1619 / 1619
- Arushi .
- Maryam Abarashi (University of Calgary)
- Mina Abbaslou
- Shota ABE (Osaka University)
- Sergio Acero Gonzalez (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Roshan Achal (University of Alberta)
- Matheus Adam (The University of Western Ontario)
- Shaffique Adam (National University of Singapore)
- Joseph Adegun (TRIUMF)
- Philip Adsley (Wits/iThemba LABS)
- Geof Aers (National Research Council of Canada)
- Anastasia Afanassieva (McMaster U.)
- Navid Afrasiabian
- Tahereh Afsharvosoughi (Brock University)
- Kartiek Agarwal (McGill University)
- Kartiek Agarwal (McGill University)
- Olivier Agullo (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UNR 7345, Marseille, France)
- Shahla Ahmadi (university of New Brunswick)
- Akif Ahmed (University of Manitoba)
- Luc Alarie (University of Ottawa)
- Jean-François Alary (Isobarex)
- Abdulrahim Al Balushi
- Marc-André Albert
- Martin Alcorta (TRIUMF)
- Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Elham Alkhammash (University of Ottawa)
- Soud Al Kharusi (McGill University)
- Troy Allen (Queen's University)
- Furkan Altincicek (University of Alberta)
- Furkan Altincicek
Natalia Alzate Carvajal
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in Functionalized surfaces of graphene field effect transistors for gas sensing
- Co-author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Foda A. M (Univeristy of Regina)
- Pierre-Andre Amaudruz (TRIUMF (CA))
- Naaman Amer (University of Alberta)
- Friedhelm Ames (TRIUMF)
- Mustafa Amin (University of Lehtbridge)
- Amit Anand (IIEST, Shibpur, India)
- Udunna Anazodo (Lawson Health Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario)
- Nigel Andersen (University of Waterloo)
- Paul Anderson (University of Waterloo)
- Melissa Anderson (Biomedical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
- Rajan Anderson (University of Guelph)
- Corina Andreoiu (Simon Fraser University)
- Cameron Angus (Univerity of York)
- Melissa Anholm (U. Manitoba)
- Jean-Phillipe Ansermet (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Tetyana Antimirova
(Ryerson University)
- Author in Virtual Laboratories for Remote Teaching
Sarmed A Rahman
(York University, (Toronto, Canada))
- Co-author in SU(2) lattice gauge theory on a quantum annealer
Haiqa Arain
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Loïc Arias (INRS)
- Katrina Armstrong (Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Manitoba)
- Mark Armstrong (University of Windsor)
- Cecile Arnas (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UNR 7345, Marseille, France)
- Tabitha Daniella Arulpragasam (University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Behnam Ashrafkhani (University of Calgary)
David A. Sivak
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in (G*) High-performance information engine.
- Amirreza Ataei (Université de Sherbrooke)
Leyla Atar
(Technical University Darmstadt & GSI & University of Guelph)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Jordan Atchison (McMaster University)
- Bill Atkinson (Trent University)
- Mack Atkinson (TRIUMF)
- seth aubin (College of Williams and Mary)
- Georges Audi (Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM))
- Sven Augustin (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Jose Aumentado
(NIST Boulder)
- Co-author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- Kumar Avinash (Simon Fraser University)
- Neal Avis Kozar
- Kashif Awan (Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute)
- Golnaz Azodi Aval (Queen's University)
- Nathan Babcock (Howard University)
- Azfar Badaroudine
- Georges Bader (Université de Moncton)
- Jun Hyung Bae (Concordia University)
- Crystal Bailey (Americal Physical Society)
- David Bailie (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Melissa Baiocchi (SNOLAB)
- Anirban Bairagi (Indian Instiute of Technology, Kharagpur)
- Michal Bajcsy (University of Waterloo)
- Thomas Baker (University of York)
- Aidan Baker-Murray (University of Ottawa)
- Andrius Baltuška (Vienna University of Technology)
- Daniel Banks (TVB Associates Inc.)
- Mauricio Barbi (University of Regina)
- Paul Barclay (University of Calgary)
- Svetlana Barkanova (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University)
- Francesco Barletta (Centre matapédien d'études collégiales)
- Samira Barmaki
- M. Barnes (University of Oxford)
- Brynle Barrett (University of New Brunswick)
- Christopher Barrett (McGill U.)
- Jean Barrette (McGill University)
- Guillaume Barrette (INRS)
- Robert Bartha (Department of Medical Biophysics, Robarts Research Institute, Western University)
F. Michael Bartram
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in Two views of the dynamical conductivity in MnSi
- Klaus Bartschat (Drake University,)
- Shabir Barzanjeh (University of Calgary)
- Prithviraj Basak (Simon Fraser University)
- Nouédyn Baspin
- Matthew Basso (University of Toronto (CA))
Shantanu Basu
(University of Western Ontario)
- Author in Magnetic Modes of Gravitational Collapse
- Jonathan Baugh (University of Waterloo)
- Joshua Baxter (Department of Physics and Center for Research in Photonics, Uni)
Ryan Bayes
(Laurentian University)
- Author in (I) Status of the SNO+ experiment
- Claudia M. Bazán (Université de Montréal )
- Layale Bazzi (University of Windsor)
Seamus Beairsto
(Centre for Advanced Materials and Related Technology, University of Victoria)
- Author in Magnon confinement
- James Beare
- James Beare (McMaster University (Department of Physics and Astronomy))
- Catherine Beauchemin
- John Bechhoefer (Simon Fraser University)
- Soenke Beck (4 II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, Germany)
- Wayne Beckham (BC Cancer)
- Marina Becoulet (CEA, IRFM, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France)
- Christianne Beekman (Florida State University)
- Keegan Behm (University of Michigan)
- John Behr (TRIUMF)
- Camille Bélanger-Champagne (TRIUMF)
- Miranda Bellyou (Robarts Research Institute, Western University)
- Miroslav Belov
- Igor Benek-Lins (Concordia University)
- Jean-Marc Beneteau (University of Windsor)
- Didier Bénisti (CEA-DAM-DIF, F-91297, Arpajon, France)
- Sadruddin Benkadda (Aix-Marseille Universite, Marseille, France)
- Hicham Benmansour (Queen's Univeristy)
- Owen Benton (RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
- Anouk Béraud (Université de Montréal)
- Vladmir Berdnikov (Catholic University of America)
Christopher Bergevin
(York University)
- Author in (I) Synchrony in the auditory periphery
- Julian Bergmann (JLU Giessen)
- Olivier Bernard (SB Quantum)
Nikita Bernier
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Gabriel Bertolesi (University of Calgary)
Drew Bertwistle
(Canadian Light Source)
- Author in (G*) POS-C10 -- Vertical phase space measurement at Canadian Light Source
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C11 -- Design and Simulation of Transparent Injection Upgrade for the CLS Storage Ring
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C13 -- Analyzing Growth/Damp curves in the Canadian Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C9 -- Energy Compression System Radio Frequency Design at the Canadian Light Source
- Steven Beyea
- Peter Beyer (Aix-Marseille Universite, Marseille, France)
Soumendu Sekhar Bhattacharjee
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Amit Bhoonah (Queen's University)
- Marcin Bialek (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Wenlong Bian
- Andrea Bianchi (Université de Montréal (Département de Physique))
- Jiri Bicak (Charles University)
- Harris Bidaman (University of Guelph)
- Renée-Claude Bider (McMaster University)
Klaus Biermann
(aul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik)
- Author in Strain control of flying spins
- Vinzenz Bildstein (University of Guelph)
- Ali Binai-Motlagh (University of Waterloo)
- Ali Binai-Motlagh (University of Waterloo)
- Jack Bishop (Texas A&M University // Cyclotron Institute)
- Jean-Francois Bisson
- Victor Bittencourt
- Kostadinka Bizheva (University of Waterloo)
- Timothy Blackmore (University of New Brunswick)
- Alexandre Blais (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Keagan Blanchette (York University)
Emma Blanchette
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Aharon Blank (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
- Werner Blau (Trinity College Dublin)
- Richard Bloch (York University)
- Justin Boddison-Chouinard (University of Ottawa)
- Alex Bogan (National Research Council Canada (NRC))
- Nils Bogdanoff (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Jean-Sébastien Boisvert (McGill University)
Mark Boland
(University of Saskatchewan (CA))
- Author in (G*) POS-C10 -- Vertical phase space measurement at Canadian Light Source
- Author in (I) CLS2: A Next Generation Light Sournce for Canada
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C11 -- Design and Simulation of Transparent Injection Upgrade for the CLS Storage Ring
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C13 -- Analyzing Growth/Damp curves in the Canadian Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in (G*) POS-C9 -- Energy Compression System Radio Frequency Design at the Canadian Light Source
- John Boland (School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland)
- Aaron Bondy
Ivan Booth
(Memorial University)
- Author in (G*) Marginally Outer Trapped (Open) Surfaces in 4+1 Dimensional Spacetimes
- Author in (G*) The many marginally outer trapped surfaces of Schwarzschild spacetime
- Author in Unexpectedly exciting axisymmetric apparent horizons
- Co-author in The fate of apparent horizons in a binary black hole merger
- Chandler Bossaer (University of Ottawa)
- Pasquale Bosso (University of Lethbridge)
- James Michael Botte (Carleton University (CA))
- Taylor Bouchie (Dalhousie University)
- Christian Boudreault (Royal Military College Saint-Jean/U Montreal)
- Delphine Bouilly (Université de Montréal )
- Mark Boulay (Carleton University)
- Naomi Bourbeau (University of Montreal)
- Chris Bowen (BIOTIC, IWK/NSH)
- Rufus Boyack (Université de Montréal)
- Robert Boyd (University of Ottawa)
- Teak Boyko (Canadian Light Source)
- Thomas Brabec (University of Ottawa)
- Aime Braconnier (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba)
Jonathan Braden
(University of Toronto)
- Co-author in (G*) Bubble Nucleation Events are Correlated
- Michael Bradley (University of Saskatchewan)
- Joseph Bramante (Queen's University & Perimeter Institute)
- Grant Brassem (University of Western Ontario)
- Markus Braune (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Darren Brererton
- Nathan Brewer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- N.T. Brewer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physics Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA)
- Roeder Brian (Texas A&M University)
- Avery Broderick
- Benjamin Broerman (Queen's University)
- Kyle Bromma (University of Victoria)
- Alexis Brossard (Queen's University)
- Michael Broughton
- Graham G. Brown (University of Ottawa)
- Callum Brown (University of Edinburgh)
- Carl Brune (Ohio University)
Thomas Brunner
(McGill University)
- Author in Barium extraction from Xe Gas and identification for nEXO
- Co-author in (G*) Nuclear 2$\gamma$ decay of $^{98}$Mo and $^{98}$Zr at the TITAN-EBIT
- Co-author in (G*) The characterization of a spatially resolved multi-element laser ablation ion source
- Co-author in Development of an isotopic biodosimeter to assess radon gas exposure
- J. Shepard Bryan (Arizona State University)
- Chad Bryant
- Douglas Andrew Bryman (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Heba Bsharat (U of S)
- Connor Buhariwalla (McMaster University (Department of Physics and Astronomy))
- Kris Bulmer (Université de Moncton)
Christina Burbadge
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Jacob Burgess (University of Manitoba)
Clifford Burgess
(High Energy Physics Group - McGill University)
- Co-author in Hot qubits on the horizon
- Nicholas Butch (National Institute of Standards and Technology (Center for Neutron Research))
- Soo Hyun Byun (McMaster University)
- Roger Caballero-Folch (TRIUMF)
- Liliana Caballero Suarez (University of Guelph)
- Miriam Cabero (UBC)
- Laura CACOT (University of montreal)
- Erica Caden (SNOLAB)
- Antonino Calà Lesina (University of Ottawa)
- Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)
- Auriane Canesse (McGill University, (CA))
- Kipp Cannon (University of Tokyo)
- Emile Carbone
- Jaime Cardona (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Simon Caron-Huot
Juan Felipe Carrasquilla
- Author in (I) Variational Neural Annealing
- Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)
- Joseph Carter (University of Toronto (CA))
- Nora J. Casson (Geography, University of Winnipeg)
Matheiu Cavenaile
(Saint Mary's University)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Juan Cayuso (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and University of Waterloo)
Maximilien Cazayous
(Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, UMR 7162 CNRS, Université Paris Diderot)
- Co-author in Magnon confinement
- Luca Celardo (Acerca del Instituto de Física (IFUAP))
- Ria Chakraborty (University of Waterloo)
- Ankita Chakravarty (Université de Sherbrooke)
Carter Chamberlain
- Co-author in (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- Christopher Chambers (McGill University)
- Kam To Billy Chan (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- yu ying chang (University of Saskatchewan)
- Tzu-Ching Chang
- Setarehalsadat Changizrezaei (University of Western Ontario)
- Kelsey Chapman
- Oleksandr Chapurin
- Daniel Charlebois (University of Alberta)
- Maxime Charlebois (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
- Bartlomiej Checinski (OCI Vacuum Microengineering Inc.)
