physics & Astronomy))
- François Martin (INRS)
- Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)
- James Martin (University of Waterloo)
Jean-Pierre Martin
(Université de Montréal)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Eduardo Martin-Martinez
(Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada)
- Co-author in Mode invisibility and single-photon detetction
Eduardo Martin-Martinez
(Institute for Quantum Computing and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Author in Sustainable entanglement farming in quantum optics and beyond
- Author in The Echo of the Early Universe
- Co-author in Relativistic enhancement of quantum optical metrology
- Co-author in Toward universal relativistic quantum computing
- Co-author in Towards Simulating Relativistic Quantum Field Theory in Circuit QED
Eduardo Martín-Martínez
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in The Continuum Limit of the Unruh Effect in a Cavity
Mercedes Martinson
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Author in Preliminary results of a Beam Expander for Biomedical Imaging
- Co-author in An energy dispersive bent Laue monochromator for K-edge subtraction imaging
- Co-author in Biomedical Imaging Applications of X-Ray Diffraction
- Co-author in Initial study on vertical electron beam phase space at the Canadian Light Source
- Muhammad Raj Masud (University of Alberta)
- Reuble Mathew (Dalhousie University)
- Mark Matsen (University of Waterloo)
- Mark Matsen (University of Waterloo)
Thomas Mattison
(University of British Columbia)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Ruf Maximilian
(LMU Munich)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Giuliani Maximiliano (University of Guelph)
A. D. May
(University of Toronto)
- Author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- J W McConkey (University of Windsor)
F.R.W. McCourt
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- Mark Mccrea (University of Manitoba)
- Nancy McDonald (Laurentian University)
Thomas McElroy
(University of Alberta)
- Author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
- Garrin Mcgoldrick (University of Toronto (CA))
- Paul McGrath (University of Waterloo)
- Jeffrey McGuirk (Simon Fraser University)
Janis McKenna
(Univeristy of British Columbia)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Chris McNally
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Kathryn McWilliams (University of Saskatchewan)
Teresa Medina
(McMaster University)
- Co-author in Muon Spin Rotation Investigation of Doped IrTe_2
Sebastiaan Meenderink
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Co-author in Slow to hear: Traveling waves on the eardrum
- Andrew Mehta (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Scott Menary (York University)
- Jason Mercer (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Morgan E Mercredi (University of Manitoba)
- Morgan E Mercredi (University of Manitoba)
- Ralf Meyer (Laurentian University)
- Mauro Migliorati (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
Marek Mihalkovič
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in The CDW modulated structure of NbSe3
- David Miles (University of Alberta)
- D. Miller (TRIUMF)
David Miller
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
William j. Mills
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- B. Mills (TRIUMF)
- Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia)
- Andrew M. Minor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley)
- Daniel Mira Martinez (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
- Amir Miri (McGill)
- Pitam Mitra (University of Alberta)
- Mianzhen Mo (University of Alberta)
- Amirreza Moini (University of Windsor)
- M. Mollabashi (Iran University of Science and Technology)
- Muralikrishna Molli (Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning)
- Luc Mongeau (McGill)
- Graeme Morgan (U)
- Michael Morrow (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Michele Mosca
(Institute for Quantum Computing and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Co-author in Easing the Transition of Physicists into Industry
- Robert Moscaritolo (University of Guelph)
- Benjamin Mossbarger (University of Toronto)
- Andrea Mostacci (Unknown)
Mohamad Moukaddam
- Author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Normand Mousseau (Université de Montréal)
- Oussama Moutanabbir (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
Tina Müller
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Matthew Mumpower (The University of Notre Dame)
Timothy Munsie
(McMaster University)
- Co-author in Muon Spin Rotation Investigation of Doped IrTe_2
- Kyle Murphy (University of Alberta)
- Christopher Murray (L)
- Jordan Myslik (University of Victoria)
- Patrick Nadeau (Queen's University)
- Corina Nantais (U)
Peter Narins
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Co-author in Slow to hear: Traveling waves on the eardrum
- Barry Narod (Narod Geophysics Ltd.)
