644 / 644
- Maryam Abarashi (University of Calgary)
- Matheus Adam (The University of Western Ontario)
- Joseph Adegun (TRIUMF)
- Philip Adsley (Wits/iThemba LABS)
- Navid Afrasiabian
- Tahereh Afsharvosoughi (Brock University)
- Shahla Ahmadi (university of New Brunswick)
- Marc-André Albert
- Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Soud Al Kharusi (McGill University)
- Furkan Altincicek (University of Alberta)
- Natalia Alzate Carvajal (University of Ottawa)
- Mustafa Amin (University of Lehtbridge)
Nigel Andersen
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at Stretching wormlike chains of finite length
- Melissa Anderson (Biomedical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
- Rajan Anderson (University of Guelph)
Tetyana Antimirova
(Ryerson University)
- Speaker at Virtual Laboratories for Remote Teaching
- Haiqa Arain (University of Windsor)
- Mark Armstrong (University of Windsor)
- Behnam Ashrafkhani (University of Calgary)
- Jordan Atchison (McMaster University)
- Bill Atkinson (Trent University)
- Neal Avis Kozar
- Golnaz Azodi Aval (Queen's University)
- Nathan Babcock (Howard University)
- Azfar Badaroudine
- Jun Hyung Bae (Concordia University)
- Crystal Bailey (Americal Physical Society)
- Melissa Baiocchi (SNOLAB)
- Michal Bajcsy (University of Waterloo)
- Thomas Baker (University of York)
- Aidan Baker-Murray (University of Ottawa)
- Mauricio Barbi (University of Regina)
- Svetlana Barkanova (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University)
- Francesco Barletta (Centre matapédien d'études collégiales)
- Brynle Barrett (University of New Brunswick)
- Christopher Barrett (McGill U.)
- Jean Barrette (McGill University)
- Shabir Barzanjeh (University of Calgary)
- Prithviraj Basak (Simon Fraser University)
- Nouédyn Baspin
- Matthew Basso (University of Toronto (CA))
Shantanu Basu
(University of Western Ontario)
- Speaker at Magnetic Modes of Gravitational Collapse
- Joshua Baxter (Department of Physics and Center for Research in Photonics, Uni)
Ryan Bayes
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at (I) Status of the SNO+ experiment
- Layale Bazzi (University of Windsor)
- Catherine Beauchemin
- John Bechhoefer (Simon Fraser University)
- Christianne Beekman (Florida State University)
- John Behr (TRIUMF)
- Igor Benek-Lins (Concordia University)
- Hicham Benmansour (Queen's Univeristy)
- Anouk Béraud (Université de Montréal)
Christopher Bergevin
(York University)
- Speaker at (I) Synchrony in the auditory periphery
- Steven Beyea
- Amit Bhoonah (Queen's University)
- Wenlong Bian
- Harris Bidaman (University of Guelph)
- Jean-Francois Bisson
- Kostadinka Bizheva (University of Waterloo)
- Timothy Blackmore (University of New Brunswick)
- Alexandre Blais (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Emma Blanchette (University of Windsor)
- Richard Bloch (York University)
- Justin Boddison-Chouinard (University of Ottawa)
- Jean-Sébastien Boisvert (McGill University)
- Mark Boland (University of Saskatchewan (CA))
- Aaron Bondy
- Ivan Booth (Memorial University)
- Chandler Bossaer (University of Ottawa)
- Pasquale Bosso (University of Lethbridge)
- Christian Boudreault (Royal Military College Saint-Jean/U Montreal)
- Mark Boulay (Carleton University)
- Naomi Bourbeau (University of Montreal)
- Teak Boyko (Canadian Light Source)
- Aime Braconnier (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba)