- Alan Chen (McMaster University)
- Yonglin Chen (Anhui University)
- Jeff Z. Y. Chen (University of Waterloo)
- Majed Chergui (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Aaron Chester
- Raphaël Chétrite (Université de Nice)
- Farrukh Ahmed Chishtie (University of Western Ontario)
- Eric Chitambar
- Devika Chithrani (University of Victoria)
- Kyung Soo Choi (University of Waterloo)
Ayan Choudhury
- Co-author in (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- James Chow (University of Toronto)
- Gregory Christian (Saint Mary's University)
- Simon Christoph (University of Calgary)
- Blaine Chronik (Western University)
- Derek Churchill (University of Toronto)
- Taras Chutora (University of Alberta)
Katarina Cicak
(NIST Boulder)
- Co-author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- Barbara Cid Mora (University of Saskatchewan)
- Patrick Clancy (McMaster University)
- Pat Clancy (McMaster University)
- James Clancy (McMaster University (Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research))
- Samantha Clark
- Jérôme Claude (Carleton University)
Chloe Clement
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Jonathan Clepkens (University of Toronto)
- Richard Clergereaux (CNRS)
- Daniel Cluff (CanMIND Associates)
- John Coffey (University of Victoria)
- William Coish
- Clément Collignon (Université de Sherbrooke)
Robert Collister
(University of Manitoba / TRIUMF)
- Author in Laser Cooled Antihydrogen
- Zachary J Comeau (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- wan cong (university of waterloo)
- Devin Connolly (TRIUMF)
Logan W. Cooke
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in (G*) POS-E30 -- Quantum Gates in a Cold Atom System
- Logan Cooke (University of Alberta)
- Jean-Marie Coquillat (Queen's University)
- Adela Cora (Nova Scotia Health)
Paul Corkum
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in (G*) Nanoscale polymer blister formation using single femtosecond pulses
- Author in Time-resolved spectroscopy of Xe giant plasmonic resonance by in situ measurement method
- Co-author in Clocking enhanced ionization of hydrogen molecule using molecular rotational wavepackets
- Co-author in High Harmonic Generation and Strong Field Dynamics in a Wannier Basis
- Paul Corkum (university of Ottawa)
- Paul Corkum
- Sean P. Cornelius (Ryerson University, Northeastern University)
- Eamonn Corrigan (University of Guelph)
- Sebastien Cote (Universite de Montreal)
- René Côté (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Lenaic Coudel
Lenaic Couedel
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Author in (G*) Design and Characterization of a Dust Injector for STOR-M
- Author in Mode-coupling instability of two-dimensional complex plasma crystals in asymmetric capacitively-coupled radio-frequency discharges
- Co-author in (G*) Time Resolved Characterization of a Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation System
- Co-author in POS-B6 -- Impurity transport modelling in a magnetron discharge
- Sylvain Coulombe (McGill University)
- Nicolas Couture (University of Ottawa)
- David Crandles (Brock University)
- Felipe Crasto de Lima (Federal University of Uberlandia)
- Clayton Crocker (Keysight Technologies)
- Breanna Crompvoets (McMaster University)
- Jeremiah Croshaw (University of Alberta)
- David Cross
- Cathleen Crudden (Queen's University)
- Wei Cui (University of Ottawa)
- Alex J. Currie (University of Waterloo)
- David Curtin (University of Toronto)
- Alina Czajka (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Dan Dalacu (National Research Council of Canada)
- Michael M. Danzinger (Northeastern University)
- Lucas Darroch (McGill University)
- Nazban Darukhanawalla (University of Western Ontario)
- Saurya Das (University of Lethbridge)
- Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge)
Keshav Dasgupta
- Author in (I) de Sitter space in string landscape
- Sean Daugherty (Laurentian University)
- Claire David (York University (CA))
- Barry Davids (TRIUMF)
- Kieffer Davieau (The University of Western Ontario)
- Heath Davis (University of Tennessee)
- John Davis (University of Alberta)
- H. Davis (Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA)
Jack Davis
(University of Waterloo)
- Author in (G*) Wigner negativity in spin-j systems
- Ben Davis-Purcell (Carleton University (CA))
- Matthew Day (University of Waterloo)
- Matthew Day (University of Waterloo)
- Matthew Day
DEAP Collaboration
- Author in Pulse Shape Discrimination in DEAP-3600
- Arnaud Debayle
- Wouter Deconinck
- Anabelle Degg (Technical University of Munich)
- Rose Delarosbil (Concordia University)
- Tim DeLazzer (Colorado State University (Department of Physics))
- Israel De León (School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
- Nicolas Delnour (University of Montreal)
- Yuqi DENG (University of Alberta)
- Colin Denniston (University of Western Ontario)
- Thamirys de Oliveira (University of Saskatchewan)
- Patrick de Perio (TRIUMF)
- Dennis Deppe (University of Central Florida)
- Vladimir Dergachev (AEI Hannover)
- Vladimir Dergachov (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute))
- Nicolas de Sereville (IJCLab Orsay)
- P. C. Deshmukh (Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati)
- Rogério de Sousa (University of Victoria)
- Edward DeWit (Queen's University)
- Santanu Dey (University of Alberta)
- Al-Amin Dhirani (University of Toronto)
- James Diamond (Université de Montreal)
- Miriam Diamond (SLAC National Laboratory)
- Zhu Diao (Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University)
- Sebastian Diaz
- Timo Dickel (JLU Giessen)
- Kilian Dietrich
- Christian Aaen Diget (University of York)
- Marc M Dignam (Supervisor)
- Daniel Dijamco
- Jens Dilling (triumf/UBC)
- Jens Dilling (TRIUMF/UBC)
Iris Dillmann
- Author in (G*) Bound-state beta-decay of Thallium-205 for low-energy neutrino flux
- Author in Experimental $\beta$-decay and $\beta$-delayed neutron branching ratios for Se and Br isotopes at N$\approx$60
- Co-author in (G*) Nuclear 2$\gamma$ decay of $^{98}$Mo and $^{98}$Zr at the TITAN-EBIT
- Co-author in (G*) Statistical studies of astrophysical reaction network calculations with correlated uncertainties of nuclear observables
- Co-author in β-delayed neutron emission studies – How storage rings can provide a complimentary measurement technique
- Maria DiMarco (University of Waterloo)
- Xiaoyan Ding (university of Michigan)
- Laura-Isabelle Dion-Bertrand (Photon Etc.)
Philippe Di Stefano
(Queen's University)
- Co-author in (G*) A Measurement of Zinc-65 Using Data from the KDK Experiment
- Co-author in (G*) Characterization of wavelength shifters for background rejection in liquid argon dark matter experiments
- Co-author in (G*) KDK: Measuring the unique third forbidden electron capture decay of K-40 for backgrounds in rare-event searches
Matt Dobbs
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Author in (I) 21cm Cosmology
- Daniel Dobrowolski (McMaster)
- Steve Dodge
- Ian Doktor (University of Alberta)
- Ksenia Dolgaleva
- Thomas Domingo (McMaster University)
- Ying Dong (Institute for Quantum Computing University of Waterloo)
- Andrea Doria (Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children)
- Audren Dorval (Université de Toulouse)
- Claire Douat (GREMI - CNRS - University of Orleans)
- Danny Doucette (University of Pittsburgh)
- Nicolas Douguet (Kennesaw State University)
- Sébastien Dozias (GREMI - University of Orleans - CNRS)
- Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)
- Kenneth Drouillard (University of Windsor)
- David D'Souza (London Health Sciences Centre)
- Zack Dube
- Zack Dube (National Research Council Canada)
- Hubert Dubé (SB Quantum)
- Jan Dubowski (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Jérémi Dudemaine (Université de Montréal (Département de Physique))
- Denis Dufour (INO)
- alix dujardin (McMaster)
Jo Dunkley
- Author in (I) CMB Observations: Recent Progress
- Eleanor Dunling (TRIUMF/University of York)
Ryan Dunlop
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Michael Dunsmore (University of Alberta)
- Turkuler Durgut (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- John Dutcher
- Robert Dynes (University of California San Diego)
- Nathan Eddy (Queens University)
- David Edgcumbe (Lakehead University)
Jannik Ehrich
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in (G*) High-performance information engine.
- Chinenye Ekeruche (University of Western Ontario)
- Fatemeh Elahi (University of Notre Dame)
- Mohamed Elbeltagi (Carleton University)
- Hichem El Euch (University of Sharjah)
- Hichem Eleuch (University of Sharjah)
- Emma Ellingwood (Queen's University)
- Jonathan Engel (University of North Carolina)
- Lena Engström (McGill University)
- Jake Erickson (Western University)
- Evan Ericson (Canadian Light Source)
- Guilmot Ernotte (University of Ottawa)
- Pablo Escot Bocanegra (GREMI - University of Orleans - CNRS)
Nicholas Esker
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Koorosh Esteki (University of Calgary)
Andrew Evans
(University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
- Author in Laser Cooled Antihydrogen
- Mykhaylo Evstigneev (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Mohammed Ezzi (National University of Singapore)
- Cornelius Faber (Universität Münster)
- Mojde Fadaie (University of Montreal)
- Jennifer Fallis (TRIUMF)
- Guangyu Fan (INRS)
- Giovanni Fanchini (Western University)
- Yawen Fang (Cornell University)
- Ningyan Fang (University of Western Ontario)
- Adam Farag (The University of Western Ontario, Lawson Health Research Institute)
Amir D. Farahani
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in Two views of the dynamical conductivity in MnSi
- Yasmine Faraj (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)
- Liam Farrell (McMaster University)
- Eleanor Fascione (TRIUMF/Queen's University)
Katryna Fast
(University of Alberta)
- Author in (G*) POS-G69 -- Three-axis torque magnetometry for study of interfacial exchange coupling in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers.
