22–26 Apr 2024
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Front-end Electronics for the Prototype of HERD Transition Radiation Detector

25 Apr 2024, 11:55
Mini Oral and Poster Front-End Electronics, Fast Digitizers, Fast Transfer Links & Networks Poster B


Mr Jieyu Zhu (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)Mr Haibo Yang (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)Mr Yangzhou Su (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


The High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection Facility (HERD) is a part of the Chinese Cosmic Lighthouse Program in China’s Space Station, which will be launched in 2027. HERD is expected to work ten years in orbit and will indirectly detect dark matter, measure cosmic rays, and observe high-energy gamma rays. As a sub-detector of HERD, the transition radiation detector's (TRD) main scientific goal is to calibrate the electromagnetic Calorimeter (CALO) at the TeV energy range, improve the measurement accuracy of the CALO, and detect astronomical phenomena of high-energy gamma rays. The front-end readout electronic (FEE) of the prototype TRD uses four SAMPA ASICs for 128 anode signals, realizing a high-speed, low-power, and high-reliability data acquisition system. The FEE uses the R422 bus to communicate with back-end electronics for commands, state parameters, environmental parameters, and triggers. Scientific data transmission at 80 Mbps via LVDS protocol. The performance test results show that the dynamic range of the FEE is 0-100 fC, the RMSE of the channel noise is less than 1.7 fC, the linearity can reach 0.2%, and the amplitude resolution is better than 3% when the input charges exceed 20 fC. A beam test was performed at the CERN SPS and PS complex to verify the FEE performance further, and the experimental results show that the FEE meets the readout requirements of the prototype TRD and accurately obtains the energy spectrum of muons and electrons.

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Mr Jieyu Zhu (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Haibo Yang (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Yangzhou Su (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr XinPeng Wang (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Haoqing Xie (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Chengxin Zhao (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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