- Michael Bradley (University of Saskatchewan)
- Grant Brassem (University of Western Ontario)
- Avery Broderick
- Kyle Bromma (University of Victoria)
- Alexis Brossard (Queen's University)
- Michael Broughton
- Chad Bryant
- Heba Bsharat (U of S)
- Roger Caballero-Folch (TRIUMF)
Liliana Caballero Suarez
(University of Guelph)
- Speaker at (I) Multi-messenger astronomy and neutrinos
- Laura CACOT (University of montreal)
Erica Caden
- Speaker at (I) Current Status of the nEXO Experiment
- Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)
- Auriane Canesse (McGill University, (CA))
- Emile Carbone
- Simon Caron-Huot
Juan Felipe Carrasquilla
- Speaker at (I) Variational Neural Annealing
- Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)
- Joseph Carter (University of Toronto (CA))
- Christopher Chambers (McGill University)
- Kam To Billy Chan (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Tzu-Ching Chang
- yu ying chang (University of Saskatchewan)
- Setarehalsadat Changizrezaei (University of Western Ontario)
- Kelsey Chapman
- Maxime Charlebois (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
- Yonglin Chen (Anhui University)
- Farrukh Ahmed Chishtie (University of Western Ontario)
- Devika Chithrani (University of Victoria)
Kyung Soo Choi
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at (I) Many-body QED with atoms and photons
- James Chow (University of Toronto)
- Gregory Christian (Saint Mary's University)
Derek Churchill
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at (G*) Exchange Interactions in d$^2$ Systems
- Barbara Cid Mora (University of Saskatchewan)
- Patrick Clancy (McMaster University)
- Samantha Clark
- Jérôme Claude (Carleton University)
- Daniel Cluff (CanMIND Associates)
- John Coffey (University of Victoria)
- Jean-Marie Coquillat (Queen's University)
- Sean P. Cornelius (Ryerson University, Northeastern University)
- Eamonn Corrigan (University of Guelph)
- Sebastien Cote (Universite de Montreal)
- René Côté (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Lenaic Couedel (University of Saskatchewan)
- Nicolas Couture (University of Ottawa)
- Wei Cui (University of Ottawa)
Matthias Danninger
(Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Speaker at (I) Heavy Neutrino searches at ATLAS
Lucas Darroch
(McGill University)
- Speaker at (G*) Integrated photon-sensor tests for nEXO
Saurya Das
(University of Lethbridge)
- Speaker at On the quantum origin of a dark universe
Keshav Dasgupta
- Speaker at (I) de Sitter space in string landscape
- Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge)
- Sean Daugherty (Laurentian University)
- Claire David (York University (CA))
Jack Davis
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at (G*) Wigner negativity in spin-j systems
- Ben Davis-Purcell (Carleton University (CA))
- Arnaud Debayle
- Wouter Deconinck
- Rose Delarosbil (Concordia University)
- Nicolas Delnour (University of Montreal)
- Yuqi DENG (University of Alberta)
- Thamirys de Oliveira (University of Saskatchewan)
- Patrick de Perio (TRIUMF)
- Vladimir Dergachev (AEI Hannover)
- Rogério de Sousa (University of Victoria)
- Edward DeWit (Queen's University)
- Santanu Dey (University of Alberta)
- Al-Amin Dhirani (University of Toronto)
- Miriam Diamond (SLAC National Laboratory)
- Sebastian Diaz
- Maria DiMarco (University of Waterloo)
- Laura-Isabelle Dion-Bertrand (Photon Etc.)
