Antonio Dias
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
An effective experiment is dependent on the ability to reliably store and deliver data and information to all participant parties regardless of their degree of involvement in the specific parts that make the experiment a whole. Having fast, efficient and ubiquitous access to data will increase its visibility and discussion, resulting in strengthened conclusions regarding it. The...
Xinzhe Wang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Random number generators are wildly used in many applications in a diverse set of areas ranging from statistics to cryptography. For most applications, pseudo random number generators (PRNGs) are quite satisfactory. However, for cryptographic and security applications, true random number generators (TRNGs) are required for the unpredictability. Random number generated from the quantum entropy...
Shengquan Liu
(Univ. of Science&Tech. of China(CN))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
To measure neutron flux accurately, dozens of neutron detectors are often arranged at different locations of the experimental device. These detectors require steady high voltage power supplies during working, and output the high count rate signal mixed with a large number of X-ray and γ-ray signals. We designed a 20-channel neutron detector readout electronics...
Xu Wang
(Univ. of Sci.&Tech. of CHN(USTC))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgrading its Muon Spectrometer during LHC phase-I upgrade in around 2019 to benefit from high luminosity and high energy runs at the LHC. The upgrade will replace the innermost station (namely Small Wheel) of the Muon Spectrometer in the forward region with the so-called New Small Wheel (NSW), in order to improve its Level-1...
Xu Wang
(Univ. of Science & Technology of China(USTC))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
ATLAS is one of four experiments that is located at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) now being constructed at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. The ATLAS detector accepts the events from the proton–proton collision at a rate of 40 MHz. The Tracks containing events of interest are selected via a series of trigger decisions. However, the low energy protons, generated in the magnet materials between the...
Lian Chen
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, USTC)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) is a non-destructive nuclear analytical technique for the determination of elements. By detecting the prompt gamma which is emitted from thermal neutron capture or neutron in-elastic scattering reactions, the type of elements and their amount can be obtained through the prompt gamma spectrum.
As a on-line and in situ inspection method, the...
Yasushi Nagasaka
(Hiroshima Institute of Technology)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
DAQ-Middleware is a software framework for a network-distributed data acquisition (DAQ) system that is based on the Robot Technology Middleware (RTM). The framework consists of two components, a DAQ-Component and a DAQ-Operator. The DAQ-Component has functionalities to process and transfer data, and is implemented as a module to read, gather, record data. On the other hand, the DAQ-Operator...
Antonio Budano
(Roma Tre Universita Degli Studi (IT)),
Diego Tagnani
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT)),
Giovanni Corradi
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF)), Prof.
Matteo Galasso
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
The Belle II experiment will operate at the SuperKEKB e+ e- collider, designed to reach a top luminosity 8x10^35 at the Y(4s) resonance. The high background environment of the accelerator poses serious challenges to the design of the detector. In particular the Belle2 collaboration is developing a strong upgrade program which involves the forward electromagnetic calorimeter. We’ll use pure CsI...
Mircea Bogdan
(The University of Chicago)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
A data acquisition system using the 10 Gigasample-per-second waveform-recording PSEC4 chip is described. The system architecture incorporates two levels of hardware, FPGA-embedded system control, and data processing. The front-end unit is a 30 channel circuit board that holds five PSEC4 ASICs, a clock jitter cleaner, and a control FPGA. The analog bandwidth of the front-end signal path is 1.5...
Joao Vitor Viana Barbosa
(FCT Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (PT))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
LHCb is one of the experiments acquiring physics data from the collisions in the Large Hadron Collider, specialized in b-physics. To be able to control and monitor the large quantity of devices of the experiment, the system makes use of a Finite State Machine tree that propagates states and commands, letting the operators easily know what the current state of the experiment is. This, however,...
