Nuclear physics with radioactive beams has been the most dynamic frontier research field in nuclear science. The high intensity heavy-ion accelerator facility (HIAF) under construction is equipped with a high energy fragment separator (HFRS), characterized by high energy and high intensity. HFRS utilizes the Bρ-TOF-ΔE method for high magnetic rigidity, large ion-optical acceptance, and excellent particle identification, commonly used in nuclear fragmentation secondary beam devices. Among them, the energy loss detector ΔE is the key to particle identification. The energy loss detector is designed using the multiple sampling ionization chamber (MUSIC). It can significantly improve the energy resolution of the gas ionization chamber through multiple samplings. The readout electronics of the MUSIC consist of 16 charge sensitive preamplifiers (CSP) modules and two readout control electronics (RCE) modules. A single RCE has eight channels. The CSPs, placed inside the MUSIC, read out the MUSIC charge signals. The RCE receives the voltage pulses from the CSP, performs voltage signal amplification and filter, and digitizes the signal. The measured data is packed and transmitted to the DAQ system with a 10 Gb ethernet protocol. Comprehensive tests have been performed on the readout electronics. The test results indicate that the noise performance is less than 1.8 ADC values (RMS), and the nonlinearity of the full readout electronics is less than 0.17%. In addition, radiation source test results demonstrate that the readout electronics can reach good performance. We are preparing for beam experiments to further evaluate the performance of MUSIC and the electronics system.
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