Matt Dobbs
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Speaker at (I) 21cm Cosmology
- Daniel Dobrowolski (McMaster)
- Ian Doktor (University of Alberta)
- Thomas Domingo (McMaster University)
- Claire Douat (GREMI - CNRS - University of Orleans)
- Danny Doucette (University of Pittsburgh)
- Zack Dube (National Research Council Canada)
- Denis Dufour (INO)
- alix dujardin (McMaster)
Jo Dunkley
- Speaker at (I) CMB Observations: Recent Progress
- Michael Dunsmore (University of Alberta)
- Turkuler Durgut (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Robert Dynes (University of California San Diego)
- Nathan Eddy (Queens University)
- Chinenye Ekeruche (University of Western Ontario)
Mohamed Elbeltagi
(Carleton University)
- Speaker at (G*) High Voltage Breakdowns in Liquid Xenon
- Emma Ellingwood (Queen's University)
- Lena Engström (McGill University)
- Jake Erickson (Western University)
- Evan Ericson (Canadian Light Source)
- Guilmot Ernotte (University of Ottawa)
- Koorosh Esteki (University of Calgary)
- Mojde Fadaie (University of Montreal)
- Giovanni Fanchini (Western University)
- Ningyan Fang (University of Western Ontario)
- Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)
Liam Farrell
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at (G*) Hawking radiation as a quantum caustic
- Katryna Fast (University of Alberta)
- Wojtek Fedorko (TRIUMF)
- Nitara Fernando (McMaster University)
- Bruno Ferrazzi (University of Regina)
- Erin Flannigan (University of Ottawa)
- David Fleming (Mount Allison University)
- Andrea Fodor (McGill University)
- Lia Frances Formenti (McGill University, (CA))
- Saeid Foroughi-Abari (University of Victoria)
- Jean-Francois Fortin (Laval University)
- Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Andrew Frey (University of Winnipeg)
- Mitja Fridman (University of Lethbridge)
- Avi Friedlander (Queen's University)
- Paul Froese (TRIUMF)
- Andreas Gaertner (University of Alberta)
Olivier Gagnon
(Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)
- Speaker at CFI Report (10 min + 5 min for questions)
- David Gallacher (Carleton University)
- Mark Gallagher (Lakehead University)
- Gabriel Gallant (Université de Moncton)
Giacomo Gallina
- Speaker at (G*) Nuisance Processes in p-on-n SiPMs
- Kensuke Gallock-Yoshimura (University of Waterloo)
- Angela Gamouras (National Research Council of Canada)
- Shankar Ganesh (University of Alberta)
- Sayan Gangopadhyay (University of Waterloo)
- Shivam Garg (Carleton University)
- Richard Garnett (McMaster University)
- Carter Garrah (University of Alberta)
- Isabella Gastaldo
- Michael Gennari (TRIUMF)
- Richard Germond
Ghazal Geshnizjani
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at (I) Spectrum of Cuscuton Bounce
- Alexandros Gezerlis
- Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Shohini Ghose
- Dilraj Ghuman (Queens University)
- Pietro Giampa (SNOLAB)
- Michel Gingras
- Alan Godfrey (University of Ottawa)
Raymond Golingo
- Speaker at (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- Tuochen Gong
- Alexander Gottberg (TRIUMF (CA))
- Gilad Gour (University of Calgary)
- Vincent Gousy-Leblanc (University of Victoria)
- Noah Greenberg (institute for quantum computing)
Florence Grenapin
(University of Ottawa)
- Speaker at (G*) Super-resolution Ghost-Imaging
- Christopher Griffin (TRIUMF)
- Gwen Grinyer (University of Regina)
- Gael Grissonnanche (Cornell University)
- Ryan Groome (Queen's University)
- Jamie Grove (Laurentian University SNOLAB)
- Aimee Gunther (University of Waterloo)
- Joshua Guthrie (University of Alberta)
- Peter Gysbers
- Roland Hablutzel (UWaterloo)
- Saher Hamid (University of Ottawa)
- Fayçal Hammad (Bishop's University)
- Fayçal Hammad (Bishop's University)
- TJ Hammond (University of Windsor)
- Sean Hansen-Romu (University of Manitoba)
- Timothy Hapitas (Carleton University)
- Lilianna Hariasz (Queen's University)
- Stephen Harrigan (University of Waterloo)
Sarah Harrison
(McGill University)
- Speaker at (I) Chaos and the spectrum on Moduli space
- Patrick Hatch (Queen's University)
Bradley Hauer
(NIST Boulder)
- Speaker at Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- David Hawthorn (University of Waterloo)
- Robin Hayes (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Laura Henderson (University of Waterloo)
- Robie Hennigar
- Sheryl Herrera (University of Winnipeg)
- Antoine Herrmann (Université de Montréal)
Kevin Hewitt
(Dalhousie University)
- Speaker at EDI Survey Presentation
- Ewan Chin Hill (University of Victoria (CA))
- Sebastian Himbert (McMaster University)
- Steven Hironaka (University of Alberta)
- Zachary Hockenbery (TRIUMF/McGill University)
- Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF)
- Natasha Holmes (Cornell University)
- Jason Holt
- Ziqing Hong (University of Toronto)
- Renee Horton (NASA)
- Baishan Hu (TRIUMF)
- Brayden Hull (University of Waterloo)
- Patrick Hunchak (University of Saskatchewan)
- Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick)
- Syed M Adil Hussain (Laurentian University)
- Amina Hussein (University of Alberta )
- Maxime Ignacio (University of Ottawa)
- Nicholas Ilow (University of Ottawa)
- Ryo Ishikawa (ULVAC Inc.)
