24–26 May 2017
Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Generation of spiral waves pinned to obstacles in a simulated excitable system

25 May 2017, 15:20
Ballroom 1

Ballroom 1

Oral Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Molecular and Chemical Physics A15: Atomics


Ms Metinee Phantu (department of physics, Kasetsart university)


The dynamics of pinned spiral waves, whose tips trace the boundary of obstacles, are of interest due to the impact on human health. In heart, such pinned waves cause longer lifetime tachycardia. In this article, we present two methods for generating pinned spiral waves in a simulated excitable system. In method A, an obstacle is set in the system prior to an ignition of a spiral wave. This method may be suitable only for the case of large obstacles since it often fails when used for small obstacles. In Method B, a spiral wave is generated before an obstacle is placed at the spiral tip. With this method, a pinned spiral wave is always obtained, regardless the obstacle size. We demonstrate that after a transient the dynamics of the pinned spiral waves generated by the methods A and B are identical. Pinned spiral waves in both two- and three-dimensional systems are illustrated.


Ms Metinee Phantu (department of physics, Kasetsart university)


Mr Nakorn Kumchaiseemak (department of physics, Kasetsart university) Mr Porramain Porjai (Faculty of Science and Technology, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage) Mrs Malee Sutthiopas (department of physics, Kasetsart university) Prof. Stefan C. Müller Dr Chaiya Luengviriya Dr Jiraporn Luengviriya

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