Aug 1 – 5, 2022
GMT timezone
*** Thanks to everyone for making this a successful conference - See you in person for RT2024 (April) ***


Up to three records of your contributions can be kept for Real Time 2022:

  • Oral Presentations, posters and mini-oral presentations will be kept available on the Indico Conference website in a public section;
  • Papers will also be kept available in a conference record (CR) published in the Indico Conference website with restricted access to the conference participants only;
  • Authors may submit their papers to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS). Acceptance is not automatic: The papers will be fully reviewed to the standards of the scholarly literature. Publication of accepted manuscripts will occur in a special issue of TNS, typically published 10 months after the conference. However, accepted papers are made available online before they appear in print in the special issue shortly after acceptance. Please see the submission instructions provided below.


Submission Deadlines

You need to submit presentation slides and posters before your presentations, preferably the evening before your presentation, but no later than two hours before your session begins.

Submissions for both the Conference Record and the special issue of the journal IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS) are due by August 22, 2022.




Preparing your Manuscript

Go to the NPSS webpage with publication instructions and review the information contained therein.

Authors must prepare their manuscripts using a predefined template. Download the appropriate template under IEEE article template. Templates are available for Microsoft Word and LaTeX.

In the IEEE article template webpage, select IEEE Template Selector, then Transactions, Journal and Letters, and finally choose the name of the publication (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science).

When your manuscript is ready, check it through the IEEE PDF Checker.


Conference Record

Please, prepare your manuscript as shown above and upload it to the your contribution in Indico.

Use the following naming convention for your contribution:



  • nr is the number assigned to the paper (cf contribution list or acceptance mail)
  • authorSurname is the surname of the primary author (lowercase)

Example: the CR file for the paper

should be named CD#130_leray


IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science - Submision is open

Only manuscripts that have followed all steps above and that have been presented at the conference are eligible for publication in the special issue on the IEEE Real Time Conference in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS).

  1. Go to Manuscript Central and log in (creating a new account, if necessary).
  2. Follow the link to start a new submission in the authors’ area.
  3. Follow the step-by-step instructions to enter various information and to upload your manuscript files. Be sure to select “Real Time Conference 2022” as the “Type”. Then select the “Paper Category” that best fits your manuscript. (By default, it will be the conference track title in which your talk or poster was presented.)

TNS is a hybrid journal. If your paper is accepted for publication, you can choose to have it published open access upon commitment to pay the current open access fee, and after you execute the appropriate CC-BY license. If you decline to pay the open access fee, you will be asked, upon acceptance, to execute a copyright transfer agreement.  If you have not chosen open access publishing, IEEE will not publish your accepted paper until the copyright transfer agreement is executed.

Please mention at least two preferred reviewers. Good candidates include colleagues working in the same field (but not from the authors’ institutions), or perhaps your session conveners.

Please read the instructions on Publishing Policy in the IEEE Author Center carefully and follow those steps, especially after the final publication of your article.

If you need further guidance or suggestions, ask the Senior Editor, Adriano Luchetta.


About Publishing in IEEE TNS for the IEEE Real Time Conference

TNS has an eight page suggested length limit for manuscripts, although exceptions can be made when justified. All figures will be printed on paper in black and white (greyscale) unless arrangements are made for color. The versions published online will be in color. Either way, please be sure that color illustrations look good and make sense even in greyscale. Do not rely solely on color to convey important subtleties, especially in graphs. Readers with limited color vision, for example, will appreciate this. At many institutions, a technical reports department can offer advice on making graphics that look good in both color and black and white.

Readiness for Publication

Please submit only final manuscripts that have been fully cleared for release under your home institution’s policies and procedures, and which the IEEE is free to publish. Copyright is handled through IEEE’s eCF (electronic copyright form), which the author will access after the paper is accepted. For papers published open access, authors will be able to select the appropriate CC-BY license. Authors not publishing open access will execute an agreement transferring copyright ownership to IEEE. If the author is not authorized to execute copyright agreements, eCF will allow the author to provide the contact information of the person with authorization.

Original Manuscripts Only

Manuscripts submitted to IEEE TNS must not have been published elsewhere.


The IEEE TNS is a premier peer-reviewed journal with a significant distribution within the nuclear science communities. Only those papers that pass the review process will be published. Prospective authors should consult the IEEE TNS website (TNS publications page) at for a description of the publication. TNS typically solicits two or three reviews for each paper.

TNS discourages the submission of progress reports and manuscripts that are more suitable for distribution as an institution's or project’s internal document. TNS expects each manuscript:

  • to be cast in the context of the state of the art of its field, including appropriate motivation for the work;
  • to present a complete description of the work performed;
  • to present a set of conclusions supported by the measured and/or calculated data.

Any Questions?

Submittal, refereeing, editing and publication will be coordinated by IEEE.

The Senior Editor in charge of the Real Time Conference manuscripts would be happy to answer questions about the process during the conference or else via e-mail to Adriano Luchetta,

Thank you again for following up on your RT2022 presentation with a high-quality contribution to the refereed, archival literature.