The Belle II experiment seeks physics beyond the standard model of particle physics exploiting the data provided from the SuperKEKB accelerator.
To maximise the sensitivity to physics beyond the standard model, we collect as much data as possible.
Minimising the time without data-taking is a key to collect more data.
We have started our physics data-taking on March 2019, maintained the good data-taking efficiency since then.
Nevertheless, we encountered various problems and errors during our operation.
During the first running period (2019-2022), we established a system which automatically diagnose and fix known errors with no human interaction, hence we minimise the time without data-taking.
In the shutdown period (2022-2023), we implement a number of new alarms to monitor the detector environment, the data quality, and the data-acquisition system, thereby, we ensure the detector safety and the data quality in the next running period (2024-2027).
In the case of severe errors, it is expected that we encounter multiple alarms at the same time during the next running period.
In order to categorise the alarms activated simultaneously, we adopt the alarm system based on Control System Studio (Phoebus).
In this contribution, we present the current status of the system together with the difficulties experienced during the operation.
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