Rumila Narraidoo Ramiah
(Research in Public Health)
- Author in Stellar Physics
Ahmed Nasr
(University of Northern BC)
- Co-author in Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas
- Ashwin Nayak (University of Waterloo)
- Andrew Ng (University of British Columbia)
- Keith Ng (University of Waterloo)
- John Nichols (University of Kentucky)
- Mischa Nicklaus (INRS)
- Ye Ning (University of New Brunswick, Physics Department)
- Co-author in Gamma-ray spectroscopy in the vicinity of $^{100}$Sn
- James Noel (UWO)
- Jean-Marc Noel (Royal Military College of Canada)
- Sarah Nowicki (University of Alberta)
- Ian Michael Nugent (RWTH-Aachen)
- Jean-Michel Nunzi (Queen's University)
- Andrew Nystrom (The University of Notre Dame)
- Gerald Oakham (Carleton University (CA))
(brock university-physics department)
- Author in Ge:Mn Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
- Daniel Oblak (University of Calgary)
- Duncan O'Dell (M)
- Elisabeth Oehlke (TRIUMF)
- Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))
- Mike Oliver (Health Sciences North)
- Marius Oltean (McGill University)
- Patrick O'Maley (Colorado School of Mines)
- Michael O'Neill (CAP - PAC)
- Marvellous Onuma-Kalu (University of Waterloo)
- Sheldon Opps (Associate Professor in Physics at UPEI)
- Rodney Orford (McGill University)
- Luis A. Orozco (University of Maryland)
- Scott Oser (University of British Columbia)
- Kazuto Otani (INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec)
- Solomon Akaraka Owerre (University of Montreal)
- isil ozfidan (U)
- Shelley Page (University of Manitoba)
William Page
(University of British Columbia)
- Author in Data Acquisition for SuperCDMS-SNOLAB
- Luigi Palumbo (INFN and Uni. Roma)
- Toplal Pandey (Department of Physics, Laurentian University)
- Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina)
Guillaume Paradis
(Université Laval)
- Author in Can bacterial filaments regrow ?
- Arun Paramekanti (University of Toronto, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)
Manu Paranjape
(Université de Montréal)
- Author in The Haldane-like spin chain in the large anisotropy limit
- Co-author in Phase transition of the escape rate in dimer model
- Co-author in Tunneling and domain walls
- Jason Park (University of British Columbia/TRIUMF)
- Sunyoung Park (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., McGill University)
- Miok Park (Sogang University)
- J. Park (TRIUMF)
Paradorn Pasuthip
- Author in Characterization of DEAP-3600 PMTs
Steve Patitsas
- Author in Thermodynamic Induction
- Nancy Paul (The University of Notre Dame)
- Matthew R, Pearson (TRIUMF)
- Christian Peltz (University of Rostock)
- Ue-Li Pen (University of Toronto, CITA)
- Henri Pépin (INRS)
Tami Pereg-Barnea
(McGill University)
- Author in Spin-orbit coupling + Interaction = ?
- Dmytro Perepichka (McGill University)
- Jayanayana Perera
- Adrian Perez Galvan (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Arun Persaud (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Robert Peters (McMaster University)
- Mihai Petrovici (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
- Christian Pfeffer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
- Harald Pfeiffer (CITA, University of Toronto)
- Michel Piché (Université Laval)
Bogdan Piciu
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Giampa Pietro (Queen's University)
- Lady Tatiana Pinilla (Université Laval, CHUQ-CHUL)
- Elder Pinzon (Y)
- Walter (Gualterio) Pisent (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucléare, Sezione di Padova, Padova I-35131, Italy)
Stephen Pistorius
- Co-author in Elements of Professional Practice for Physicists
- Réjean Plamondon (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
- Arthur Plante (Université de Montréal)
- Martin Plumer (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Ruslan Podviyanuk (Laurentian University)
- Alan Poon (Berkeley Lab)
- Konstantin Popov (University of Ottawa)
- Ekadashi Pradhan (Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta)
- Andrew J. Price (Botnar Research Center, Nuffield Departement of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford)
- Glen Pridham (U)
Albert Prodan
(Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
- Co-author in The CDW modulated structure of NbSe3
- Nikolas Provatas (McGill University)
- Christopher Pugh (Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Russell Putnam (University of Windsor)
- Robert Pywell (University of Saskatchewan)
- Zuoming Qian (University of Toronto)
- Nicolas Quesada (University of Toronto)
- Jeffrey Quilliam (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Stephen Quinn (Michigan State University / NSCL)
- A. J. Radich (University of Guelph)
- Ashkan Rahmani (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Simon Rainville
(Universite Laval)
- Co-author in Can bacterial filaments regrow ?
Mustafa M. Rajabali
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- M. M. Rajabali (TRIUMF)
- Arun Ramachandran (University of Toronto)
- Lora Ramunno (University of Ottawa)
Evan Rand
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- E. Rand (University of Guelph)
Chitra Rangan
- Author in PEARL at the University of Windsor
- Co-author in Surface-Enhanced Quantum Control
- Robert Rankin (U)
- Shanthi Rao (Jain University, Bangalore - 560011, India.)
