May 30, 2022 to June 2, 2022
Africa/Kinshasa timezone


The 3 day school is organized jointly by

It will be held online via Zoom.

The goal of the school is

  • Learn the usage of the GATE platform for medical physics
  • Understand the features of the platform dedicated to the development of detection systems (PET, SPECT, CT and X-rays) and detector response, the management of medical images, the development of clinical and preclinical beams in radiation therapy and dose calculation for different radiation therapy treatments (internal or external)
  • Focus will be on imaging devices for clinical use

The school will be a combination of lectures on the various topics and hands-on exercises using GATE. Participants will run the exercises on their own computers so they can continue using GATE after the school.

After successfully attending the school, including the exercises, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Location and Date

May 31 - June 2, 2022

Online, with classrooms in different satellite locations

To be held online via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded and made available after the school.

Registration Deadline

April 15, 2022