- Oluwanisola Iyaro (University of Manitoba)
- Ahmed Jaber (University of Ottawa)
Daniel James
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at (I) Quantum Theory of Polarized Light
- Blair Jamieson (University of Winnipeg)
- Alan Jamison (University of Waterloo)
- Chathurangani Jayalath Arachchige (University of Windsor)
- David Jenkins (York University, UK)
- Sierra Jess (University of Waterloo)
Chris Jillings
- Speaker at Pulse Shape Discrimination in DEAP-3600
- Najeh Jisrawi (University of Western Ontario)
- Peter Johnson
- Kyle Johnston
- Bela Joos (University of Ottawa)
- Tobias Junginger (University of Victoria)
- Abinu Jyothini (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Amir Kaffashnia (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Rohith Kaiyum (York university)
- Sakshi Kakkar (TRIUMF)
- Denise Kamp (McMaster University)
Gregory Kaplanek
- Speaker at Hot qubits on the horizon
- Scott Karbashewski (University of Alberta)
- Ebrahim Karimi (University of Ottawa)
- Gurpreet Kaur (Carleton University)
- Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto)
- Brayden Kell (University of Toronto)
- Jarod Kelly (University of New Brunswick)
- Malcolm Kennett (Simon Fraser University)
Oliver Kester
- Speaker at Accelerator Science in Canada
Alexander Khramov
- Speaker at Laser Cooled Antihydrogen
- Maria Kieferova
- Nathan Killoran
- Sangsoo Kim (Florida State University)
- Mun Kim (University of Manitoba)
- Tom Kirchner (York University)
- Jennifer Kirkey (Douglas College)
- Wolfgang Klassen (University of Manitoba)
- Alan Knee (University of British Columbia)
- Donghyuk Ko
- Gurpaul Kochhar (Western University)
- Luan Koerich (University of Regina)
Timothy William Koeth
(University of Maryland (US))
- Speaker at (I) Hunting for Lost Nazi Uranium
- Brian Kootte (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Nikhil Kotibhaskar (Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Alexey Kovalev (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Tessa Krause (Queen's University)
- Hannah Krivic (McMaster University)
- Courtney Kruschel
David Kubiznak
- Speaker at Quantum Detection of Inertial Frame Dragging
- Shubham Kukreja (University of Windsor)
- Vijay Kumar (University of Regina)
- Gabor Kunstatter (University of Winnipeg)
Tony Kwan
(McGill University, (CA))
- Speaker at (I) Highlights ATLAS experiment
- Speaker at The Canadian Contribution to the ATLAS New Small Wheels
- John Ladan (University of Toronto)
- Patrick Laferrière (University of Ottawa)
- Michela Lai (University of Cagliari)
- Michael Lang (University of Winnipeg)
- Alessandra Lanzara (University California, Berkeley)
- Philippe Laporte (Université de Montréal)
- Jens Lassen (TRIUMF)
- Hoi-Kwan (Kero) Lau (Simon Fraser University)
- Karine Le Bris (Saint Francis Xavier University)
- Guy Leckenby (TRIUMF)
- Yannick Lecoeuche (University of British Columbia)
- Drake Lee (University of Guelph)
- Katherine Légaré (INRS)
- Annika Lennarz (TRIUMF)
- Debbie Leung (University of Waterloo)
- Ruohong Li (TRIUMF)
- Zhelun Li (McGill University, (CA))
- Siyuan Li (University of Saskatchewan)
- Xunyu Liang (The University of British Columbia)
- Yi-Hsuan Lin (University of Toronto)
- Joseph Lindon (University of Alberta)
- Austin Lindquist
- David Linteau (McGill University)
- Alison Lister (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Elena Litvinova (Western Michigan University)
- Guangdong Liu (University of Alberta)
Elena Long
(University of New Hampshire)
