October 14, 2023
North Lakhimpur University
Asia/Kolkata timezone
Call for Abstracts is Closed | Registration is closed

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

SPARK 2023: Call for Abstracts is Closed Now!

Important dates
Abstracts Submission Opens: 8th Aug 2023
Abstracts Submission Deadline (extended): 25th Sept 2023
Registration Opens: 8th Aug 2023
Registration Closes: 30th Sept 2023
Upload deadline for Manuscripts (extended): 25th Dec 2023
Date of the Symposium: 14th Oct 2023

Please ensure that you adhere to the following guidelines while submitting your abstract:

Abstract Length: The length of the abstract should not exceed 500 words. Please provide a concise overview of your research, including key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
Author Information: Include the names, email addresses, and affiliations of all the authors.
Submission Deadline: The last date for abstract submission is 25th September 2023. We encourage participants to submit their abstracts well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.
Approval Process: Upon submission, all abstracts will be reviewed by our expert committee. The approval status of the abstract will be communicated via email within one week of submission.
File Type: The abstract file uploaded should be in either .doc/.docx or .pdf format.
Registration Process: Approved participants must register for the symposium. Only registered participants will be allowed to present their research during the symposium. (This form is for Abstract Submission Only, for Registration follow the Registration Link.)

The call for abstracts is closed.