- Author in POS-G72 -- Multi-frequency torque magnetometry: contribution of the Einstein-de Haas effect, and direct detection of overlapping magnetic and mechanical resonance modes
- Wojtek Fedorko (TRIUMF)
- Anatoli Fedynitch (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
- Dapeng Feng (Anhui Universit)
- Aaron Fenster (Roberts Research Institute, The Western University of Ontario)
- Nitara Fernando (McMaster University)
- Bruno Ferrazzi (University of Regina)
Randy S. Fishman
(Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Magnon confinement
- Matthew Fitzpatrick (Simon Fraser University)
- Erin Flannigan (University of Ottawa)
- Valensi Flavien (Université de Toulouse)
- David Fleming (Mount Allison University)
- Nicolas Fleury (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Jake Flowerdew (University of Oxford)
- Andrea Fodor (McGill University)
- Lia Frances Formenti (McGill University, (CA))
- Saeid Foroughi-Abari (University of Victoria)
- for the DEAP-3600 collaboration
- Marc-Andre Fortin
- Jean-Francois Fortin (Laval University)
- Matthew Fox (The University of Western Ontario, Lawson Health Research Institute)
- Matthew S. Fox (Lawson Health Research Center )
- Cécile Fradin (McMaster University)
- Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin)
- James Fraser
Mark Freeman
(University of Alberta)
- Author in POS-G72 -- Multi-frequency torque magnetometry: contribution of the Einstein-de Haas effect, and direct detection of overlapping magnetic and mechanical resonance modes
- Co-author in (G*) POS-G68 -- The Einstein-de Haas Effect in Yttrium Iron Garnet at 3 MHz
- Co-author in (G*) POS-G69 -- Three-axis torque magnetometry for study of interfacial exchange coupling in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers.
- Felix Freppon (Universität Münster)
- Andrew Frey (University of Winnipeg)
- Virginia Frey (University of Waterloo)
- Mitja Fridman (University of Lethbridge)
- Avi Friedlander (Queen's University)
- Tim Friesen (University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
- Helmut Fritzsche
- Paul Froese (TRIUMF)
- Patrick Fross
- Christian Fruck (Technical University of Munich (TUM))
- Makoto Fujiwara (TRIUMF (CA))
- Andreas Gaertner (University of Alberta)
- Olivier Gagnon (Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)
- David Gallacher (Carleton University)
- Mark Gallagher (Lakehead University)
- Gabriel Gallant (Université de Moncton)
Giacomo Gallina
- Author in (G*) Nuisance Processes in p-on-n SiPMs
- Kensuke Gallock-Yoshimura (University of Waterloo)
- Tigran Galstian (Université Laval)
- Angela Gamouras (National Research Council of Canada)
- Shankar Ganesh (University of Alberta)
- Sayan Gangopadhyay (University of Waterloo)
- Jun Gao (Queen's University)
- Ion Garate (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Xavier Garbet (CEA, IRFM, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France)
- Shivam Garg (Carleton University)
- Richard Garnett (McMaster University)
- Carter Garrah (University of Alberta)
- Jim Garrett (McMaster University (Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research))
- Paul Garrett (University of Guelph)
- Dave Gaskell (Jefferson Lab)
- Isabella Gastaldo
- James Gaudet (University of Western Ontario)
- Jonathan Gaudet (McMaster University (Department of Physics and Astronomy), Johns Hopkins University (Department of Physics and Astronomy))
- Louis Gaudreau (National Research Council Canada (NRC))
- Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University (Department of Physics and Astronomy), McMaster University (Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research), Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)
- Gilles Gauthier (Laval University)
- Michael Gennari (TRIUMF)
- Richard Germond
Ghazal Geshnizjani
(University of Waterloo)
- Author in (I) Spectrum of Cuscuton Bounce
- Alexandros Gezerlis
- Muad Ghaith (Queen's University)
- Roohollah Ghobadi (University of Calgary)
- Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Shohini Ghose
- Dilraj Ghuman (Queens University)
- Pietro Giampa (SNOLAB)
- Josh Gibbs (University of Manitoba)
- Dave Gill (TRIUMF (CA))
- Stephen Gillespie (TRIUMF)
Stephen Gillespie
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Derek J. Gillies (London Health Sciences Centre)
- Lambert GINER
- Lauren Gingras
- Michel Gingras
- Rekam Giri (Ohio University)
- Erol Girt
- Xavier Glad (Université de Montréal)
- Audrey Glory (Centre de recherche du CHUM)
- Paul Goddard (University of Warwick)
- Stephen Godfrey (Carleton University)
- Alan Godfrey (University of Ottawa)
- Andrew Goertzen (University of Manitoba)
- Vladilen Goldberg (Texas A&M University)
- Raymond Golingo (Fuse)
- Claudia Gomes da Rocha (University of Calgary)
- Eduardo Gomez (University of )
- Lyudmila Goncharova (Western University)
- Tuochen Gong
- AA Goodarzi (Robson DNA Science Centre, Univ. of Calgary)
- Alexandre Gorelov (TRIUMF)
- Minori GOTO (Osaka University)
- Minori Goto (Osaka University)
- Alexander Gottberg (TRIUMF (CA))
- Gilad Gour (University of Calgary)
- Vincent Gousy-Leblanc (University of Victoria)
- Claudiu Gradinaru (University of Toronto)
- David Graf (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- James Grafe (Department of Physics, Ryerson University)
- Leigh Graham (TRIUMF)
- Steven Gravelsins (Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto)
Beau Gregory Greaves
(University of Guelph)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Noah Greenberg (institute for quantum computing)
- Noah Greenberg (University of Waterloo)
Michael Grehan
- Co-author in (I) Holographic Complexity in Gravitational Collapse
- Uwe Greife (Colorado School of Mines)
Florence Grenapin
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in (G*) Super-resolution Ghost-Imaging
Christopher Griffin
- Author in (G*) Bound-state beta-decay of Thallium-205 for low-energy neutrino flux
- Author in Experimental $\beta$-decay and $\beta$-delayed neutron branching ratios for Se and Br isotopes at N$\approx$60
- Author in New measurements of the 17O(alpha,gamma)21Ne reaction
- Author in β-delayed neutron emission studies – How storage rings can provide a complimentary measurement technique
- Gwen Grinyer (University of Regina)
- Gael Grissonnanche (Cornell University)
- Ryan Groome (Queen's University)
- Jamie Grove (Laurentian University SNOLAB)
- Yingdong Guan (Pennsylvania State University)
- Gord Gubitz (NSH)
- Yongsheng Gui (University of Manitoba)
- Yongsheng Gui (University of Manitoba)
- Alex Guida (BIOTIC, IWK/NSH)
- Aimee Gunther (University of Waterloo)
- Aurinjoy Gupta (Northern Ontario School of Medicine)
- Thomas Gutberlet (Juelich Centre for Neutron Science)
- Joshua Guthrie (University of Alberta)
G Gwinner
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB)
- Co-author in (G*) High-precision experimental nuclear physics with the upgraded TITAN Penning trap
- Co-author in (G*) Mass investigations at the intersection of the N=82 shell closure and the proton drip-line
- Co-author in Francium 7S - 8S Stark spectroscopy as a precursor to atomic parity violation tests.
- Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba)
- Igor Gyacskov (Robarts Research Institute)
- Peter Gysbers
- Roland Hablutzel (UWaterloo)
Serrai Hacene
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western University)
- Author in (G*) Simultaneous Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and [15O]water PET Multi-Modal Imaging: A Proof of Concept Study
- Author in (G*) The Use of a Novel Sampling/Reconstruction Method for Non-Proton and Low Field MRI
- Author in (U*) POS-D20 -- 3He/129Xe MRI as a Tool to Track Emphysema Progression in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Patients
- Greg Hackman (TRIUMF)
- Sofiane Haffouz (National Research Council of Canada)
- Ghazal Hajisalem (University of Calgary)
- Vincent Halde (SB Quantum)
- Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University)
- Taylor Hall (Sandia National Laboratory)
- Greg Hall (OCI Vacuum Microengineering Inc.)
Ahmad Hamdan
(Université de Montréal)
- Author in (U*) Statistical analysis of pulsed spark discharges in dielectric liquids
- Co-author in (G*) POS-B5 -- production of Ag nanoparticles by spark discharge in heptane in contact with solution
- Co-author in (G*) Statistical investigation on the number and electrical charge of streamers propagating at air-water interface under various discharge conditions.
- Saher Hamid (University of Ottawa)
- Fayçal Hammad (Bishop's University)
- Fayçal Hammad (Bishop's University)
- TJ Hammond (University of Windsor)
- TJ Hammond (University of Windsor)
- Sean Hansen-Romu (University of Manitoba)
- Timothy Hapitas (Carleton University)
- Lilianna Hariasz (Queen's University)
- Derek Harnett (University of the Fraser Valley)
- Stephen Harrigan (University of Waterloo)
- Sarah Harrison (McGill University)
- Thad Harroun
- Sarah Harrouz (IJCLab Orsay)
- Mohammad Hassan Khatami
- Walid M. Hassen (Laboratory for Quantum Semiconductors and Photon-based BioNanotechnology, Laboratoire Nanotechnologies Nanosystèmes (LN2) - CNRS UMI-3463, Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- Patrick Hatch (Queen's University)
Bradley Hauer
(NIST Boulder)
- Author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- Pawel Hawrylak (University of Ottawa)
- David Hawthorn (University of Waterloo)
- Mike Hayden (Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Robin Hayes (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Jacob H. Davidson (QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology,)
- Feizhou He
- Frank Hegmann (University of Alberta)
- Olle Heinonen (Argonne National Labs )
- Nathan Heinrich (University of Regina)
- Bret Heinrich
Paul Helgers
(aul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik)
- Author in Strain control of flying spins
- Laura Henderson (University of Waterloo)
Robie Hennigar
- Author in (G*) Marginally Outer Trapped (Open) Surfaces in 4+1 Dimensional Spacetimes
- Author in (G*) The many marginally outer trapped surfaces of Schwarzschild spacetime
- Author in The fate of apparent horizons in a binary black hole merger
- Co-author in (U*) Black Hole Heat Engines and Critical Behaviour
- Co-author in (U*) Efficiency of Black Hole Heat Engines and Universality
- Co-author in Holographic Complexity and Black Hole Thermodynamic Volume
- Co-author in Unexpectedly exciting axisymmetric apparent horizons
- Samantha Hergott (York University)
Sheryl Herrera
(University of Winnipeg)
- Author in (G*) Multi-modal PET-MR imaging of the selective activation of serotonergic neurons in living rodent brains with DREADD technology
- Author in Comparison of Cylindrical and Spherical Geometric Models to Infer Cell Sizes in a Celery Sample
- Author in Inferring axon diameters in white matter tracts of the live mouse brain
- Co-author in (U*) POS-D27 -- Moving toward faster measurements of micron-sized axon diameters in vivo
- Antoine Herrmann (Université de Montréal)
Kevin Hewitt
(Dalhousie University)
- Author in EDI Survey Presentation
- Jeremy Heyl (UBC)
- Justin Hicks (Lawson Health Research Institute)
- Andreas Hilfinger (University of Toronto Mississauga)
- Michael Hilke (McGill)
Sebastian Himbert
(McMaster University)
- Author in (G*) Erythro-VLPS: Embedding SARS-COV-2 Spike Proteins in Red Blood Cell Based Proteoliposomes Leads to Pronounced Antibody Response
- Author in (G*) How did first life emerge on terrestrial planets?