- Speaker at (I) LGBT+ Climate in Physics (flipped)
- Savino Longo (University of Victoria)
- Joseph Losby (University of Alberta)
- Chenyang Jerry Lu (University of Manitoba)
Adina Luican-Mayer
(University of Ottawa)
- Speaker at (I) Quantum materials at the atomic scale
- Eleni Marina Lykiardopoulou (TRIUMF)
Zhenwei Lyu
(University of Guelph)
- Speaker at Constraints on Axions from GW170817
- Danika MacDonell (University of Victoria (CA))
- Nicholas Macsai (University of Manitoba)
- Dalini Maharaj (University of Windsor)
- Sara Mahshid (McGill University)
- Aude Maignan (university Grenoble Alpes)
- Lindsay Mainhood
- Stephan Malbrunot-Ettenauer (CERN)
- Russell Mammei (The university of Winnipeg)
- Juliette Mammei (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Robert Mann (University of Waterloo)
- Zach Manson (University of Windsor)
- Richard Marchand
Frank Marsiglio
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at (I) Eliashberg Theory and Jules Carbotte
- stephen martens (University of Saskatchewan)
- Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg)
- Lars Dieter Martin (TRIUMF)
- James Martin (University of Waterloo)
- Matthew Martin (Simon Fraser University)
- Ivan Martinez (McGill)
- Milad Marvian
Karl-Peter Marzlin
(St. Francis Xavier University)
- Speaker at (I) Nonlinear Atomic Force Microscopy
- Peter Mason (National Research Council of Canada)
- Michael Massa (University of Guelph)
- Victor Massart
- Igor Mastikhin (University of New Brunswick)
- Jordyn Matthews (University of Windsor)
- Adam Mayer (University of Calgary)
- Mark McCrea (University of Winnipeg)
- Art McDonald
Evan Mcdonough
(University of Chicago)
- Speaker at (I) New Directions for Dark Matter
- John Patrick Mc Gowan (McGill University, (CA))
- Jess McIver (The University of British Columbia)
Fiona McNeill
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at Neutrons in Medicine
- Brett Meggison (University of Manitoba)
- Zach Meisel (Ohio University)
- Dan Melconian (Texas A&M)
- David Menard (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Emanuele Mendicelli (University of York (Toronto, Canada))
- Marco Merkli (Memorial University)
- Curtis A. Meyer (Carnegie Mellon)
- Yonghao Mi (University of Ottawa)
- Emile Michaud (University of Montreal)
- Courtney Mielnichuk
- Soma MIKI (Osaka University)
- Carley Miki (University of Guelph)
- Natalia Milaniak (Laval University)
- Caleb Miller (University of Victoria)
- Brett Min (McGill University)
- Dmytro Minchenko (University of Alberta)
Takayuki Miyagi
- Speaker at Ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei
- Kyana Mohammadi
- Laleh Mohtashemi (Simon Fraser University)
- Laurent Molino (University of Ottawa)
- Alexander Mook
- Marianne Moore (University of British Columbia)
- Joel Moreno (University of Saskatchewan)
- Stephen Morris (University of Toronto)
- Maryam Mozaffari (Western University-Robarts Research Institute)
- Jong Hern MUN (PIIM laboratory)
- Kevin Murray (McGill University)
- Christopher Murray (Lakehead University)
- Sangeeta Murugkar (Carleton University)
- Sarah Muth
- Takashi Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Nathan Nelson (University of Saskatchewan)
- Simran Nerval (Queen's University)
- Jana Niedermeier (TRIUMF)
Tony Noble
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at LRP McDonald Institute
- Speaker at McDonald Institute Update (10 min + 5 min for questions)
- Patrick O'Brien (University of Alberta)
- Duncan O'Dell (McMaster University)
- Akinola Olowookere (University of Alberta)
