22–26 Apr 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
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The primarily design of 30-channel data acquisition system for 1-ton prototype detector of Jinping Neutrino Experiment

22 Apr 2024, 13:40
Oral presentation Data Acquisition and Trigger Architectures Welcome, Invited Talk, Orals presentations


Yan Yang Hao (清华大学工程物理系)


The JNE(Jinping Neutrino Experiment) experiment is located in an underground laboratory in Jinping Mountain, China, with the ultimate goal of building a 500 ton detector with 4000 channels for detecting and studying solar neutrinos. This goal poses a huge challenge to electronic design. Therefore, 30-channel data acquisition system will be built for the 1-ton prototype detector to verify the electronic performance. This paper designs and tests 6 data acquisition(DAQ) boards and 1 Trigger &Time (TT) board used in 30-channel system. Each DAQ board has 6-channel 1GSPS 13-bit ADCs with ENOB(Effective Number of bits) greater than 9.5. The QSFP link Open UI on the DAQ front panel is greater than 55%. The maximum skew value of the synchronization clock between DAQ boards is 85.6ps. The test results indicate that the hardware performance meets the requirements for building a data acquisition system. This also provides a foundation for the development of 4000-channel system.

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Yan Yang Hao (清华大学工程物理系)


Prof. Tao Xue (Tsinghua University) Mr Lin Jiang (Tsinghua University) 秋彤 潘 (清华大学) Mr bo Liang (Tsinghua University) Mr jianmin Li (Tsinghua University) Mr yinong Liu (Tsinghua University)

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