- Author in (G*) Novel drug delivery system for antibiotic therapy using modified erythrocyte liposomes
- Author in (U*) Curcumin and homotaurine suppress amyloid-b25-35 aggregation in synthetic brain membranes
- Author in (U*) The quantitative analysis of gel electrophoresis data using a cloud-based smartphone application
- Sebastian Himbert
- Steven Hironaka (University of Alberta)
- David Hnatiw (National Research Council)
- Zachary Hockenbery (TRIUMF/McGill University)
- Zachary Hockenbery (TRIUMF/McGill)
- Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF)
- Silas Hoffman (University of Florida)
- Bob Holdom (University of Toronto)
Matthias Holl
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Natasha Holmes (Cornell University)
- Jason Holt (TRIUMF and McGill University)
- Jason Holt
- Ziqing Hong (University of Toronto)
- Josh Hooker
- Doug Hoover (Western University)
- Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
- Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
- Christina Hornung (JLU Giessen)
- Renee Horton (NASA)
Griffin Howson
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
Can-Ming Hu
(University of Manitoba)
- Author in (G*) Dissipative coupling in a classical system
- Co-author in (G*) Observation of synchronization and Bloch sphere state trajectories in dissipatively coupled electrical oscillators
- Co-author in (G*) POS-G67 -- Unconventional singularity in anti-parity-time symmetric cavity magnonics
- Co-author in POS-G74 -- Observation of Magnon-Photon Coupling in a THz Scanning Fabry-Pérot Cavity
- Baishan Hu (TRIUMF)
- Wenjia J. Huang (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Seng Huat Lee (Pennsylvania State University)
- Garth Huber (University of Regina)
- Timothy Hucko (University of Manitoba)
- Kevan Hudson (Simon Fraser University / TRIUMF)
- Guido Huijsmans (CEA, IRFM, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France)
- Brayden Hull (University of Waterloo)
- Patrick Hunchak (University of Saskatchewan)
- Curtis Hunt (Texas A & M University)
- Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick)
- Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick)
- Syed M Adil Hussain (Laurentian University)
- Amina Hussein (University of Alberta )
- Dave Hutcheon (TRIUMF)
- Hong Hyeran (Institute for Quantum Computing University of Waterloo)
- Heide Ibrahim (INRS)
- Maxime Ignacio (University of Ottawa)
- Nicholas Ilow (University of Ottawa)
- Alex Inayeh (Queen's University)
- Johanna Irrgeher (Universitat Leoben)
- Ryo Ishikawa (ULVAC Inc.)
K. Rajibul Islam
(University of Waterloo)
- Author in (G*) An individual optical addressing scheme for trapped Ba+ ions in an open-access quantum information processor
- Author in (G*) Manipulation of phonon modes in a trapped-ion system by optical tweezers
- Author in (G*) Towards a large scale fully programable trapped ion quantum simulator
- Author in POS-E28 -- Holographic optical manipulation of trapped ions for quantum simulation
- K. Rajibul Islam
- Oluwanisola Iyaro (University of Manitoba)
- Chris Izzo (TRIUMF)
- C Izzo (TRIUMF - 4004, Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC)
- Ahmed Jaber (University of Ottawa)
- Andrew Jacobs (TRIUMF/UBC)
- Emmanuelle Jal (Sorbonne Université)
Daniel James
(University of Toronto)
- Author in (I) Quantum Theory of Polarized Light
- Blair Jamieson (University of Winnipeg)
- Alan Jamison (University of Waterloo)
- Nicolas Jaouen (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
Preetinder Jassal
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- A Javaji (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC & TRIUMF - 4004, Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC )
- Abhilash Javaji (TRIUMF/UBC)
- Chathurangani Jayalath Arachchige (University of Windsor)
- Heshani Jayatissa (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Sibibalan Jeevanandam (Indian Institute of technology Tirupati)
- David Jenkins (York University, UK)
- Thomas Jennewein (University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Charles Jensen (University of Alberta)
- Danielle Jenson
- Sierra Jess (University of Waterloo)
- Runqing Jiang (Associate Professor)
- Gao Jianxi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Chris Jillings
- Author in Pulse Shape Discrimination in DEAP-3600
- Marilyn Jimenez
- Najeh Jisrawi (University of Western Ontario)
Matthew Johnson
(York University/Perimeter Institute)
- Co-author in (G*) Bubble Nucleation Events are Correlated
- Matthew Johnson
- Peter Johnson
- Kyle Johnston
- Bela Joos (University of Ottawa)
- Larry Jordan (Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Manitoba)
- Raymond J. Spiteri
- Muhammad Junaid (University of Regina)
- Tobias Junginger (University of Victoria)
- Abinu Jyothini (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Amir Kaffashnia (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Myrtil Kahn (CNRS, LCC (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination) - Toulouse (France))
- Rohith Kaiyum (York university)
- Sakshi Kakkar (TRIUMF)
- Davood Kalhor (Laval University)
- Mukut Kalita (Triumf)
- L N Deepak Kallepalli (University of Ottawa)
- Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)
- Denise Kamp (McMaster University)
- Arno Kampf (Augsburg University)
Rituparna Kanungo
(Saint Mary's University)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
Gregory Kaplanek
- Author in Hot qubits on the horizon
- Ajoy Kumar Kar (Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University)
- Scott Karbashewski (University of Alberta)
Eric Karhu
(Dalhousie University)
- Co-author in Two views of the dynamical conductivity in MnSi
- Ebrahim Karimi (University of Ottawa)
- Gurpreet Kaur (Carleton University)
- Akash Kav (University of Alberta)
- Phil Kay (National Research Council of Canada)
- Stephen Kay (University of regina)
Hae-Young Kee
(University of Toronto)
- Author in (I) Microscopic Theory of Spin Frustration in Quantum Magnets
- Co-author in (G*) Exchange Interactions in d$^2$ Systems
- Co-author in (G*) POS-F48 -- Evolution of Shadowed Triplet Superconductor to Spin-Density Wave in Sr2RuO4 and Sr3Ru2O7
- Co-author in (G*) POS-G62 -- Extent of Frustration in the Classical Kitaev-$\Gamma$ Model
- Brayden Kell (University of Toronto)
- Jarod Kelly (University of New Brunswick)
- Jarod George Kelly (University of New Brunswick)
- Malcolm Kennett (Simon Fraser University)
- Abigale Kent (Lakehead University)
- Oliver Kester (TRIUMF)
- Somayeh Khajehpour Tadavani (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Giniyat Khaliullin
(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)
- Co-author in (G*) Exchange Interactions in d$^2$ Systems
- Ayub Khodaee (University of Saskatchewan)
Alexander Khramov
- Author in Laser Cooled Antihydrogen
- Maria Kieferova
- Rob Kiefl (TRIUMF)
- William Kieser (University of Ottawa)
- Nathan Killoran
- Sangsoo Kim (Florida State University)
- Mun Kim (University of Manitoba)
- Yonghyun Kim (Hanyang University)
- Mark Kirby (University of Waterloo)
- Tom Kirchner (York University)
- Jennifer Kirkey (Douglas College)
Alec Kirkley
(University of Michigan)
- Author in Robust Design from Systems Physics
- Wolfgang Klassen (University of Manitoba)
- Renee Klawitter
- Gordon Klimenko
- Felix Kling (SLAC)
- Jelena Klinovaja
Andrei Klishin
(University of Pennsylvania)
- Author in Robust Design from Systems Physics
- Author in When does entropy promote local organization?
- Andrei Klishin (University of Michigan)
- Alan Knee (University of British Columbia)
- Rob Knobel (Queens University)
- Donghyuk Ko
- Gurpaul Kochhar (Western University)
- Luan Koerich (University of Regina)
Timothy William Koeth
(University of Maryland (US))
- Author in (I) Hunting for Lost Nazi Uranium
- Philipp Kolb (TRIUMF)
- Nikolay Kolev (University of Regina)
- Yury G KOLOMENSKY (University of California, Berkeley)
- Uwe Konopka (Auburn University)
- Brian Kootte (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Brian Kootte (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Brian Kootte (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Aleksey Korobenko (NRC)
- Evgeniy Koshchiy (Texas A&M Univeristy // Cyclotron Institute)
- Nikhil Kotibhaskar (Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Stefanos Kourtis (Institut Quantique, Université de Sherbrooke)
- Alexey Kovalev (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Tessa Krause (Queen's University)
- Roman Krems (University of British Columbia)
- Gabi Kripko-Koncz (JLU Giessen)
- Anirudh Krishna
- Hannah Krivic (McMaster University)
- Liam Kroll (McMaster University)
- Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF)
- Courtney Kruschel
- Karl Krushelnick (University of Michigan)
- David Kubiznak
- Shubham Kukreja (University of Windsor)
- Vijay Kumar (University of Regina)
- Vijay Kumar (University of Regina)
Meenu Kumari
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in (G*) Wigner negativity in spin-j systems
- Hari Kunduri (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Gabor Kunstatter (University of Winnipeg)
- Philip Kurian (Quantum Biology Laboratory, Howard University)
- Tony Kwan (McGill University, (CA))
- A.A Kwiatkowski (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC & TRIUMF - 4004, Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC)
- Ania Kwiatkowski (TRIUMF/University of Victoria)
- Anna Kwiatkowski (TRIUMF)
- Dany Lachance-Quirion (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Christian Lacroix (Polytechnique Montreal)
- John Ladan (University of Toronto)
- Patrick Laferrière (University of Ottawa)
- Julie Lafontaine (Centre de recherche du CHUM)
- Andre Lafreniere (Lakehead University)
- Michela Lai (University of Cagliari)
- Alison Laird (University of York)
- David Lake
- Francis Laliberté (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Yang Lan (TRIUMF)
- Jordan Lanctot (Ryerson University)
- Alexandre Landry
- Michael Lang (University of Winnipeg)
- Alessandra Lanzara (University California, Berkeley)
- Jean Lapointe (National Research Council of Canada)
- Philippe Laporte (Université de Montréal)
- Geatan Laroche (Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Hôpital St François d’Assise, 10, Rue de l’Espinay, Québec, G1L 3L5, Québec, Canada)
- Jens Lassen (TRIUMF)
- Philippe Lassonde (INRS)
- Hoi-Kwan (Kero) Lau (Simon Fraser University)
- Stéphane Laulan
- Robert Edward Laxdal
- Kyle Leach (Colorado School of Mines)
- Alexandre Leblanc (Université de Sherbrooke)
Lindsay J. LeBlanc
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in (G*) POS-E30 -- Quantum Gates in a Cold Atom System
- Lindsay LeBlanc (University of Alberta)
- Karine Le Bris (Saint Francis Xavier University)
- Guy Leckenby (TRIUMF)
Florent Lecocq
(NIST Boulder)
- Co-author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- Yannick Lecoeuche (University of British Columbia)
- Drake Lee (University of Guelph)
- Youn Seok Lee (Institute for Quantum Computing University of Waterloo)
- Michel Lefebvre (University of Victoria (CA))
- Francois Legare (INRS)
- Katherine Légaré (INRS)
- Sidney Leggett (Statistics, University of Winnipeg)
- Anaëlle Legros (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Chao Lei (University of Texas at Austin )
- Brandon Leipner-Johns
- Erich Leistenschneider (TRIUMF)
- Mikhail Lemeshko (IST Austria (Institute of Science and Technology Austria))
Annika Lennarz
- Author in Direct measurement of the $^{26m}$Al(${\it p}$,$\gamma$)$^{27}$Si reaction at DRAGON using an isomeric radioactive ion beam
- Author in New measurements of the 17O(alpha,gamma)21Ne reaction
- Co-author in Measurement of the $^7$Be($\alpha,\gamma$)$^{11}$C reaction with DRAGON for neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis
- Christopher Leon (University of Alberta)
- Benoît H Lessard (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Debbie Leung (University of Waterloo)
- C. D. Phil Levy (TRIUMF)
Randy Lewis
(York University (Toronto, Canada))
- Co-author in SU(2) lattice gauge theory on a quantum annealer
- Laurent Lewis (University of Montreal)
- Ivan L'Heureux (University of Ottawa)
Xuejun Li
- Author in Design of 1.0T conduction cooled superconducitng magnet for intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
- Author in Medical Image Fusion Based on Modified Parameter- Adaptive Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network
- Author in Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multi-Attentional Mechanisms using Brain PET Image
- Ruohong Li (TRIUMF)
- Kay Li (York University)
- Alex Li (Robarts Research Institute, Western University )
- Zhelun Li (McGill University, (CA))
- Siyuan Li (University of Saskatchewan)
- Xunyu Liang (The University of British Columbia)
- Johnson Liang (McMaster Univsersity)
Andy Liao
- Co-author in (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- Rémi Ligez (Université de Montréal)
- Hannes Lindenblatt (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Joseph Lindon (University of Alberta)
- Joey Lindon (University of Alberta)
- Austin Lindquist
- David Linteau (McGill University)
- Alison Lister (University of British Columbia (CA))
- Elena Litvinova (Western Michigan University)
- Guangdong Liu (University of Alberta)
- Lucian Livadaru (Quantum Silicon Inc.)
