Milk adulteration is a pervasive concern that adversely affects progressing countries like India. The addition of adultrants like glucose, caustic soda, refined vegetable oil, common detergent, etc into the milk lowers its nutritious value thereby posing a risk to health. Hence it is very important to test the purity of milk before consumption as synthetic milk and pure milk appear the same...
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first observed in December 2019 in the Wuhan Province of China and then it spread throughout the world. It affected the whole world in the most devastating way possible. In this paper, a nonlinear differential equation-based mathematical model is proposed to describe the spread dynamics of COVID-19 with the consideration of some important factors like...
$SnO_2$, a n-type metal oxide semiconductor with a wide band gap of 3.6 eV has emerged as a potent gas sensing material. The gas sensing properties of $SnO_2$ can be further enhanced by doping it with foreign metals, noble elements and metal oxides in addition to reducing it to nanometer size. In this work we have studied the gas sensing performance of tin oxide by reducing it to nanometer...
In this paper, a fractional dynamical system is considered involving instantaneous impulses and non-local initial conditions. The fractional derivative is taken in Caputo sense with order $\alpha\in (0,1)$. The operator used in the system is the infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup on a Hilbert space. Sufficient conditions are derived to prove the existence of the mild solution of...
The study involves the estimation of uranium concentration in 598 groundwater samples obtained from five different districts in Assam during both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Additionally, the research encompasses the monitoring of fourteen other water quality parameters. This paper specifically delves into the presence of nitrate and phosphate in groundwater and explores their...
In today’s world, the quest of multitasking ability of nanoparticles, especially quantum dots (QDs), is profoundly envisioned due to their analogousness with the atoms/molecules leading to the generation of discrete energy level, which is preeminent to various parallel applications viz, solar cells, LEDs, drug delivery, bio-markers, tracers, antibiotics etc. Amongst all drug delivery is...
The neutrino mass models containing different scalars are constructed using $A_{4}\times Z_{4}$ discrete symmetry group. The mass matrices are developed in such a way that they can give necessary deviation from Tribimaximal mixing to generate non-zero $\theta_ {13}$. The resultant mass matrices are analyzed and compared to understand the contribution of $A_{4}$ singlet scalars to the mass...
Clouds occur both horizontally and vertically and are one of the most significant atmospheric constituents which play a vital role in the alteration of meteorological phenomena in a region. They can alter the climate by trapping the emitted longwave radiation from the earth, which warms the environment or by reflecting back the incoming solar radiation into space, cooling the atmosphere....
Abstract: The studies of the Parton distribution function (PDFs) open a new way to a better understanding of the partonic quark-gluon structure of the nucleon. In the QCD study of high-energy processes, PDFs are essential. We study a few PDF sets with various Q2 ranges and momentum fraction x. All PDFs’ numerical values have been taken from the LHAPDF library, a user-friendly interface to PDF...
Bidyut B Saikia1,4, Nabajyoti saikia2, Jyoti Prasad Gogoi3 and Prince K Mochahari4
1Department of Physics, C N B College, Bokakhat 785612, India
2Department of Chemistry, Kaziranga University, Jorhat 785006, India
3Department of Physics, D K D College, Dergaon 785614, India
4Department of Physics, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar 783370, India
A crucial and fundamental problem in ionospheric physics is the ionosphere's dependency on solar activity. This dependence provides information that is necessary to comprehend the ionosphere's changes and its processes. Here in this work, ionospheric electron densities and fof2 is utilized to characterize large-scale ionosphere responses during 2015 geomagnetic storm. With the data...
The electronic nose system is a remarkable technological advancement that replicates the olfactory capabilities of humans and animals using electronic sensors. These sensors generate electrical responses that correspond to the presence and concentration of specific analyte gases, making them invaluable in various applications, including environmental monitoring, quality control in the food...
Fuel cells are projecting as beneficial energy conversion device and popular among researchers as ecofriendly, cost effective with high output alternative to traditional fuel. The component bipolar plates (BPs) in fuel cell unit distribute gases (H2 and O2), prevent gas leakage and guide the flow of electricity and heat within the stack. Sustainability of BP is determined by working efficiency...
ABSTRACT: The project aims to develop an integrated IoT and AI-based smart system for real-time monitoring of environmental and physiological parameters while moving on the road from location to destination. Monitoring of parameters such as pollutants material present in the air, oxygen level, air quality and physiological metrics like heartbeat, blood oxygen level of the person concerned...
In this work, we proposed a method to design, develop and implement an Android application based battery tester for USB based system, such as: smart phones, tablets, or other USB powered devices to evaluate its performance. In the proposed method, a shunt resistor of known value is selected. The output of the USB powered devices is applied to the resistor through its USB port. The voltage drop...
We study the elliptic flow parameter $(v_2)$ and its event-by-event (e-by-e) fluctuation for the charged hadrons produced in $^{197}$Au+$^{197}$Au collisions at the nucleon-nucleon center of momentum energy $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 7.7$, $11.5$, $19.6$, $27.0$, $39.0$ and $62.4$ GeV of the STAR Beam Energy Scan (BES) program. We use A Multiphase Transport (AMPT) model in its string melting (SM)...
In the realm of nanotechnology, the synthesis of nanoparticles with unique properties and applications continues to be a subject of intense research. Due to its higher electrical as well as thermal conductivity, strong anti-biocidal activities and higher catalytic activity for oxidation of ethylene, silver nanoparticle (Ag-NP) has become intensively studied metal nanoparticles. In this work,...
