Third Workshop on Current Challenges in Cosmology

Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica (Campus Central UIS)

Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica

Campus Central UIS

Universidad Industrial de Santander
Alejandro Guarnizo (Universidad Antonio Nariño), Cesar A. Valenzuela-Toledo (Departamento de Física, Universidad del Valle), Juan Pablo Beltran (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Leonardo Castañeda Colorado (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Luz Ángela García (Universidad ECCI), Yeinzon Rodríguez García

The main objective of this third edition of a workshop on current challenges in cosmology is to discuss several topics in Cosmology, from both theoretical and numerical approaches. Roughly speaking, the topics of discussion can be classified in the following subjects:

  • Inflation and the early Universe; gravitational waves,
  • Statistics, Weak Lensing and Large-Scale Structure,
  • Dark energy and modified gravity.


The workshop is intended to facilitate communication and discussion among researchers, to promote future collaborations and to boost the work of local research groups in theoretical and data-driven cosmology. Along with plenary talks, there will also be discussion sessions aimed to provoke debate and stimulate collaborative work among the participants. The list of invited speakers was designed with the purpose of bringing together a group of researchers with a well known long term trajectory, jointly with a group of young authors with an important progression in their careers during the latest years and with a remarkable academic production in the interest subjects of the workshop.