- Pascal Loiseau (CEA-DAM-DIF, F-91297, Arpajon, France)
Elena Long
(University of New Hampshire)
- Author in (I) LGBT+ Climate in Physics (flipped)
- Savino Longo (University of Victoria)
- Joe Losby (University of Alberta)
- Joseph Losby (University of Alberta)
- Tetyana Loskutova (Mcmaster University)
- Daniel Loss
- Matthew Lovely (Colorado School of Mines)
- Pei Jiang Low (University of Waverloo)
- Rongsheng Lu (Southeast University)
- Chenyang Jerry Lu (University of Manitoba)
- Eric Luber (University of Alberta)
- Rebeka Lubna (TRIUMF)
- Livadaru Lucian
Adina Luican-Mayer
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in (G*) Gated quantum dots in van der Waals materials
- Author in (G*) Moiré patterns in graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
- Author in (I) Quantum materials at the atomic scale
- Author in Electrostatically gated quantum dots in van der Waals materials
- Author in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of MnBi$_2$Te$_4$
- Co-author in An exploration for new phenomena using high-harmonic generation in two-dimensional van der Waals materials
- Co-author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Functionalized surfaces of graphene field effect transistors for gas sensing
- Co-author in Multilayer Graphene as Adaptive Thermal Camouflage
- Co-author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Graeme Luke
- Eric Lukosi (University of Tennessee)
- E.D. Lukosi (Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA)
- Jan Lüning (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- David Lunney (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Monica Luo (University of British Columbia)
- Qiang Luo (University of Toronto)
- E.M Lykiardopoulou (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC & TRIUMF - 4004, Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC )
- Marilena Lykiardopoulou (TRIUMF/UBC)
- Eleni Marina Lykiardopoulou (TRIUMF)
Zhenwei Lyu
(University of Guelph)
- Author in Constraints on Axions from GW170817
- Danika MacDonell (University of Victoria (CA))
- Joseph Maciejko (University of Alberta)
- Katherine Mack (North Carolina State University)
- Richard MacKenzie (Université de Montréal)
Andrew MacLean
(University of Guelph)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Nicholas Macsai (University of Manitoba)
- Dalini Maharaj (University of Windsor)
- Sara Mahshid (McGill University)
- Aude Maignan (university Grenoble Alpes)
- Lindsay Mainhood
- Saurabh Maiti (Concordia University)
- Tolya Maksimchuk (University of Michigan)
- Alison E. Malcolm (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Xavier Maldague (Laval University)
- Ali Maleki (University of Ottawa)
- Juliette Mammei (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Russell Mammei (The university of Winnipeg)
Robert Mann
(University of Waterloo)
- Author in (I) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Physics — a Career Perspective
- Author in Holographic Complexity and Black Hole Thermodynamic Volume
- Author in Quantum Detection of Inertial Frame Dragging
- Author in Unruh-DeWitt Detector Differentiation of Black Holes and Exotic Compact Objects
- Co-author in (G*) Entanglement Amplification from Rotating Black Holes
- Co-author in (G*) Harvesting Entanglement inside a Black Hole
- Co-author in (G*) Thermodynamics of Exotic Gauss-Bonnet Black Holes
- Co-author in (G*) Wigner negativity in spin-j systems
- Co-author in (U*) Black Hole Heat Engines and Critical Behaviour
- Co-author in (U*) Efficiency of Black Hole Heat Engines and Universality
- Co-author in Bandlimited UDW detector dynamics on 2+1 flat and spherical spacetimes
- Co-author in Quantum Temporal Superposition: the case of QFT
- Hugh G. Manning (School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland)
- Bastian Manschwetus (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Zach Manson (University of Windsor)
- Zhiqiang Mao (Pennsylvania State University)
- Richard Marchand (University of Ablerta)
- Richard Marchand
- Davide Marchese (Lakehead University)
- Marco Marchetto (TRIUMF)
- Joëlle Margot (Université de Montréal)
- Sigvald Marholm (University of Oslo)
- Casey Marjerrison (McMaster University (Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research))
- Peter Markowitz (Florida International University)
- Pete Markowitz (Florida International University (US))
- Drew Marquardt (University of Windsor)
- Caleb Marshall (TUNL)
Frank Marsiglio
(University of Alberta)
- Author in (I) Eliashberg Theory and Jules Carbotte
- Richard Martel (Université de Montréal)
- stephen martens (University of Saskatchewan)
Melanie Martin
(University of Winnipeg)
- Author in (G*) Multi-modal PET-MR imaging of the selective activation of serotonergic neurons in living rodent brains with DREADD technology
- Author in Comparison of Cylindrical and Spherical Geometric Models to Infer Cell Sizes in a Celery Sample
- Author in Design of 1.0T conduction cooled superconducitng magnet for intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
- Author in Inferring axon diameters in white matter tracts of the live mouse brain
- Author in Medical Image Fusion Based on Modified Parameter- Adaptive Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network
- Author in Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multi-Attentional Mechanisms using Brain PET Image
- Author in Sino Canada Health Institute Intra-Operative MRI
- Author in University of Winnipeg Undergraduate Programs to Encourage Indigenous Students to Undertake Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
- Co-author in (U*) POS-D27 -- Moving toward faster measurements of micron-sized axon diameters in vivo
- Matthew Martin (Simon Fraser University)
- Ivar Martin (Argonne National Laboratory)
- James Martin (University of Waterloo)
- Lars Dieter Martin (TRIUMF)
- Ivan Martinez (McGill)
- Denhi Martinez
- Milad Marvian
Jeremy Marvin
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Co-author in (U*) Laser-based mask characterization for prophylaxis of Covid-19
Karl-Peter Marzlin
(St. Francis Xavier University)
- Author in (I) Nonlinear Atomic Force Microscopy
- Peter Mason (National Research Council of Canada)
- Michael Massa (University of Guelph)
- Victor Massart
- Francoise Massines (Laboratoire PROcédés Matériaux et Énergie Solaire, PROMES CNRS, Tecnosud, 66100 Perpignan, France)
- Paul-Edouard Masson-Laborde (CEA-DAM-DIF, F-91297, Arpajon, France)
- Max Masthoff (Universität Münster)
- Igor Mastikhin (University of New Brunswick)
- Kant Matsuda (Pathology, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, United States)
- Jordyn Matthews (University of Windsor)
- Adam Mayer (University of Calgary)
- Fiona McCarthy (Perimeter Institute)
- Mark McCrea (University of Winnipeg)
- David G. McCromack (5Division of Respirology, Department of Medicine, Western University)
- Chris R. McDonald (University of Ottawa)
Alex McDonald
- Co-author in (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- Art McDonald
Evan Mcdonough
(University of Chicago)
- Author in (I) New Directions for Dark Matter
- Sarah McFarlane (University of Calgary)
- John Patrick Mc Gowan (McGill University, (CA))
- Bryan J McIntosh (Medical Physics, CancerCare Manitoba & Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba)
- Jess McIver (The University of British Columbia)
- Jess McIver (UBC)
- Alastair McLean (Queen's University)
- Kayla McLean (University of Victoria (CA))
- James McNeil (TRIUMF)
Fiona McNeill
(McMaster University)
- Author in Neutrons in Medicine
- Rob McQueeney (Ames National Laboratory)
- Brett Meggison (University of Manitoba)
- Zach Meisel (Ohio University)
- Severin Meister (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Dan Melconian (Texas A&M)
- Daniel Melconian (Texas A & M University)
- Larissa Melischek (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Andrey Melnikov (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- David Menard (Polytechnique Montreal)
Jean-Michel Ménard
(Department of Physics, University of Ottawa)
- Co-author in (G*) Adding a linear contribution to depolarization in simulations of supercontinuum generation
- Co-author in (G*) Broadband and high sensitivity THz system with grating-assisted noncollinear phase-matching
- Co-author in Nonlinear optical properties of graphene: liquid-phase exfoliation vs chemical vapour deposition
Jean-Michel Ménard
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in (G*) Ultrafast modulation of the properties of a metasurface for terahertz radiation
- Co-author in (G*) Wavelength-dependent depolarization in fiber-based supercontinuum
- Co-author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Functionalized surfaces of graphene field effect transistors for gas sensing
- Co-author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Scott Menary (TRIUMF (CA))
- Mohamad Menati (Auburn University)
- Emanuele Mendicelli (University of York (Toronto, Canada))
- Morgan Mercredi (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
- Zach D. Merino (University of Waterloo)
- Marco Merkli (Memorial University)
- Ozzy Mermut (York University)
- Nizar Messaoudi (Keysight Technologies)
- Curtis A. Meyer (Carnegie Mellon)
- Yonghao Mi (University of Ottawa)
- Yonghao Mi
- Emile Michaud (University of Montreal)
- Courtney Mielnichuk
- Soma MIKI (Osaka University)
- Carley Miki (University of Guelph)
- Natalia Milaniak (Laval University)
- Caleb Miller (University of Victoria)
- Kerri Miller (University of Calgary)
- Brett Min (McGill University)
- Futoshi Minato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Dmytro Minchenko (University of Alberta)
- Ivan Miskun (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Sushil Misra
- Author in (G*) Magic-angle orientation selectivity in two-pulse EPR COSY (correlation spectroscopy) sequence: Distance measurements in biological systems
- Author in Coherence transfer in two-pulse double quantum (DQ) and five-pulse double- quantum modulation (DQM) sequences in EPR: Orientation selectivity and distance measurement
- Matthew Mitchell (University of Calgary)
- Roberto Hiroki Miwa (Federal University of Uberlandia)
- Takayuki Miyagi (TRIMUF)
Takayuki Miyagi
- Author in Ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei
- Khaled Mnaymneh (National Research Council of Canada)
- Kyana Mohammadi
Laleh Mohtashemi
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in Two views of the dynamical conductivity in MnSi
- Sergey Moiseev (Kazan Quantum Center)
- Evgeny Moiseev (Kazan Quantum Center)
- Ali Mokhtari-Jazi (Simon Fraser University)
- Laurent Molino (University of Ottawa)
- Takamasa Momose (University of British Columbia)
Ted Monchesky
(Dalhousie University)
- Co-author in Two views of the dynamical conductivity in MnSi
- Theodore Monchesky (Dalhousie University)
- Victor Monier
- Gustavo Montes-Cabrera (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente)
- Eric Montoya (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California)
- Alexander Mook
- Marianne Moore (University of British Columbia)
- Jordan Morelli (Queen's University)
- Joel Moreno (University of Saskatchewan)
- Kayte Mori
- Antoine Morin (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Sylvie Morin
- Stephen Morris (University of Toronto)
- Catherine E Morris (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)
- David Morris (NSH)
- Gerald Morris (TRIUMF)
- Michael Morrow (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Donald C. Morton (Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics NRC)
- Robert Moshammer
- Robert Moshammer (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Maryam Mostamand (University of Manitoba- TRIUMF)
- Kapil Motla
- Sainath Motlakunta (University of Waterloo)
- Roberto Motterlini (Inserm - University Paris Est)
- Roman Movshovich (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Maryam Mozaffari (Western University-Robarts Research Institute)
- Stanislaw Mrowczynski (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Amy M.Schertz (The College of William & Mary)
- Shardul Mukim (Trinity College Dublin)
- Ish Mukul (TRIUMF)
- Ish Mukul (TRIUMF)
- Matthew Mumpower
- Jong Hern MUN (PIIM laboratory)
- Tim Munsie
- Magali Muraglia (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UNR 7345, Marseille, France)
- Tobias Murboeck (TRIUMF)
- Christopher Murray (Lakehead University)
- Kevin Murray (McGill University)
- Sangeeta Murugkar (Carleton University)
- Sarah Muth
- Jason Myatt (University of Alberta)
- Elie Nadal (Laboratoire PROcédés Matériaux et Énergie Solaire, PROMES CNRS, Tecnosud, 66100 Perpignan, France)
- Serge Nagorny (Queen's University)
- Nicolas Naudé (LAPLACE, Université de Toulouse, CNRS - Toulouse (France))
- Andrei Yu. Naumov
Petr Navratil
- Author in (G*) Scattering and Reaction Calculations for the 8Be Composite System
- Author in (U*) Ab initio calculations of electric dipole moments of light nuclei
- Co-author in (G*) Applications of ab initio nuclear theory to tests of fundamental symmetries
- Co-author in Ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei
- John Nees (University of Michigan)
- Nathan Nelson (University of Saskatchewan)
Joseph N. E. Lucero
(Simon Fraser University)
- Co-author in (G*) High-performance information engine.
