13–18 Dec 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Multiwavelength Spectral and Polarization Signatures of Shocks in Relativistic Jets

16 Dec 2015, 17:20
Level 0, Room 4 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 0, Room 4

International Conference Centre Geneva


Markus Boettcher (North-West University)


This talk reviews recent progress in our understanding of the multiwavelength spectral and polarization signatures of relativistic shocks in the relativistic jets of active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. Spectral signatures are based on a self-consistent coupling of Monte-Carlo simulations of diffusive shock acceleration with radiation-transfer simulations. Our results indicate that, in order to reproduce the spectral energy distributions of blazars, the pitch-angle scattering mean free path of electrons has to be strongly energy dependent. Polarization signatures of relativistic shocks are based on polarization-dependent radiation transfer simulations, indicating that large polarization-angle rotations result naturally in a straight jet pervaded by a helical magnetic field. Simultaneous fits to the SEDs, multiwavelength light curves, and time-dependent synchrotron polarization signatures from the prominent polarization-angle swing event in 3C279 are presented.


Markus Boettcher (North-West University)


Dr Errol Summerlin (Goddard Space Flight Center) Mr Haocheng Zhang (Los Alamos National Lab) Prof. Matthew Baring (Rice University)

Presentation materials