Aug 1 – 5, 2022
GMT timezone
*** Thanks to everyone for making this a successful conference - See you in person for RT2024 (April) ***

Scientific Program

  • Data Acquisition System Architectures


    Readout data paths, and system architectures as well as the conceptual design for future instruments (machines and detectors).

  • Real Time System Architectures and Intelligent Signal Processing


    Includes system architectures dealing with realtime data acquisition, extraction, compression, intelligent signal processing and storage applied to the physical sciences.

  • Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers


    Ultra-fast ADCs, TDCs and Switched Capacitor Arrays in the GHz range and their applications.

  • Trigger Systems


    As applied to the physical sciences, including GPU implementation architecture

  • Fast Data Transfer Links and Networks


    Includes every data transfer protocol from local data transfer up to global fast networks with their associated hardware (routers, switches, etc.)

  • Control, Monitoring, Test, Diagnostics Systems


    For small and large instruments.

  • Real Time Simulation


    Simulation of real time DAQ

  • Emerging Technologies, New Standards and Feedback on Experience


    Hardware standards such as ACTA/μTCA. Software, tools and techniques. Discussion of development or implementation of a system with a focus on the unexpected problems and lessons learned along the way.

  • Real Time Safety and Security


    For small and large instruments

  • Deep Learning and Machine Learning


    Deep Learning and Machine Learning for real-time applications, DL and ML methods, algorithms applied specifically to real-time data processing