- Simran Nerval (Queen's University)
- Jacob E. Newman (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Evan Marshall Ney (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Frederick Ng (Student)
- Samuel Ng (University of British Columbia)
- Camus Nicolas
- Jana Niedermeier (TRIUMF)
- Marek Niewczas (McMaster University)
- Tom Nilges (Technical University of Munich)
- Bernard Nisol (Molecular Plasma Group, Luxembourg)
- Larissa Njejimana (Université de Sherbrooke)
Tony Noble
(Queen's University)
- Author in LRP McDonald Institute
- Author in McDonald Institute Update (10 min + 5 min for questions)
- Hikaru NOMURA (Osaka University)
- Hikaru Nomura (Osaka University)
- Yves Christian Nonguierma (Université de Moncton)
- David B. Northeast (National Research Council of Canada)
- Vladimir Nosenko (Institut fur Materialphysik im Weltraum, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR))
- Matthew Nugent
- Nivin Nystrom (Robarts Research Institute, Western University )
- Katrin Oberhofer (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Daniel Oblak (University of Calgary)
- Patrick O'Brien (University of Alberta)
- Jozef Ociepa (OCI Vacuum Microengineering Inc.)
- Duncan O'Dell (McMaster University)
- Guenevere O'hara (OCI Vacuum Microengineering Inc.)
Bruno Olaizola
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Konstantin Olchanski (TRIUMF (CA))
- Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))
- Akinola Olowookere (University of Alberta)
- Pavlo Omelchenko
- Sabine O'Neal (University of Central Florida)
- Tian Ooi (University of Alberta)
- Nathan Orlando (Western University)
- Luis A. Orozco (University of Maryland)
- Duncan Osmond (University of New Brunswick)
- Rachel Ostic (Department of Physics, University of Ottawa)
- Claudia Ott (Technical University of Munich)
Alexei Ouriadov
(The University of Western Ontario)
- Author in (G*) Simultaneous Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and [15O]water PET Multi-Modal Imaging: A Proof of Concept Study
- Author in (G*) The Use of a Novel Sampling/Reconstruction Method for Non-Proton and Low Field MRI
- Author in (I) Noble gas MRI: A Decade of Progress Towards Clinical Translation
- Author in (U*) POS-D20 -- 3He/129Xe MRI as a Tool to Track Emphysema Progression in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Patients
- Solomon Akaraka Owerre
- Nils Paar (University of Zagreb)
- José Padua (TRIUMF)
- Mark Paetkau (Thompson Rivers University)
- Sumanta Pal (University of Alberta)
- Georgios Palkanoglou (University of Guelph)
- Vanessa Palmer (Cubresa Inc)
- Ming Pan (University of Windsor)
- Som Paneru (Ohio University)
Dilip Paneru
(University of Ottawa)
- Co-author in (G*) Super-resolution Ghost-Imaging
- Prasanta Panigrahi (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, India)
- Mina Papahn Zadeh
- Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina)
- Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal)
- Tristhal Parasram (University of Windsor)
- Jean-Michel Parent (Université de Sherbrooke)
Jaewoo Park
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Co-author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Functionalized surfaces of graphene field effect transistors for gas sensing
- Co-author in Nonlinear optical properties of graphene: liquid-phase exfoliation vs chemical vapour deposition
- Andrew M. Park (University of Ottawa)
- F. I. Parra (University of Oxford)
- Grace Parraga (Western University)
- Vlad Paserin (University of Waterloo)
- Mayur Patel (Simon Fraser University)
- Sagar Patel (University of Waterloo)
- Cédric Pattyn (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Stefan Paul (TRIUMF)
- Mukul Chandra Paul (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research)
- Elisabeth Paulssen (Aachen University)
Matej Pavin
- Author in Water Cherenkov Test Experiment
- DD Pearson (Robson DNA Science Centre, Univ. of Calgary)
- Matthew Pearson (TRIUMF)
- James Peebles (Princeton University)
- Yuhao Peng
- Peng Peng
- Crystal Penner (TRIUMF)
- Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz
- Tami Pereg-Barnea (McGill University)
- Tamar Pereg-Barnea (McGill University)
- Tami Pereg-Barnea
- Lucas Perna
- Jarrad Perron (University of Manitoba)
- Samuel Perron (University of Western Ontario)
- Olof Peters (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Robert Petry (Campion College at the University of Regina)
- Thomas Pfeifer
- Thomas Pfeifer (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Stephen Phillips (NSH)
- Markus Pielmeier (Technical University of Munich)
- Jacinthe Pilette (Montreal)
- Michel Pioro-Ladrière (Université de Sherbrooke)
Marie-Cécile Piro
(University of Alberta)
- Author in The Development of Astroparticle Educational Resources for High Schools
- Co-author in (G*) A Modern High-Precision Calculation of Deep Underground Cosmic Ray Muons
- Co-author in (G*) Radon Mitigation Strategies for the NEWS-G Dark Matter Experiment
- Co-author in (U*) POS-J89 -- Modelling bubble nucleation efficiency in superheated liquid argon
- Dalila Pirvu (Perimeter Institute / University of Waterloo)
- Jason Pitters (National Research Council of Canada)
- Jason Pitters
- Benedikt Placke (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
- Kirill Plekhanov
- Ryan Plumadore (University of Ottawa)
- ryan plumadore
- Martin Plumer (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Louis Poirier (National Research Council Canada)
- Mathilde Poirier (Laval University)
- Andrzej Pokraka (McGill University)
- Lucas Alexander Polson (University of Victoria (CA))
- James Polson (University of Prince Edward Island)
- Daniel Pook-Kolb (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute),)
- Phlip J. Poole (National Reseach Council of Canada)
- Alan Poon (Berkeley Lab)
- Erich Poppitz (University of Toronto)
- Rehana Begum Popy (University of Manitoba)
- Jennifer Pore (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- William Porter (TRIUMF)
- W.S Porter (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC & TRIUMF - 4004, Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC )
- Carlotta Porzio (Università degli Studi di Milano, TRIUMF)
- Clinton Potts (University of Alberta)
- Matthew Poulos (University of California, Los Angeles)
Sarah Powell
(York University (Toronto, Canada))
- Co-author in SU(2) lattice gauge theory on a quantum annealer
- Adam Powell (University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
- Reddy Prabhat (Indian Institute of technology Tirupati)
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
(University of New Hampshire)
- Author in (I) Making Universal Axions
- Author in The Right to Know and Love the Night Sky
- Steve Presse (Arizona State University)
- Thomas Prohaska (Universitat Leoben)
- Igor Proskurin (University of Manitoba)
- Nick Prouse (TRIUMF)
- Michelle Pryde (Dalhousie University)
- Athanasios Psaltis (McMaster University)
- Ralph Pudritz (McMaster University)
- Mathew Pula
- David Purschke (University of Alberta)
- Anastasiia Pusenkova (Laval University)
- Le Qiao (University of Ottawa)
- Jeffrey Quilliam (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Jerome Quintin (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
- Richard Rademacher (University of Waterloo)
- Richard Rademacher
- Allison Radich (University of Guelph)
- Fereshteh Rajabi (University of Waterloo)
- Udbhav Ram
- Udbhav Ram (McMaster University)
- Ajan Ramachandran (Dalhousie University)
- Brad Ramshaw (Cornell University)
- Lora Ramunno (University of Ottawa)
Jaspreet Randhawa
(University of Notre Dame)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)
- Elina Rascevska (Lawson Health Research Institute, The Western University of Ontario)
- Bertis Rasco (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- B.C. Rasco (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physics Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA)
- Hussain Rasiwala (McGill University)
- Saeed Rastgoo (York University)
- Jeffrey Rau (University of Windsor)
- Wolfgang Rau
Ranjana Rautela
(University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Functionalized surfaces of graphene field effect transistors for gas sensing
- Co-author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Parmesh Ravi (University of Waterloo)
- Ante Ravlic (University of Zagreb)
- Ahmed Rayyan (University of Toronto)
- Nayyer Raza
- P Harshavardhan Reddy (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research)
- Harald Redlin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Gael Reecht (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Sarah Reeve (Dalhousie University)
Jonas Refsgaard
(Triumf/Saint Mary's University)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Nils Refvik (Univeristy of Alberta)
- Desiree Rehel (N/A)
Steven Rehse
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Co-author in (U*) Laser-based mask characterization for prophylaxis of Covid-19
- Pascal Reiter (University of Edinburgh/JLU Giessen)
- Orad Reshef (Postdoctoral fellow)
- Fabrice Retiere (TRIUMF)
- Anika Retzmann (Montanuniversitat Leoben, Austria)
- Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal)
Maikel Rheinstadter
(McMaster University)
- Author in (G*) Erythro-VLPS: Embedding SARS-COV-2 Spike Proteins in Red Blood Cell Based Proteoliposomes Leads to Pronounced Antibody Response
- Author in (G*) How did first life emerge on terrestrial planets?