Safety and security of personal assets has become a critical concerns in today’s society. This calls for the development of sophisticated and efficient surveillance systems [1, 2]. With the advent of technology and Internet of Things, faster and low-cost computing hardware with high performance sensors and multi-camera units enables the design and implementation of real time monitoring systems...
Quantum dots are nanostructured semiconductor materials whose dimension is comparable to the de Broglie wavelength of free electrons. Due to the quantum confinement effect, the motion of the electrons present in the quantum dots is restricted in all three dimensions and the electronic energy states become quantized as compared to their bulk counterparts. This quantization of energy states...
The growing world energy demands, limited fossil fuel resources, as well as considerations based on greenhouse gas emissions, are motivating the search for viable renewable energy sources. Among the possibilities, solar energy conversion is of great interest because it is globally available, inexhaustible, and electrical energy can be converted to other energy currencies such as hydrogen....
In this work, we investigated the temporal evolution of optical power in the Ikeda Map with Balanced Gain and Loss. The system comprises two feedback loops which impart saturation nonlinear phase shift on the propagating fields and interact with each other via a 50:50 directional coupler. The attenuation and amplification are distributed equally in the feedback loops in the configuration. From...
The well-known one-dimensional wave equation for a vibrating string holds good only for slowly varying waves with the motion being confined in a plane. Furthermore, it is assumed that the strain is uniform and small. Here we generalize the wave equation for the vibration of a string under non-uniform tension and arbitrary initial deformation.
In this study, we investigate the influence of the nuclear symmetry energy slope on the equation of state (EoS) of dense matter with Δ-admixed exotic matter in neutron stars and its consequences for neutron star (NS) observable properties such as mass-radius
relationships and tidal responses. The equation of state is formulated within the framework of covariant density functional theory,...
While the origins of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic rays remain shrouded in uncertainty, several important milestones have been reached in recent years in the experimental study of cosmic rays with energy above $10^{18}$ eV. Within the vast expanse of intergalactic space, turbulent magnetic fields (TMFs) are believed to pervade, and these fields could exert a significant influence on the...
Deployment of Computational physics through the paradigm of loosely coupled microservices can play a vital role for parallel computing that can be utilized for estimation of solar PV power. As such we propose to deploy a novel model that can be used to perform different computational logic for the domain of physics. We call this model as MicroComPhy (Microservice for Computational Physics). As...
The study of black hole shadows after the discovery of the M87 black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has gained major interest recently. In this work, we have studied the shadows of a renormalization group improved (RGI) black hole system surrounded by two types of plasma media, viz homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasma. We have found that the associated free parameter $\xi$...
The Earth system is composed of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. The mass of the Earth system remains constant, however, there is a redistribution of mass between the compartments. This mass redistribution gets perturbed by the variations in the precipitations induced by climate change. The surface of the Earth responds elastically to these mass variations and it can be...
We report the analysis of the Z-track neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) GX 17+2 using the simultaneous data from the AstroSat (LAXPC/SXT) and NICER mission data. On segmenting the hardness intensity diagram (HID) into three slices—horizontal branch (HB), hard apex (HA), and normal branch (NB)- we investigate the variability of the source and its spectral state evolution throughout...
In this work, we study the thermodynamic topology of a superfluid black hole solution in Horava gravity known as the Horava Lifshitz (HL) black hole in canonical ensemble. This exotic black hole solution belongs to a special class of of black holes whose thermodynamics exhibit a line of (continuous) second order phase transitions known as $\lambda$ phase transitions akin to those observed in...
The conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy through the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) which works on the principle of triboelectrification and charge induction, is one of the methods to harvest mechanical energy from our surroundings and biomechanical movements. The external stimuli like pressure, humidity, sweat, temperature, etc can affect the output performance of a...
Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are one of the most significant weather phenomena in the Earth's lower atmosphere that causes a variety of damages and large scale destruction to lives and property due to violent winds, heavy rain (torrential rainfall) and storm surges. TCs, also referred to as hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and eastern Pacific Ocean and typhoons in the western Pacific, is a low...
Fatty acid Langmuir monolayers and multilayers are very fascinating two-dimensional system formed at the air-water interface. These layers show thermodynamically metastable behaviours through different phases and phase transitions. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films provide the transfer of monolayer onto solid surfaces to study their morphological, structural, and optical properties. Similarly,...
Abstract—A discrete time z – domain high frequency phase – locked loop model is presented in this paper. The z – domain transfer functions of the proposed system is derived by using impulse invariant technique to achieve an overall behavioral performance of the system. A second order active standard feedback approach filter is used in the loop to investigate the stability of the system. The...
In this paper, we have examined the vital field of gas sensors, which is crucial for environmental monitoring, industrial safety, and healthcare. One of the most important properties of gas sensors is their selectivity, or their capacity to precisely identify and discriminate particular gases in intricate combinations. Selectivity is influenced by a number of important parameters, some of...
We formulate and discuss the neutrino mass matrices for the present neutrino oscillation data. The matrices are discussed numerically in the framework of the $\Delta(54)$ flavor model with the double inverse seesaw mechanism for Majorana neutrinos. We introduced Vector like (VL) fermions which are all Standard Model gauge singlets. We use extra symmetry to constrain the unwanted terms in our...