- Amany Raslan (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Trent University, Peterborough Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B8)
Wolfgang Rau
(for the SuperCDMS Collaboration)
- Author in Dark Matter Search with SuperCDMS
Jeffrey Rau
(University of Toronto)
- Co-author in Correlated electron physics in quantum materials
Fereidoon Razavi
(Brock University)
- Author in Magnetic Properties of GeFe2O4 Spinel
- Luca Razzari (INRS-EMT)
- Lori Rebenitsch (University of Winnipeg/University of Manitoba)
- Mahmoud Reda (CanadElectrochim)
Steven Rehse
(University of Windsor)
- Author in An Undergraduate Degree Program at the University of Windsor for Students Interested in a Non-Academic Career in Medical Physics
- Co-author in Oscillator Strength Measurements in Lanthanides and Transition Metals Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Co-author in Recent Advances in the Measurement of Rare-Earth Metal Oscillator Strengths Using Laser-Induced Plasmas
- Matthew Reid (University of Northern BC)
Christoph Reinhardt
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
Laurent Rene de Cotret
(McGill University)
- Co-author in **WITHDRAWN** Laser-Enhanced Micromechanical Sensors
- Sebastien Rettie (Carleton University (CA))
- ELHAM REZASOLTANI (Montreal University)
- Reyhaneh Rezvani (Universite de Montreal (CA))
Maikel Rheinstadter
(McMaster University)
- Author in A structural basis for cholesterol inhibition of outer mitochondria membrane permeabilization
- Co-author in A series of fun and engaging first year physics videos: youtube.com/McMasterBiophysics
- Co-author in Age-Related Effects on the Interaction between Amyloid-Beta Peptides and Anionic Lipid Membranes
- Co-author in Aspirin Reorganizes the Lipid Membrane
- Co-author in Hierarchical, Self-Similar Structure in Native Squid Pen
- Co-author in The structure of cholesterol in lipid rafts
- Madison Rilling (McGill University)
- Adam Ritz (University of Victoria)
- Maxime Rivard (INRS)
Usman Rizwan
(Simon Fraser University)
- Author in GRIFFIN Detector Acceptance Tests
- Co-author in Development and Licensing of SFU Neutron Generator Facility
- Ken Roberts (University of Western Ontario)
Steven Robertson
- Author in Latest results from the B factories
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Alan Robinson
(University of Chicago)
- Author in PICO - Bubble Chambers for Dark Matter
Ronald Rogge
(Canadian Neutron Beam Center)
- Co-author in Neutron Tomography of Sealed Radioactive Materials
- Alex Rojas (TRIUMF)
Michael Roney
(BABAR Collaboration/University of Victoria)
- Author in Introduction
Michael Roney
(University of Victoria)
- Author in Discussion: IPP Priorities and Inititatives - Summary
- Author in Introduction
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
Sjoerd Roorda
- Author in Canadian Charged Particle Accelerator Consortium
- Author in Measurement of hyperuniformity in pure amorphous silicon
- Co-author in Ge:Mn Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
- Connie Roth (Emory University)
- Patrick Rourke (National Research Council Canada)
- Bruce Rout (Astronomical Teacher Training Institute)
- Matthew Scott Rudolph (University of Toronto (CA))
- Andreas Ruediger (INRS)
- Chris Ruiz (TRIUMF)
- Janet Rumleskie (Laurentian University)
- Thomas Ruth (TRIUMF/BCCA)
- Caleb Ryder (Michigan State University)
- Caleb Ryder (National Superconducting Laboratory, Michigan State University)
- William Ryu (University of Toronto)
- Juan Sabin (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Kush Saha
(Université de Sherbrooke)
- Co-author in Phonon-induced topological insulation
- Ivan Saika-Voivod (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Michael Saks (Rutgers University)
Nazanin Samadi
- Author in An energy dispersive bent Laue monochromator for K-edge subtraction imaging
- Author in Initial study on vertical electron beam phase space at the Canadian Light Source
- Co-author in Biomedical Imaging Applications of X-Ray Diffraction
- Co-author in Preliminary results of a Beam Expander for Biomedical Imaging
J. Sanchez-Fortun Stoker
(University of Regina)
- Co-author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
Ruben Sandapen
(Université de Moncton)
- Author in Predicting the rare decay B → K∗μ+μ− in light-front QCD
- Co-author in B to \rho transition form factors in AdS/QCD model.