Javier Collado Ruiz
(Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica - Universitat de València - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria. Avinguda de la Universitat s/n 46100 Burjassot (Valencia))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The electronics of AGATA HPGe segmented gamma ray detector faces a new challenge in the search of a bigger integration and cost reduction for the phase 2 of the experiment going beyond 45 crystals. This opportunity can be used to introduce a new architecture based on commercial standards while keeping backward compatibility with current electronics. In this sense, new FPGA devices and fast...
Junbin Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) satellite was successfully launched into a sun-synchronous near-earth orbit, on December 17th, 2015, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center of China. It carries the dream of Chinese scientists searching for dark matter indirectly by observing e+/e- and γ energy spectrum in space. As the critical sub-detector of the DAMPE payload, the BGO (Bismuth...
Zhaoqi Wang
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics,USTC,Hefei,230026; University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Nuclear science and particle physics is an important subject in physics, and it is important to launch particle physics experiments in university to train students. The typical characteristic of particle physics experiments is that the detector’s output signal is directly fed to the front-end electronics (FEE) of the testing system and after digitization and some preprocessing, the data is...
Peter Wüstner
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
KOALA will be an independent experiment at HESR (Darmstadt) to measure
antiproton-proton elastic scattering in order to gain the differential
cross section which is a crucial input for the PANDA luminosity determination.
The KOALA experiment will measure the elastically scattered beam particles
in forward area and recoil protons from the target near 90 degress.
One of the recoil...
Zhen-An Liu
(IHEP,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
As physicists want to put more and more functionalities and algorithms in frontend ASICs, the logic design (of some ASICs) becomes more complicated. A reliable, robust functional verification testbench is one of the most important part during ASIC design. The full name of UVM is Universal Verification Methodology, which based on SystemVerilog, and it split traditional verification testbench...
Lukas Meder
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Detector elements operated with preproduction setups of readout chains are analyzed during beam tests. Usually, the readout chain of a beamtime setup is composed of different kinds of processing boards being mainly built from FPGAs, microcontrollers and custom readout ASICs.
Besides high-speed links which are used to transfer the data recorded by the frontend electronics to a post-processing...
Andre Cabrita Neto
(Fusion For Energy)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The MARTe software framework [1] is currently being used to implement a large variety of fusion real-time control system applications [2]. Being a modular and multi-platform framework has allowed to reuse components, interfaces and services across systems which are deployed in very distinct architectures. This has leveraged the exposure of the same code to different environment configurations,...
Michele Caselle
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
We developed an ultra-fast linear detector with a frame rate of up to $10^{6}$
frames per second (fps) in order to improve the acquisition rate and the
resolution of Electro-Optical Spectral Decoding (EOSD) setups currently
installed at several light sources (ANKA, European XFEL, TELBE).
The system consists of a detector board, an FPGA readout board and a high-throughput data link. The...
Ricardo Herrero
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Analog data acquisition systems used in diagnostic and control of large physics experiments require high sampling rates and real time processing functionalities. FPGA devices allow efficient implementation of this kind of solutions. Nowadays, large scientific facilities are using middleware platforms to simplify system integration. EPICS is one of the most extended solutions. Moreover,...
Maurizio Montis
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics),
Mauro Giacchini
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The beam transport system of ALPI-PIAVE accelerators has been recently upgraded by migrating the control software to EPICS. The field systems is based on diagnostic and magnets. To reduce the upgrade costs the first system re-use the existing VME hardware used for data acquisition, while the motor controllers only have been replaced by new units developed in house. The second system is based...
Hidetada Baba
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
In recent years, new high-speed bus standards like advanced/micro-TCA are adopted for new physics research projects. On the other hand, many of current DAQ systems are still based on legacy CAMAC/VME buses. RIKEN RIBF, that is a nuclear physics research facility generating unstable nuclei, is also using CAMAC and VME based DAQ system. The length of the beam line is over 100 meters, and several...
