CMOS pixel sensors are widely used as Inner Tracker System (ITK) detector for their precise spatial resolution, low noise, fast reaction, and low material budget. STCFpix is a CMOS pixel sensor under development for the ITK in Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF),which is expected to be a 2×2 cm$^2$chip containing 16 K pixels. In the context of the Inner Tracker data path, a STCF Read-Out Controller (STCF-ROC) ASIC has been designed to preprocess, store, aggregate and reorganize the data coming from the STCFpix ASIC. Each STCF-ROC will be responsible for the data collection for 8 CMOS pixel sensors, whose line rate is 400 Mbps. In order to apply to different hit rates, the aggregation mode of STCF-ROC is designed to be configurable. After reforming and packing, the data are transfered to the following optical transceiver ASIC via a minimum of one serial link. Moreover, the main readout mode of STCFpix is triggered externally, so the STCF-ROC receives the trigger signal sent by the back-end, and sends the trigger opcode to the STCFpix ASIC as soon so possible. STCF-ROC also receives complex encoded control information, and sends it to the STCFpix ASIC configuration register after checking and decoding. A prototype of the STCF-ROC ASIC has been designed and fabricated in 130 nm CMOS process, and the test results show that all the designed functionality work well.
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