- Co-author in The Generalized Gell-Mann--Okubo Formalism
- Joseph Sanderson (University Waterloo)
- Jack Sankey (McGill University)
- Biplab Sanyal (Uppsala University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- Arpit Saraf (INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec)
- Andranik Sarkissian (P)
- Guy Savard (Argonne National Laboratory/University of Chicago)
- Paul Schaffer (TRIUMF)
Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein
(Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences)
- Co-author in Correlative SHG/TEM imaging of collagen fibrils
- Kate Scheel (Simon Fraser University)
- Thomas Schenkel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jennifer M. Scherer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- François Schiettekatte (Université de Montréal)
- Darrell Schlom (Cornell University)
- Bruno E. Schmidt (INRS-EMT)
- Travis Schoepp (University of Alberta)
Doug Schouten
- Author in Higgs Particle Searches with ATLAS
- Rafael Schulman (McMaster University)
- Massimiliano Scisció (INFN and Uni. Rome)
- Mark Scott (TRIUMF)
- Robert Seddon (McGill University)
- Ralph Segel (Argonne National Laboratory/Northwestern University)
- Peter Seidl (LBNL)
- Andrei Semenov
- Andrew Senchuk (University of Manitoba)
- Ambrose Seo (University of Kentucky)
- M Shafiq (The University of Western Ontario)
- Aisha Shamas-Din (Department of Biochemistry McMaster University)
- Khodr Shamseddine (University of Manitoba)
D. Shapiro
(I.A.E. Novosibirsk)
- Co-author in Spectral Line Shapes: a Paradigm Shift
- Kumar Sharma (University of Manitoba)
- Erin Shelton (University of Guelph)
- Kyle Shen (Cornell University)
- Yunlong Sheng (Université Laval)
- Matthew Shepherd (Indiana University)
- An-Chang Shi (McMaster University)
- Kyle Shiells (U)
- Ishiang Shih (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., McGill University)
- Bruce Shore (McGill)
Brian Shuve
(Perimeter Institute & McMaster University)
- Author in Shedding New Light on Sterile Neutrinos
- Kevin Siegl (The University of Notre Dame)
Carlos Silva
(Université de Montréal)
- Author in Ultrafast dynamics of a polariton gas in organic-semiconductor Fabry-Perot microcavities
- Co-author in The influence of molecular interface modification on the charge dynamics of polymeric semiconductor / ZnO heterostructure
- Co-author in Ultrafast relaxation of exciton-polaritons in organic microcavities
- Luis Silva (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
- Marina Silva-Opps (Associate Professor in Biology at UPEI)
- Peter Sinclair (Spectral Applied Research)
- John Sipe (Department of Physics, University of Toronto)
- Nigel Smith (SNOLab)
Alexander Smith
- Author in Particle Detectors as Topological Probes
- Mandana Sobhanzadeh (University of Calgary)
Randy Sobie
(University of Victoria (CA))
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- George Sofko (University of Saskatchewan)
Mirzaee Somayeh
(Queen's University)
- Co-author in Ultimate efficiency nonlinear-optical solar cells
- Gao Song (University of New Brunswick)
- Thomas Sonley (Q)
- Adam Sookdeo (University of Ottawa)
- Byron Southern (University of Manitoba)
- Artemis Spyrou (Michigan State University / NSCL)
Nikolai Starinski
(Université de Montréal)
- Co-author in Belle-II calorimeter endcap upgrade
- Krzysztof Starosta (Simon Fraser University)
- Pawel Stasiak (University of Reading)
- Thomas Steele (University of Saskatchewan)
Bernd Stelzer
- Co-author in ATLAS Muon Chamber Ageing Studie
Oliver Stelzer-Chilton
- Co-author in ATLAS Muon Chamber Ageing Studie
- Matthew Sternberg (Argonne National Laboratory/University of Chicago)
- Hermann Stoll (University of Stuttgart)
- Patrick St-Onge (Université Laval)
- Laurel Stothers (McGill University)
- Christopher Stubbs (Harvard University)
- Robert Style (Yale University)
- Don Sullivan (University of Guelph)
- Youhai Sun (McMaster University)
- Bhaskar Sur (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Rebecca Surman (Union College)
- Christopher Sutherland (U)
Mark Sutton
- Author in History of X-ray Diffraction in Canada
- Juris Svenne (University of Manitoba)
- C. E. Svensson (University of Guelph)
Carl Svensson
(University of Guelph)
- Author in Superallowed Fermi Beta Decay Studies at TRIUMF-ISAC
- Co-author in First in-beam test of SPICE
- Michael Tandecki (TRIUMF (CA))
Jian Tang
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in DEAP-3600 Light Guide Bonding
Robert Tang
(Laurentian University)