Luis Granado Cardoso
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
LHCb is one of the 4 experiments at the LHC accelerator at CERN. During the upgrade phase of the experiment, several new electronic boards and Front End chips that perform the data acquisition for the experiment will be added by the different sub-detectors. These new devices will be controlled and monitored via a system composed of GigaBit Transceiver (GBT) chips that manage the bi-directional...
Gabriele Manduchi
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The ITER Neutral Beam (NBI) Test Facility currently under construction at Padova, Italy, is composed of two experiments: SPIDER to test the beam source and MITICA to test the whole Neutral Beam Injector (NBI). While the former is meant to represent an experiment for the test facility internal activities, the latter will represent the final design of the ITER NBI component, required to heat the...
Youichi Igarashi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organizaiton (KEK), Japan)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
An experiment to test Lepton Flavor Universality (LFU) using a precise measurement of the decay width ratio of the two body kaon decay to a positron and a muon (J-PARC E36), completed data taking in Dec 2015. The experiment was performed on the K1.1BR beam-line at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Hadron hall. The K1.1BR beam-line is a low momentum kaon beam line for...
xiaoguang Zhang
(University Of Science And Technology Of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
To reduce the cost and minimize the occupying volume of the transmission cables in the spectrometer, some middle and low energy particle physics experiment employ serial daisy-chain techniques, which organize the front-end cards (FECs) in a daisy-chain topology, and data is transferred in a serial mode from FECs to the rear-end electronics. However, this technique has an obvious limitation in...
Mark Stockton
(McGill University (CA))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is equipped with a sophisticated trigger system capable of reducing the 40MHz LHC collision rate to the 100kHz rate at the Level-1 hardware trigger and to the 1kHz rate at the High Level Trigger (HLT). In the HLT, the Steering Framework manages a few hundred of trigger algorithms: it evaluates every collision event and makes an accept/reject decision using as...
Xiaoyang Sun
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The international collaboration becomes popular in the research field of Tokamak. The traditional on-site collaboration model, which has to spend much money and time on international travel, is no longer suitable to the more frequent international collaboration of Tokamak research. The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), which was constructed by the Institute of Plasma...
Hitesh Dhola
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
High Voltage Power Supply (IC-HVPS) with dual output (27kV & 15kV, 3MW) is operational at ITER-India lab with a Diacrode based RF source to be used for ICRF (Ion Cyclotron RF) system. Controller for ICHVPS is based on LabVIEW Real-time (RT) PXI controller to support all control and monitoring operations of the PSM based power supply. Besides regulation of output voltage, the controller...
Xinzhe Wang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
We have design a 10-Gbps true random number generator recently and the quality verification requires an ultra-fast data cache device to acquire very long continuous random bit sequence. The NIST statistical test suite does not require a length of sequences or a quantity of sample data. However, to get a credible result from the test suite, we plan to acquire at least 1 giga continuous random...
Jian Wang
(Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
In most nuclear physics and particle detection experiment, the detection precision usually needs to be very high, especially for detection of weak signal. To meet the requirement of high-precision and low-noise signal readout, the detector system need very high signal to noise ratio (SNR). For this reason, the background noise of the system need to be very low, hence an ultra-low noise power...
Zbigniew Szadkowski
(University of Lodz)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
Neutrinos play a fundamental role in the understanding of the
origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. They interact through
charged and neutral currents in the
atmosphere generating extensive air showers. However, the
very low rate of events potentially generated by neutrinos
is a significant challenge for detection techniques and requires
both sophisticated algorithms and...
Toshinori Abe
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
We report development of a general-purpose VME module using FMC and applications of systems using the VME module for SACLA DAQ and SuperKEKB.
We have developed a general-purpose VME module using FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) to use in accelerator control and DAQ for experiments. A lot of signaling between detectors and systems are necessary for large-scale accelerators and experiments also...