- Author in (G*) Novel drug delivery system for antibiotic therapy using modified erythrocyte liposomes
- Author in (U*) Curcumin and homotaurine suppress amyloid-b25-35 aggregation in synthetic brain membranes
- Author in (U*) The quantitative analysis of gel electrophoresis data using a cloud-based smartphone application
- Maikel Rheinstädter
- Hannah V. Rheinstädter (McMaster University)
- Abbey Richer
- Jon Ringuette (TRIUMF/Colorado School of Mines)
- Alexandra Rink (Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, University Health Network)
- James Rioux (BIOTIC, IWK/NSH)
- Paul Ripoche (University of British Columbia)
- Issa Rishmawi (University of Waterloo)
Adam Ritz
- Author in Canadian Subatomic Physics LRP
- Author in Fixed target probes for the Higgs portal
- Author in SAP LRPC (25 min + 15 min for questions)
- Matthew Robbins (University of Waterloo/Perimeter Institute)
- Eric Robert (GREMI - University of Orleans - CNRS)
- Germain Robert-Bigras (Université de Montréal)
- Ken Roberts (The University of Western Ontario)
- Cayleih Robertson (McMaster University)
- Mason Rock (Ryerson University)
- Eduardo Rodriguez
- Ana Maria Rodriguez Vera (York University (CA))
- Grigory Rogachev
- Ronald Rogge (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
- Cesar Romagnoli (London Health Sciences Centre)
- Pooya Ronagh (University of Waterloo)
- Michael Roney (University of Victoria)
- Michael J. Rosenberg (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, NY , USA)
- Achal Roshan
- Kate Ross (Colorado State University (Department of Physics), Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, )
- Marc-Antoine Roux (Université de Sherbrooke)
David Roy-Guay
(SB Quantum)
- Author in (G*) A portable diamond-based quantum demonstrator based on a quantum control and readout platform - Démonstrateur quantique portable à base de diamant, basé sur une plateforme de contrôle et de lecture quantique
- Co-author in (I) Building Magnetic Intelligence: harnessing quantum magnetometry with the diamond NV-centre for end-user applications
- W Rozmus
- Chris Ruiz (TRIUMF)
- Romain Rulhmann (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Doris Rusu (University of Windsor)
- Charles Ruyer (CEA-DAM-DIF, F-91297, Arpajon, France)
- Krzysztof Rykaczewski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- K.P. Rykaczewski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physics Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA)
Pranav- S
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Antti Saastamoinen (Texas A&M University)
- Andrew Sachrajda (National Research Council Canada (NRC))
- Parvaneh Sadeghi (Bishop's University)
- Mustafa Saeed (University of New Brunswick)
- Reza Safaei (INRS)
Laura Sagunski
- Co-author in Constraints on Axions from GW170817
- Tushar Saha (Simon Fraser University)
- Ivan Saika-Voivod (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Yukiya Saito (The University of British Columbia / TRIUMF)
- Manas Sajjan
Mairi Sakellariadou
- Co-author in Constraints on Axions from GW170817
Hamidreza Salahi
(Concordia University)
- Co-author in (G*) Magic-angle orientation selectivity in two-pulse EPR COSY (correlation spectroscopy) sequence: Distance measurements in biological systems
- Co-author in Coherence transfer in two-pulse double quantum (DQ) and five-pulse double- quantum modulation (DQM) sequences in EPR: Orientation selectivity and distance measurement
- Henri Salmon (Physics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
- Lucille Samard (Département de génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux, Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- Guillermo Marrero Samarin (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Ruben Sandapen (Acadia University)
- Leslie Sanders (York University)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
- Jack Sankey (McGill University)
- Robert Santacruz (University of New Brunswick)
Paulo Santos
(aul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik)
- Author in Strain control of flying spins
- Gianluca Sarri (Queen's University Belfast)
- Wayne Saslow (Texas A&M University)
- Vincent Sauer (University of Alberta)
- John Saunders
- Jean-Francois Sauvageau (Département de génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux, Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- George Savvidis (Queen's University)
Samantha Scarfe
(University of Ottawa)
- Co-author in Development of graphene-based field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors for a simulant of chemical warfare agents
- Co-author in Nonlinear optical properties of graphene: liquid-phase exfoliation vs chemical vapour deposition
- Co-author in Optically enhanced gas sensing performance of graphene field effect transistors
- Lukas Scarfe
- Paul Schaffer (TRIUMF)
- Nora Schirmel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Esther Schirrmacher (TRIUMF)
- Miranda Schmidt (McMaster University)
- Martin Schnee (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Kirsten Schnorr (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Timothy Scholl (Department of Medical Biophysics, Robarts Research Institute, Western University)
- Sarah Schon (Queen's University)
- Alan Schotter (University of Edinburgh)
- Christopher Schruder (York University)
- Silvia Scorza (SNOLAB)
- Tony Scott (Institut für Physikalische Chemie, RWTH-Aachen University)
- Al Scott (Honeywell)
- Carolyn Sealfon (University of Toronto)
- Tigran Sedrakyan (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Zahra Seifollahi
- Co-author in (I) Flow-Through Z-Pinch Research at Fuse
- Michael Sekatchev (TRIUMF)
- Ravi Selvaganapathy (McMaster University)
- Sangeev Selvaratnam (University of Manitoba)
- Ramanpreet Sembhi (The University of Western Ontario)
- Manibrata Sen
- Pramodh Senarath Yapa (University of Alberta)
- Sujit Sengupta (AdmiraDHES)
- Crystal Senko
- Crystal Senko (University of Waterloo)
- Vigneshvar Senthilkumaran (University of Alberta)
- Mauro S. Ferreira (Trinity College Dublin)
- Ruhi Shah (University of Waterloo)
- Ahmed Shalabi (University of Waterloo)
- Amit Shalev (University of Calgary)
- Hurmiz Shamana (University of Guelph)
- Prasoon Kumar Shandilya (University of Calgary)
- Utsav Sharma (Ryerson University)
- Anima Sharma (TRIUMF)
Mohit Sharma
(University of Delhi)
- Author in On the quantum origin of a dark universe
- Sudarshan Sharma (McMaster University)
Jonathan Sharp
(University of Alberta)
- Author in The Collapse of the Manifold
- Emmet Sheerin (School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland)
- Benjamin Sheff (University of Michigan)
- Kyle Shiells (University of Manitoba)
- Chung-You Shih (University of Waterloo)
- Trevor Shillington (McGill University)
- Magdi Shoucri
- Maheyer Jamshed Shroff (University of Victoria (CA))
- Arnold Sikkema (Trinity Western University)
- Spencer Sillaste (University of Waterloo)
- Roshani Silwal (TRIUMF)
Raymond Simmonds
(NIST Boulder)
- Co-author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- J. Rika Simon (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Christoph Simon (University of Calgary)
- Nicholas Simonson (University of Saskatchewan)
- Peter Simpson (University of British Columbia)
- Rane Simpson (TRIUMF/UBC)
- Dogan Sinar (University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing)
David Singer
(University of Michigan)
- Author in Robust Design from Systems Physics
- Ravi Prakash Singh
- Ishwar Singh (Queen's University)
- Mahi Singh (Western)
Chandralekha Singh
(University of Pittsburgh)
- Co-author in Roles in Collaborative Introductory Lab Activities
- Mukhwinder Singh (SMU)
- Janukan Sivajeyan (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta)
- Bradley Siwick (McGill University)
Gary Slater
(University of Ottawa)
- Author in (G*) Diffusion in a membrane in the presence of immobile obstacles: the role of disorder
- Author in (G*) The Limits of Polymer Single File Dynamics: A phase diagram
- Author in A Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithm for Swelling Drug Delivery Systems
- Author in Ratcheting charged polymers through nanopores: Designing a low pass molecular filter for DNA
Sydney Sleiman
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- Nigel Smith (SNOLab)
- Gareth William Smith
- Evan Smith (McMaster University)
- Benjamin Mark Smith (TRIUMF (CA))
Benjamin D. Smith
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in (G*) POS-E30 -- Quantum Gates in a Cold Atom System
- Benjamin Smith
- David Smith
Anastasia Smolina
(University of Toronto)
- Author in EDI Survey Presentation
- Andrei Smolyakov (University of Saskatchewan)
- Andrei Smolyakov
- Nathan Snider (University of Waterloo)
- Kayla Snyder (University of Guelph)
- Chukman So (TRIUMF (CA))
- Andrey A. Solodov (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, NY , USA)
- Lorna Somers
- Ningqiang Song (Queen's University)
- Wen Yi Song (York University (CA))
- Byron Southern (University of Manitoba)
- Sanchit Srivastava (IISER, TVM, India)
Manu Srivastava
- Co-author in (I) Holographic Complexity in Gravitational Collapse
- Jakub Stacho (Simon Fraser University)
- Michael Staelens
Luc Stafford
(Universite de Montreal)
- Author in (G*) Influence of pulsed gas injections on the stability of Townsend dielectric barrier discharges in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure
- Author in (I) Defect Engineering in Plasma-Treated Graphene Films
- Co-author in Boron substitutional doping of graphene by low- pressure diborane-argon plasma
- Co-author in Fundamental study of plasma-graphene interactions in Argon/B2H6 plasma
- Robert L. Stamps (University of Manitoba)
- Shawn Stargardter (University of Manitoba)
- Krzysztof Starosta (Simon Fraser University)
- André Staudte
- Andre Staudte (National research council of Canada)
- Andre Staudte (National Research Council and University of Ottawa)
- Andre Staudte (National Research Council of Canada)
Panagiotis Peter Stavropoulos
(University of Toronto)
- Co-author in (G*) Exchange Interactions in d$^2$ Systems
- Katinka Stecina (Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Manitoba)
- Tom Steele (U of Saskatchewan)
- Aephraim Steinberg (University of Toronto)
- Michael Steinitz (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Petr Stepanov (Catholic University of America)
- Jacob Stephen (University of Windsor)
- Stephen Kay (University of Regina)
- Justin Stevens (College of William and Mary)
- Noah Stocek (University of Western Ontario)
- Stephanie Stockwell (Lakehead University)
- Albert Stolow (University of Ottawa)
- Denis St-Onge (University of Oxford)
- René St-Onge
- James Stotz (Queen's University)
Mark Stringer
(Queen's University)
- Author in Current Status of DEAP-3600
Ragnar Stroberg
(University of Washington)
- Co-author in Ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei
- Co-author in Ab-initio calculations of structure factors for dark matter searches
- Sergei Studenikin (National Research Council Canada (NRC))
- Matthew Stukel (Queen's University)
- Denis Sukachev
- Ruthie Sun (McMaster University)
- Chen Sun (Hunan University)
- Xufei Sun
- Zewen Sun (University of Waterloo)
- Sriram Sundaram (McMaster University)
- Kuntal Sungupta
Sourav Sur
(University of Delhi)
- Author in On the quantum origin of a dark universe
- karthik suresh (University of Regina)
- Rebecca Surman (Union College)
- Ronny Sutarto (Canadian Light Source)
- Fumika Suzuki (University of British Columbia)
- Yoshishige Suzuki (Osaka University)
- Yoshishige SUZUKI (Osaka University)
- Carl Svensson (University of Guelph)
- Richard Sydora (University of Alberta)
- Shahrzad Taheri
- Muhammad Tahir (Colorado State University)
- Louis Taillefer (Université de Sherbrooke)
- samin tajik (brock university)
- Eiiti TAMURA (Osaka University)
- Yuji TANAKA (Osaka University)
- Daniela Tanase Broten (Canadian Light Source)
- Ramy Tannous (University of Waterloo)
- Liang Tao (Anhui University)
- Arina Tashchilina (University of Alberta)
Arina Tashchilina
(University of Alberta)
- Co-author in (G*) POS-E30 -- Quantum Gates in a Cold Atom System
- Arina Tashchilina
- Marco Taucer (University of Ottawa)
- Arash Tavassoli
- Wendy Taylor (York University (CA))
- Rachel Taylor (SB Quantum)
- Jacob Taylor
- Samantha Taylor (University of Victoria (CA))
- Andrea Teigelhoefer (TRIUMF)
- Andrea Teigelhoifer (Triumf)
- Yue Teng (University of Waterloo)
- Yi Hong Teoh (University of Waterloo)
- David Tessier (The University of Western Ontario)
- Marc-André Tétrault (Université de Sherbrooke)
John Teufel
(NIST Boulder)
- Co-author in Millimeter Wave Quantum Optomechanics
- John Thibault (University of Alberta)
- Jonathan Thiessen (Lawson Health Research Institute)
- Edward Thomas (Auburn University)
- Russell Thompson (University of Waterloo)
- Christie Thompson
- Robert Thompson (University of Calgary)
- Robert Thompson (University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
- Adam Thorpe (University of Ottawa)
- Monique Tie (Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto)
- Collin Tiessen (Andre E. Lalonde Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab)
Alayna Tieu
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
Erickson Tjoa
(University of Waterloo)
- Co-author in (G*) Harvesting Entanglement inside a Black Hole
Vasil Todorinov
(University of Lethbreidge)
- Author in Quantum field theory with minimum length
- Jan Toke (J-Tech Instruments)
Emily Tracey
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (U*) POS-D17 -- Quantification of Sensitivity and Specificity in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Diagnostic Assay for Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Classification
- Author in (U*) The Use of Silver Microparticles for Spectrum Emission Enhancement During Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Bacterial Specimens.
