The significance of the remote debugging capability cannot be overstated when it comes to separating the urgency of FPGA-based hardware deployment from the maturity of firmware design. Furthermore, the importance of sensor monitoring in the success of complex systems like TDAQ in high-energy physics experiments is evident, even though it presents fewer challenges compared to the TDAQ system itself. The integration and processing of data from diverse sensors remain a critical focus.
This research introduces an innovative solution known as the "Decoupler," specifically designed to address key challenges in FPGA-based systems, especially during the initial stages of firmware development and sensor monitoring.
The Decoupler utilizes an ESP32-based module with a slight modification to the JTAG connector pinout. It implements an xvc server for remote debugging and connects to an IOT-HUB for sensor data collection and control. This approach eliminates the need for additional hardware space and firmware resources. Notably, it simplifies integration and maximizes the utility of existing hardware. By leveraging the JTAG's Vref for power, the ESP32 module doesn't require an independent power supply and can operate in an ultra-low-power mode when debugging is unnecessary, conserving energy while still delivering near-real-time sensor data transmission.
Its ability to function independently of the FPGA's firmware development process and its utilization of existing JTAG connectors for both power and data transfer mark a significant advancement in the field.
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