22–26 Apr 2024
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Development of a High-Bandwidth Waveform Processing System using RFSoC for RI Beam Experiments

25 Apr 2024, 11:55
Mini Oral and Poster AI, Machine Learning, Real Time Simulation, Intelligent Signal Processing Poster B


Shoko Takeshige (Rikkyo University, RIKEN Nishina Center)


We have developed a digital waveform processing system with AMD RFSoC.
It is optimized system for experiments at RIKEN RI Beam Factory(RIBF) that is an accelerator facility in Japan.
This system is aimed at simultaneous measurement of TOF with high-resolution and ΔE using plastic scintillators.
The AMD RFSoC includes 4GHz FADC, FPGA, and CPU, and it is expected that this system that allows pipeline processing of high frequency signals without dead time can be established.
We have successfully developed the algorithm to obtained timing and charge information simultaneously by adopting centroid calculation for the waveform processing method. Especially, a very good timing resolution of 9 ps in sigma was achieved. At present, we are trying to implement this method to RFSoC as an FPGA IP core.
In this contribution, the algorithm for the extraction of timing and charge information from a waveform, and the implementation of FPGA firmware will be reported.

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Shoko Takeshige (Rikkyo University, RIKEN Nishina Center)


Hidetada Baba (RIKEN Nishina Center) Juzo Zenihiro (Kyoto Unversity) Kazuyoshi Kurita (Rikkyo University) Yasuhiro Togano (RIKEN Nishina Center) Yuto Hijikata (Kyoto Unversity)

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