Dec 13 – 18, 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Plenary Talks

General Relativity:  
First hundred years of GR:  successes, status and prospects Thanu Padmanabhan (Pune)
Experimental tests of general relativity in binary systems Michael Kramer (Bonn)
Rattle and shine by compact binaries mergers Luis Lehner (Waterloo)
Exact Solutions in Astrophysics Mustapha Ishak (Dallas)
Quantum effects on black holes: evaporation,
tunnelling, information leak. Anything observable?
Carlo Rovelli (Marseille)
CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies: a goldmine for cosmology Nabila Aghanim (Orsay)
CMB spectral distortion Rashid Sunyaev (Moscow)
Relativistic effects in large-scale structure surveys Camille Bonvin (CERN)
Dark matter detection - an experimental overview Laura Baudis (Zurich)
The LHC & the Universe Gian Giudice (CERN)
Towards fundamental physics from cosmological surveys Hiranya Peiris (London)
A unifying description of dark energy David Langlois (Paris)
Making Waves: modelling gravitational waves
from coalescing binary systems
Alessandra Buonanno (Berlin)
Space borne gravitational waves Stefano Vitale (Trento)
AStatus of the Advanced Virgo project Fulvio Ricci (Rome)
IceCube and the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos Francis Halzen (Madison)
Relativity At Work:  
Heading into the abyss: X-ray spectral timing
of accreting black holes
Andrew Fabian (Cambridge)
Disk and jets Alexander Tchekhovskoy (Berkeley)
The equation of state of dense matter Anna Watts (Amsterdam)
Gravity in the strong field regime Luigi Stella (Rome)
Cosmic rays and their acceleration Pasquale Blasi (Firenze)
The Gamma-ray universe Jim Hinton (Heidelberg)