- Pavlo Omelchenko
- Nathan Orlando (Western University)
- Rachel Ostic (Department of Physics, University of Ottawa)
- Alexei Ouriadov (The University of Western Ontario)
- Mark Paetkau (Thompson Rivers University)
Sumanta Pal
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at Event Reconstruction in DEAP-3600 at SNOLAB
- Georgios Palkanoglou (University of Guelph)
Zisis Papandreou
(University of Regina)
- Speaker at Light Exotic Mesons in the GlueX Experiment
- Tristhal Parasram (University of Windsor)
- Jaewoo Park (University of Ottawa)
- Mayur Patel (Simon Fraser University)
- Cédric Pattyn (Polytechnique Montreal)
Matej Pavin
- Speaker at Water Cherenkov Test Experiment
James Peebles
(Princeton University)
- Speaker at (I) Challenges and Opportunties for Modern Cosmology
- Speaker at (I) Multiples in Scientific Discovery
- Yuhao Peng
- Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz
- Lucas Perna
- Samuel Perron (University of Western Ontario)
- Jarrad Perron (University of Manitoba)
- Robert Petry (Campion College at the University of Regina)
- Jacinthe Pilette (Montreal)
- Marie-Cécile Piro (University of Alberta)
Dalila Pirvu
(Perimeter Institute / University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at (G*) Bubble Nucleation Events are Correlated
- Ryan Plumadore (University of Ottawa)
- Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Louis Poirier
(National Research Council Canada)
- Speaker at Measuring water depth on an inclined road
- Andrzej Pokraka (McGill University)
- Lucas Alexander Polson (University of Victoria (CA))
- Alan Poon (Berkeley Lab)
- Erich Poppitz (University of Toronto)
- Rehana Begum Popy (University of Manitoba)
- Jennifer Pore (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- William Porter (TRIUMF)
- Clinton Potts (University of Alberta)
- Adam Powell (University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
(University of New Hampshire)
- Speaker at (I) Making Universal Axions
- Speaker at The Right to Know and Love the Night Sky
- Igor Proskurin (University of Manitoba)
- Nick Prouse (TRIUMF)
- Athanasios Psaltis (McMaster University)
- David Purschke (University of Alberta)
- Anastasiia Pusenkova (Laval University)
- Jeffrey Quilliam (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Jerome Quintin (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
- Udbhav Ram (McMaster University)
- Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)
- Saeed Rastgoo (York University)
- Jeffrey Rau (University of Windsor)
- Ranjana Rautela (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Parmesh Ravi (University of Waterloo)
- Ahmed Rayyan (University of Toronto)
- Nayyer Raza
- Desiree Rehel (N/A)
- Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal)
Maikel Rheinstadter
(McMaster University)
- Abbey Richer
- Alexandra Rink (Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, University Health Network)
- Paul Ripoche (University of British Columbia)
Adam Ritz
- Speaker at Canadian Subatomic Physics LRP
- Speaker at SAP LRPC (25 min + 15 min for questions)
- Matthew Robbins (University of Waterloo/Perimeter Institute)
- Cayleih Robertson (McMaster University)
- Mason Rock (Ryerson University)
- Ana Maria Rodriguez Vera (York University (CA))
- Pooya Ronagh (University of Waterloo)
Michael Roney
(University of Victoria)
- Speaker at LRP IPP
- Doris Rusu (University of Windsor)
- Mustafa Saeed (University of New Brunswick)
Tushar Saha
(Simon Fraser University)
- Speaker at (G*) High-performance information engine.