- James, L Tracy
- Rolf Treusch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Florian Trost (Max-Planck-Institute)
- Richard Trotta (Catholic University of America)
- Bill Truong (McGill University)
- Yu-Dai Tsai (Fermilab)
- Thomas Tsangaris (University of Toronto)
- Adam Tsen (University of Waterloo)
- TUCAN Collaboration
- Zin Tun ( TVB Associates Inc.)
Dacosta Tyler
(University of Ottawa )
- Co-author in Multilayer Graphene as Adaptive Thermal Camouflage
- Kurt Tyson (Queens University)
- Ethan Uberseder (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
Frank Wilczek UNKNOWN
- Author in Quanta of the Third Kind: Anyons
- Sriteja Upadhyayula (TRIUMF)
- Guneet Uppal (University of Manitoba)
- Ali Usman
- Ebru Uzer (Technical University of Munich)
Brigitte Vachon
(McGill University, (CA))
- Author in Canadian Subatomic Physics LRP
- Author in SAP LRPC (25 min + 15 min for questions)
Sally Valbuena
(University of Guelph)
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Melissa Valdez (IBM)
- Sree Ram Valluri (Uuniversity of Western Ontario)
- Sreeram Valluri (University of Western Ontario)
- Giulio Vampa (Joint Attosecond Science Laboratory, National Research Council and University of Ottawa)
- Greg van Anders (Queen's University)
- Sean Vanbergen (TRIUMF)
- Bart Van Compernolle (General Atomics, San Diego)
- Kurt Van Delinder (Ryerson University)
- Gregory Van Gastel (McMaster University)
- Mark Van Raamsdonk (UBC)
- Michael John Vansteenkiste (University of Toronto (CA))
- Emil Varga
- Panagiotis Vasilopoulos (Concordia University)
Francisco Andres Vazquez de Sola
(Queen's University)
- Author in Solar KK axion search with NEWS-G
- Victoria Vedia (TRIUMF)
- Jocelyn Veilleux (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Alex Veinot (Queen's University)
- Bob Velghe (TRIUMF (CA))
- Colin Vendromin
- David Venus (McMaster University)
- Sreesh Venuturumilli (University of Waterloo)
- Jonathan Vermette (Laboratory for Quantum Semiconductors and Photon-based BioNanotechnology, Laboratoire Nanotechnologies Nanosystèmes (LN2) - CNRS UMI-3463, Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- Simon Verret (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Marie Vidal
- Nikolay Videnov (University of Waterloo)
- Nikolay Videnov
- Denys Vidish (Department of Physics & Astronomy & Department of Chemistry )
- David Villeneuve
- David Villeneuve (National research council of Canada)
Aaron Vincent
(Queen's University)
- Author in (G*) Signatures of Primordial Black Holes in theories of Large Extra Dimensions
- Author in (I) Asymmetric Dark Matter in Main Sequence Stars
- Author in (I) The future of high-energy neutrino flavour and the search for new physics
- Author in Closing the window for WIMPy inelastic dark matter with heavy nuclei
- Co-author in (G*) POS-J83 -- Exploring dark matter detection using Solar capture and the Non-Relativistic Effective Operator formalism.
- Pierre Vinchon (Université de Montréal)
- Silvia Viola Kusminskiy (Max Planck for the Science of Light)
- Clarence Virtue (SNOLAB)
- Mihaela Vlasea (University of Waterloo)
- Boris Vodungbo (Sorbonne Université)
- Anna Vogel (Technical University of Munich)
- Anthony Vogliano (University of Waterloo)
- David Volders (NSH)
- Alexander Volya (Florida State University)
- Felix von Oppen (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Phil Voss
- Christopher Waddell (University of British Columbia)
Miho Wakai
(University of British Columbia)
- Author in Searches for Dark Photons at Belle II
- Coulter Walls (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba)
- Dorothy Walls (University of Calgary)
David Walter
- Co-author in (G*) Investigation of resonance states in 11Li
- Mark Walton (University of Lethbridge)
- Hanyang Wang (University of Ottawa)
- Yilin Wang (TRIUMF/UBC)
- Dongze (Willy) Wang (Queen's University)
- Freyja Wang (University of Alberta)
Huabin Wang
- Author in Design of 1.0T conduction cooled superconducitng magnet for intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
- Author in Medical Image Fusion Based on Modified Parameter- Adaptive Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network
- Author in Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multi-Attentional Mechanisms using Brain PET Image
- Qi Ryan Wang (Northeastern University)
- Emma Wang (St. John's-Ravenscourt School)
- Tian Wang (university of Ottawa)
- Qing Wang (University of Alberta)
- James Wang (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta)
- Richard Warwick (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Sean Watson (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Marc Weber (Washington State University)
- Stephen Weber (Carleton University (CA))
- chen wei (Memorial University)
- Ryohei Weil (UBC)
- Esther Weima (Laurentian University)
- Daniel Wells (OCI Vacuum Microengineering Inc.)
- Michael R. Wertheimer (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Sebastian Wetzel
- Sacha White (Lakehead University)
- Brendan White (University of Waterloo)
- Brendan White
- Shawn Whitehead (The University of Western Ontario)
- Robert Wickham (University of Guelph)
- Michael Wieser (University of Calgary)
- Grant Wilbur (University of New Brunswick)
- Grant Wilbur (Dalhousie University)
- Enrica Wilken (Universität Münster)
- Christian Will (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
- Matthew Williams (TRIUMF)
- Stephen Williams (Auburn University)
- Jonathan Williams (TRIUMF)
- Matthew Williams (University of York / TRIUMF)
- Avery Williams (Lakehead University)
- Carl Williams (NIST)
- Matthew G. Williams
- Matthew Williams
- Robin L. Williams (National Research Council of Canada)
- Tony Wilson (Canadian Light Source)
- Brian Wilson (University of Toronto)
Murray Wilson
(Durham University)
- Author in (I) Skyrmions in Chiral Cubic Magnets
Edward Wilson-Ewing
(University of New Brunswick)
- Author in (G*) Effective loop quantum gravity framework for vacuum spherically symmetric space-times
- Author in (I) Some challenges for theoretical cosmology
- Co-author in (G*) Analyzing Loop Quantum Cosmology of Bianchi II Space with Numerical Methods
- Co-author in Dust collapse and bounce in effective loop quantum gravity
- Skylar Wingfelder (TRIUMF)
- Clemens B. Winkelmann (Universite Grenoble, France)
- William Witczak-Krempa (Universite de Montreal)
- Robert Wolkow (University of Alberta)
- Robert Wolkow
- Kaihim Wong (University of Winnipeg)
- Philip Wong (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre)
- Victor Wong (University of Western Ontario)
- William Woodley (University of Alberta)
- Elise Woodward (Western University)
- Rachel Wortis (Trent University)
- Peter Woulfe (University of Limerick)
- Tongan (Frank) Wu (Simon Fraser University)
- Tingting Wu (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western University)
- Chih-Pan Wu (University of Montreal)
Dan Xiao
(University of Windsor)
- Author in (G*) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Acquisition Acceleration and Feature Detection with Dictionary Learning
- Author in (G*) Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry with Neural Networks
- Author in (G*) Mapping Magnetic Field Around Metal with Pure Phase Encoding Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Author in Direct current coil designs for a portable magnetic resonance scanner
- Author in Monte Carlo Simulation for Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Measurements
- Author in Optimizing Radiofrequency Coils for Single-Sided Portable Magnetic Resonance
- Chijin Xiao (University of Saskatchewan)
- Xinhua Xie (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Zhang Xiyang (Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, The University of Western Ontario)
- Shenglong Xu (Texas A&M University)
- Junling Xu (Henan People’s Hospital)
- Aakash Yadav (Indian Institute of technology Tirupati)
- Danielle Yahne (Colorado State University (Department of Physics))
- Urjit Yajnik (IIT Bombay Mumbai India)
- zahra yamani (CNL)
- Ziqi Yan (Nordita)
- Juan Pablo Yanez Garza
- Ying Yang (University of Manitoba)
Huan Yang
- Co-author in Constraints on Axions from GW170817
- Zhongyuan Yao (TRIUMF)
- Daniel Aaron Yates (TRIUMF (CA))
- Tianai Ye (Queen's University)
- Carlos Yero (Jefferson Lab)
- Edith Yeung (University of Ottawa)
- Xiumei Yin (Anhui University)
- Niandong Yin (Hubei Polytechnic University)
- Taehyun Yoon
Beni Yoshida
(Perimeter Institute)
- Author in (I) On the firewall puzzle
- tahreem yousaf (university of saskchewan)
- Yasaman Yousefi Sigari (University of Saskatchewan)
- Mitchell Yu (York University)
- Max Yuan (University of Alberta)
- Viktor Zacek (Université de Montreal)
- Hadi Zadeh-Haghighi (University of Calgary)
- Julia Zangoulos (Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)
- Jonathan Zarling (University of Regina)
- Andrey Zelenskiy (Dalhousie University)
- Qiang Zeng (301 Hospital)
- Zihan Zeng (Clinton High School)
- Chen Zhang (University of Toronto and University of Waterloo)
Gong Zhang
(University of Winnipeg)
- Author in Design of 1.0T conduction cooled superconducitng magnet for intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
- Author in Inferring axon diameters in white matter tracts of the live mouse brain
- Author in Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multi-Attentional Mechanisms using Brain PET Image
- Author in Sino Canada Health Institute Intra-Operative MRI
- Chunmei Zhang (University of Ottawa)
- Yue Zhang (Carleton University)
- Grace Zhang (St. John's-Ravenscourt School)
- Qiang Zhang (301 Hospital)
- Lili Zhang (McMaster University)
- Chunmei Zhang (University of Ottawa)
Jun Zhang
- Author in Constraints on Axions from GW170817
- Xiaolei Zhao (University of Ottawa)
- Sergey Zhdanov (Institut fur Materialphysik im Weltraum, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) )
- Ariel Zhitnitsky (University of British Columbia)
- Jianshi Zhou (University of Texas)
- Haoqin Zhu
- Yanglin Zhu (Pennsylvania State University)
- Rana Zibakhsh
- Rana Zibakhsh (University of Calgary)
- Jeffery Zielinski (University Of Saskatchewan)
- Trevor Zintel
- Xueming Zou
- Xingyuan (Kate) Zou (McMaster University)
- Muhammad Zubair (Concordia University)
- Wojciech Zurek (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Joel Zylberberg
(York University)
- Author in (I) (Learning) visual representations