Cheng Li
(1 State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (IHEP-USTC), Hefei, 230026, China; 2 Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
In modern physics experiment, data acquisition is required to readout high dynamic range and wide bandwidth detector signal, especially from direct current (DC) or ultra-low frequency (ULF). In this paper, a development of amplifier electronics system is presented to comply with the requirements of analog signal with DC or ULF to 250MHz signal bandwidth and 60dB dynamic range.
The core of the...
Gilles De Lentdecker
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
In this contribution we will report on the progress of the design of the electronic readout and data acquisition system being developed for triple-GEM detectors which will be installed in the forward region (1.5 < |η| < 2.2) of the CMS muon spectrometer during the 2nd long shutdown of the LHC, planed for the period 2018-2019. The architecture of the triple-GEM readout system is based on the...
Development of the EPICS-based Monitoring and Control System for EAST Fast Control Power System
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
For the 2014 EAST experimental campaign, the Fast Control Power System (FCPS) has been newly developed. FCPS is composed of the main circuit and the control and protect section. The main circuit of FCPS includes the high-voltage circuit breakers, the multi phase rectifier transformers, the AC/DC rectifier, and the DC/AC inverters. Because of the complexity of FCPS and the poor working...
Egor Ovcharenko
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The prototype of the triggerless readout and DAQ chain for the CBM RICH detector is characterized.
The chain starts with a MAPMT Hamamatsu H12700 counting the Cherenkov photons. The MAPMT is followed by the FPGA-based front-end board PADIWA consisiting of the preamplifier and the discriminator. The leading and trailing edges of the logical LVDS signal from PADIWA are digitized by the...
Sangil Lee
(Institute for Basic Science)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
Zynq series of Xilinx FPGA chips are divided into Processing System (PS) and Programmable Logic (PL), as a kind of SoC (System on Chip). PS with the dual-core ARM Cortex–A9 processor is performing the high-level control logic at run-time on linux operating system. PL with the low-level Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) built on high-performance, low-power, and high-k metal gate process...
Cesare Taliercio
(Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Traditionally, continuous, low sampling speed data acquisition and event-based high-speed data acquisition have been carried out using different hardware solutions. In particular, high-speed event driven acquisition is normally performed by ADC boards with a given number of pre and post trigger samples that are recorded upon the occurrence of a hardware trigger, being then transferred to the...
yannick geerebaert
(LLR, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS/IN2P3, France)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
HARPO (Hermetic ARgon POlarimeter) is an R&D program to characterize the operation of an argon-gas-based TPC (Time Projection Chamber) as a high-angular-resolution and sensitivity telescope and polarimeter for cosmic γ-rays in the energy range MeV – GeV. The present demonstrator is aimed at ground-validation tests, but we have designed it taking into account the constraint of space operation....
Giuseppe Ferrò
(Università di Tor Vergata)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The very high availability of low-cost embedded hardware development kits has enabled the fast prototyping of real-time control architectures and algorithms. The software development environments are usually very specific to the target platform, so that is very challenging to develop code that is portable between architectures (e.g. between an ARM and an ATMEL processor).
The MARTe real-time...
Zbigniew Szadkowski
(University of Lodz)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Seven Front-End Boards (FEBs) equipped in the biggest Cyclone V E FPGA 5CEFA9F31I7N,
supporting 8 channels sampled up to 250 MSps @ 14-bit resolution have been successfully installed in seven surface detectors on the Pierre Auger Engineering Array. Surface detectors use 6 channels with a sampling of 120 MHz.
Two rest channels with independent sampling were tested as the radio channels
Xiaotian Guo
(University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
In the Keda Torus for eXperiment (KTX) device, it is necessary to suppress error field of slit zone and flange which can improve the quality and stability of plasma discharge. This paper introduced an new active control system which can reduce error field of vertical gap in KTX. The advantage of the active control system was to implement the matrix algorithm calculation using FPGA in real time...
