22–26 Apr 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
*** See you in Elba, Italy in May 2026 ***


Poster B

25 Apr 2024, 11:55

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Chengcheng Liu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr Honglin Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Haibo Yang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr Jieyu Zhu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr Xianqin Li (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Chengxin Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
25/04/2024, 11:55
Data Acquisition and Trigger Architectures
Poster presentation

In particle physics and nuclear physics experiments, especially experiments based on particle accelerators, the data transmission rate of the detector is very high. These high throughput data from the front-end electronic of the detector need to be transmitted to the PC for the selection and summary of the event. Data acquisition (DAQ) systems with high density, scalability, and easy upgrading...

Mr Jieyu Zhu (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr Haibo Yang (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr Yangzhou Su (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/04/2024, 11:55
Front-End Electronics, Fast Digitizers, Fast Transfer Links & Networks
Mini Oral and Poster

The High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection Facility (HERD) is a part of the Chinese Cosmic Lighthouse Program in China’s Space Station, which will be launched in 2027. HERD is expected to work ten years in orbit and will indirectly detect dark matter, measure cosmic rays, and observe high-energy gamma rays. As a sub-detector of HERD, the transition radiation detector's (TRD) main scientific...