- Yukiya Saito (The University of British Columbia / TRIUMF)
Hamidreza Salahi
(Concordia University)
- Speaker at (G*) Magic-angle orientation selectivity in two-pulse EPR COSY (correlation spectroscopy) sequence: Distance measurements in biological systems
- Speaker at Coherence transfer in two-pulse double quantum (DQ) and five-pulse double- quantum modulation (DQM) sequences in EPR: Orientation selectivity and distance measurement
- Ruben Sandapen (Acadia University)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
- Jack Sankey (McGill University)
- Robert Santacruz (University of New Brunswick)
- Wayne Saslow (Texas A&M University)
- George Savvidis (Queen's University)
- Martin Schnee (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Silvia Scorza (SNOLAB)
- Al Scott (Honeywell)
- Carolyn Sealfon (University of Toronto)
- Michael Sekatchev (TRIUMF)
- Ravi Selvaganapathy (McMaster University)
- Sangeev Selvaratnam (University of Manitoba)
- Ramanpreet Sembhi (The University of Western Ontario)
- Manibrata Sen
- Pramodh Senarath Yapa (University of Alberta)
- Sujit Sengupta (AdmiraDHES)
- Crystal Senko (University of Waterloo)
- Vigneshvar Senthilkumaran (University of Alberta)
- Ahmed Shalabi (University of Waterloo)
- Hurmiz Shamana (University of Guelph)
- Prasoon Kumar Shandilya (University of Calgary)
- Utsav Sharma (Ryerson University)
- Sudarshan Sharma (McMaster University)
- Anima Sharma (TRIUMF)
Jonathan Sharp
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at The Collapse of the Manifold
- Kyle Shiells (University of Manitoba)
- Trevor Shillington (McGill University)
- Maheyer Jamshed Shroff (University of Victoria (CA))
- Arnold Sikkema (Trinity Western University)
- Spencer Sillaste (University of Waterloo)
- Nicholas Simonson (University of Saskatchewan)
- Mahi Singh (Western)
- Mukhwinder Singh (SMU)
- Bradley Siwick (McGill University)
- Gary Slater (University of Ottawa)
- Gareth William Smith
- Nigel Smith (SNOLab)
- Benjamin Smith
- Evan Smith (McMaster University)
Anastasia Smolina
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at EDI Survey Presentation
- Chukman So (TRIUMF (CA))
- Lorna Somers
- Wen Yi Song (York University (CA))
- Ningqiang Song (Queen's University)
- Jakub Stacho (Simon Fraser University)
- Michael Staelens
- Luc Stafford (Universite de Montreal)
- Shawn Stargardter (University of Manitoba)
- Andre Staudte (National Research Council and University of Ottawa)
- Aephraim Steinberg (University of Toronto)
- Michael Steinitz (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Jacob Stephen (University of Windsor)
- Albert Stolow (University of Ottawa)
- Denis St-Onge (University of Oxford)
- René St-Onge
James Stotz
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Strain control of flying spins
Mark Stringer
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Current Status of DEAP-3600
- Matthew Stukel (Queen's University)
- Sriram Sundaram (McMaster University)
- karthik suresh (University of Regina)
- Fumika Suzuki (University of British Columbia)
- Richard Sydora (University of Alberta)
- Shahrzad Taheri
- samin tajik (brock university)
- Jesse Tanguay (Ryerson University)
- Ramy Tannous (University of Waterloo)
- Arina Tashchilina
- Arash Tavassoli
- Jacob Taylor
- Samantha Taylor (University of Victoria (CA))
- Rachel Taylor (SB Quantum)
- Yi Hong Teoh (University of Waterloo)
- David Tessier (The University of Western Ontario)
- Edward Thomas (Auburn University)
- Russell Thompson (University of Waterloo)
- Collin Tiessen (Andre E. Lalonde Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab)
Vasil Todorinov
(University of Lethbreidge)
- Speaker at Quantum field theory with minimum length
- Bill Truong (McGill University)
- Thomas Tsangaris (University of Toronto)
- Adam Tsen (University of Waterloo)
Frank Wilczek UNKNOWN
- Speaker at Quanta of the Third Kind: Anyons
- Sriteja Upadhyayula (TRIUMF)
- Ali Usman
Brigitte Vachon
(McGill University, (CA))
- Speaker at Canadian Subatomic Physics LRP
- Speaker at SAP LRPC (25 min + 15 min for questions)
- Melissa Valdez (IBM)
Greg van Anders
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Robust Design from Systems Physics
- Speaker at When does entropy promote local organization?