Qi Wang
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China;Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Barium fluoride (BaF2) detector array is one of the main experiment facilities at CSNS-WNS (white neutron sources at China Spallation Neutron Source). It is designed for the high precise measurement of neutron capture cross-section. The BaF2 detector array consists of 92 crystal elements with completely 4π solid-angle coverage, which leads to 92 analog channels each of which need to be...
Joao Cardoso
(University of Coimbra)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
Xenon1T is the next generation Dark Matter search using 3.5 tons of liquid Xenon for direct detection of Dark Matter. A dual-phase liquid-gas Xenon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) shielded below 1400m of rock at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy serves as both target and detector. The TPC is inside a 10m high by 9.5m diameter water Cerenkov detector serving as a shield and active...
Wojciech Cichalewski
(Technical University of Lodz)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
Modern digital low level radio frequency (LLRF) control systems used
to stabilize the accelerating field in facilities such as Free
Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) or European X-Ray Free Electron
Laser (E-XFEL) are based on the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. Presently these accelerator facilities are operated
with pulsed RF. In future, these facilities should be...
Zheng Tu
(USTC, State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (IHEP & USTC))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
A baseline restorer has been implemented with FPGA in 2πα and 2πβ particle emission rate measurement system. The signal of the detector was digitalized by 100MHz ADCs before transferred into the FPGA. The data was transformed into first-order differential and second-order differential data flow in the FPGA for the discrimination of the baseline voltage. The original data and restored data were...
Jiang Di
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Traditionally, 3He proportional counter tube is widely used for thermal neutron detecting. However, because of the lack of 3He, the research and development of new thermal neutron detector has become an international hotspot. As a new type of thermal neutron detector, boron-coated Multi-wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) thermal neutron detector has the advantages of good time and position...
Xincheng Qi
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
The BaF2 (barium fluoride) detector array that is one of the detector systems at CSNS-WNS (White Neutron Source at China Spallation Neutron Source), mainly aiming at measuring the cross section of (n,γ), consists of the BaF2 crystals and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with 92 channels, the front-end electronics, readout electronics, and the data acquisition system (DAQ). The field digitization...
Yuzhe Liu
(Univ.of Sci.&Tech.of CHN (USTC))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technique is a non-destructive nuclear analysis technique for the determination of elements. It can detect the composition and the content of the materials by analyzing the prompt gamma spectrum, which is emitted from thermal neutron capture or neutron in-elastic scattering reactions. This detection technique can obtain the...
Mauro Giacchini
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
In the IFMIF EVEDA project, normal conducting Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) is used to bunch and accelerate a 130 mA steady beam to 5 MeV. RFQ cavity is divided into three structures, named super-modules. Each super-module is divided into 6 modules for a total of 18 modules for the overall structure. The final three modules have to be tested at high power to test and validate the most...
Cristian Galperti
(EPFL - SPC Lausanne)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The analysis of fast magnetic signals measured by magnetic probes installed on a tokamak vessel has been widely employed to detect and analyse a number of plasma instabilities, notably rotating tearing modes. The high frequency components of the measured signals contain information directly related to rapid changes in the plasma, for instance those generated by tearing mode magnetic islands...
Igor Konorov
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
High reliability and compactness are key features of the Data Acquisition system for the COMPASS experiment at CERNs SPS. The system was commissioned in 2015 for the Drell-Yan physics run, when the physics program required a reduced COMPASS spectrometer configuration. For 2016 run the system will be employed in full scale with on spill data rate of 1.5 GB/s and a sustained rate of 500...
Dmytro Levit
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
In this paper we present the FPGA-based framework IFDAQ which is used for the development of the data acquisition systems for detectors in high energy physics. The framework supports Xilinx FPGA and provides a collection of the IP cores written in VHDL which use the common interconnect interface. The IP core library offers functionality required for the development of the full DAQ chain. The...
Joern Adamczewski-Musch
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The GSI *PEXOR* family PCIe boards are used as interface for data acquisition from various detector front-ends, linked by up to 4 chains of optical fiber connections.
