Intel AVX-512 is a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction set based on x86 data center processors. Unlike traditional Single Instruction Single Data operations, a SIMD instruction can simultaneously execute operations on multiple data, effectively accelerating compute-intensive tasks. This feature is well-suited to the requirements of online data acquisition and processing in physical experiments. For example, during the data acquisition for pixel detectors, real-time image processing and optimization are essential to ensure image quality and accuracy. However, this process often demands substantial CPU computational resources within the system. By utilizing SIMD technology based on the AVX-512 extension instruction set to vectorize the code, the program's execution performance has been effectively improved, resulting in resource savings and enhanced system integration. Furthermore, this technology is applied to accelerating a software-based multiplicity trigger algorithm proposed in this paper, thereby achieving superior performance.
Key Words: AVX-512; SIMD; High Performance Computing; Image Processing; Software Triggering
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