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Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics School 2023

Umney Lecture Theatre (Robinson College, University of Cambridge)

Umney Lecture Theatre

Robinson College, University of Cambridge

Robinson College Grange Road Cambridge CB3 9AN

Join us in Cambridge for the Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics winter school 2023! There will be lectures and tutorials on both experimental and theoretical aspects of the full QTFP research programme, and opportunities for early-career researchers and research students to meet each other, discuss and showcase their work.


The school will be held at Robinson College, University of Cambridge, between the 9th and 13th January 2023. Arrival will be for lunchtime Monday 9th, and departure after lunch on Friday 13th - please see the timetable for full details. Online registration with live access to lectures and tutorials will be available for those unable to join in person.


This school is fully funded by STFC and EPSRC, and priority for registration will be given to early-career researchers and research students working within the QTFP programme, including the original seven projects and the seventeen funded this year. Registration includes all food, accommodation and teaching for the duration of the school. 


The school is linked to the QTFP engagement event that will be run by STFC and EPSRC on the 2nd-3rd February at the University of Warwick. The school will provide an excellent level of background knowledge to prepare for this event, and we encourage all participants to also register for the engagement event which will have talks, discussions and networking opportunities based around the broad QTFP programme.

If you have any questions please contact the organising committee chair, Dr Tiffany Harte