Streaming readout is becoming a paradigm in data acquisition. Future experiments in HEP (e.g. hi-lumi upgrades at CERN) and NP (e.g. SOLID at JLab and ePIC at BNL) already opted for a modern triggerless DAQ that provides unprecedented possibilities in collecting an unbiased data set, include (quasi) real-time data processing based on sophisticated AI-supported algorithms, and shortening the...
Detector systems in modern nuclear and particle experiments must handle a large number of channels and high data rates.
In addition, the requirements for triggering systems have become more complex and faster decision making is required.
Streaming readout and software-based triggering on distributed computers is a natural solution to these problems due to recent technological...
A new streaming-readout data acquisition system (S-DAQ) developed by SPADI Alliance has been employed in the physics experiment for the first time, which has been performed using the Grand Raiden magnetic spectrograph at RCNP. Signals from two vertical drift chambers and three plastic scintillators are processed by using amplifier-shaper-discriminator boards and charge-to-time converter,...