22–26 Apr 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
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First performance results for the ZDC Readout Electronics of the external target experiment at HIRFL-CSR

25 Apr 2024, 11:55
Poster presentation Front-End Electronics, Fast Digitizers, Fast Transfer Links & Networks Poster B


Xianqin Li (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


The CSR External-target Experiment (CEE) at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL) will be the first large-scale experiment in nuclear physics independently developed in China, covering the GeV energy regime. As a major detector of CEE, The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) measures the centrality and reaction plane of the nuclear-nuclear collision from the hadron background. It comprises Plastic Scintillator (PS) crystal bars with a fan-shaped size for each. The PS bars directly coupled with a PMT (photomultiplier tube) to convert charged particles into electrical signals. The readout electronics consists of 12 Frond-End Cards (FECs), 12 Read Control Units (RCUs), one sub-trigger module, one sub-DAQ module, and one sub-clock module. In addition, there is one HV (High Voltage) crate providing a high voltage supply for the PMTs to provide power supply for the nearby PMTs. On the basis of the previous version of the prototype, in order to improve the performance of the detector, achieve a wider measurement range, and better electronic performance. This article introduces the upgrade of detector readout methods, electronic hardware and data processing algorithms, integration with CEE DAQ, trigger, clock and other subsystems, and long-term stable operation in engineering. The test results indicate that the noise performance is less than 1 mV (RMS), the nonlinearity of the full readout electronics is less than 0.7%. In addition, cosmic ray test results demonstrate that the readout electronics can reach good performance.

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Xianqin Li (Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) haibo yang Prof. Chengxin Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)

Presentation materials