- Sean Vanbergen (TRIUMF)
Francisco Andres Vazquez de Sola
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Solar KK axion search with NEWS-G
- Victoria Vedia (TRIUMF)
- Jocelyn Veilleux (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Bob Velghe (TRIUMF (CA))
- Colin Vendromin
- Sreesh Venuturumilli (University of Waterloo)
- Marie Vidal
- Nikolay Videnov (University of Waterloo)
- Aaron Vincent (Queen's University)
- Pierre Vinchon (Université de Montréal)
- Clarence Virtue (SNOLAB)
- Christopher Waddell (University of British Columbia)
Miho Wakai
(University of British Columbia)
- Speaker at Searches for Dark Photons at Belle II
- Dorothy Walls (University of Calgary)
- Qing Wang (University of Alberta)
- Hanyang Wang (University of Ottawa)
- Freyja Wang (University of Alberta)
- Dongze (Willy) Wang (Queen's University)
- Tian Wang (university of Ottawa)
- Stephen Weber (Carleton University (CA))
- chen wei (Memorial University)
- Esther Weima (Laurentian University)
- Sebastian Wetzel
- Brendan White (University of Waterloo)
- Grant Wilbur (Dalhousie University)
- Carl Williams (NIST)
- Matthew Williams
- Matthew Williams (TRIUMF)
Murray Wilson
(Durham University)
- Speaker at (I) Skyrmions in Chiral Cubic Magnets
- Brian Wilson (University of Toronto)
- Edward Wilson-Ewing (University of New Brunswick)
- Skylar Wingfelder (TRIUMF)
- Robert Wolkow (University of Alberta)
- Victor Wong (University of Western Ontario)
- Kaihim Wong (University of Winnipeg)
- William Woodley (University of Alberta)
- Elise Woodward (Western University)
- Rachel Wortis (Trent University)
- Tongan (Frank) Wu (Simon Fraser University)
- Chih-Pan Wu (University of Montreal)
- Ziqi Yan (Nordita)
- Juan Pablo Yanez Garza
- Ying Yang (University of Manitoba)
- Tianai Ye (Queen's University)
- Edith Yeung (University of Ottawa)
- Xiumei Yin (Anhui University)
Beni Yoshida
(Perimeter Institute)
- Speaker at (I) On the firewall puzzle
- tahreem yousaf (university of saskchewan)
- Yasaman Yousefi Sigari (University of Saskatchewan)
- Mitchell Yu (York University)
- Max Yuan (University of Alberta)
- Viktor Zacek (Université de Montreal)
- Hadi Zadeh-Haghighi (University of Calgary)
- Jonathan Zarling (University of Regina)
- Andrey Zelenskiy (Dalhousie University)
- Lili Zhang (McMaster University)
- Chen Zhang (University of Toronto and University of Waterloo)
- Rana Zibakhsh (University of Calgary)
- Jeffery Zielinski (University Of Saskatchewan)
- Xingyuan (Kate) Zou (McMaster University)
- Muhammad Zubair (Concordia University)
Joel Zylberberg
(York University)
- Speaker at (I) (Learning) visual representations