Communication with the front-end hardware is handled by the proprietary gosip protocol. A trigger module *TRIXOR* extends the *PEXOR* by additional signal connections
for triggered data acquisition.
For several years the...
B.S. Fayzullaev
(Institute of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100214, Uzbekistan)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The pure quartz glasses of KS-4V type are one of the key materials for the
optical diagnostics system of plasma in ITER. The goal of the experiment was
determination of the nature and formation mechanism of the color centers with the
optical absorption bands in the range of 660-680 nm, induced in quartz glasses of
KS-4V and KI types with irradiating -quanta of 60Со at power...
Michael Ziolkowski
(University of Siegen)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Structural dynamics of crystals is a topic of high interest for modern X-ray crystallography. It is studied by observing Bragg diffraction peaks with X-ray- or synchrotron radiation under a dynamically applied external electric field perturbation of an arbitrary shape with repetition rates between a few Hz up to several MHz.
The aim of this contribution is to describe our recent development...
Dmytro Mazur
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
This work presents a multichannel IC which is able to process and digitize simultaneous current pulses in every input channel with no deadtime. The analog to digital conversion is performed in two steps: 6 MSBs are quantized by the charge pulse system (CPS) and 8 LSBs are obtained from a later ADC for a total of 14 ENOB at the output.
A wave shaper is needed to distribute the input current...
Maurizio Montis
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics),
Mauro Giacchini
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
SPES project is a ISOL facility under construction at INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, which requires the integration between the accelerator systems actually used and the new line composed by the primary beam and the ISOL target. EPICS has been chosen as main Control System framework for the project; as consequence, a migration from the actual control system to the new one is mandatory...
Nico Giangiacomi
(Università di Bologna Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - INFN Bologna)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
This work intends to briefly overview the new technological updates on the LHC ATLAS acquisition system of the Pixel Detector.
The herein presented Read-Out Driver (ROD) is a VME board devoted to data processing, configuration and control. It is designed to provide data formatting, frontend-specific error handling, and calibration.
This board was initially designed to interface the data...
Krzysztof Czuba
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
One of the key components of Low-Level RF systems (LLRF) in Free Electron Lasers (FELs) is the RF field detector that converts the detected cavity field signal to an intermediate frequency (IF) for digital sampling. Temperature and humidity changes cause amplitude and phase drifts of the RF field detectors. These drifts significantly limit the LLRF system precision and they cannot be corrected...
Ramon J. Aliaga
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
TRACE is a new detector based on silicon pad technology for detection of particles and light ions in fusion evaporation and direct nuclear reactions, whose identification relies on pulse shape analysis and requires sampling pulse windows of 1 us at 200 MHz with strong restrictions on power, area and connectivity. Local triggering, pulse sampling, zero suppression and serialization thus have to...
Guanghua Gong
(Tsinghua University)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
About 6000 detectors will be deployed in 1.2KM2 area at 4400m a.s.l in LHAASO experiment and are synchronized to 500ps precision benefit from White Rabbit technology.
To guarantee the connection and verify the synchronization performance after installation, a PCN (portable calibration node) is designed which acts as a standard white rabbit node, always connects to the most top White rabbit...
Yong Xiao
(Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China), Prof.
Yonggang Wang
(Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Time over dynamic threshold (TODT) method has been theoretically proved with excellent linearity when compared to time of threshold (TOT) method and practically tested with good performance with its application in DAQ system for multi-anode PMT based PET detector. However, both the coincidence time resolution (FWHM≈2ns) and energy resolution were limited because of the relative low performance...
Di Jiang
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China;Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Time measurement is indispensable for particle identification in high energy experiments, especially in time-of-flight (TOF) system. An excellent precision of TDC are beneficial to particle identification, and a low dead time facilitates to adapt the high event rate environment of the experiments. TDC implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has been developed for years and has...
Tao Xue
(Tsinghua University)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
RAIN1000Z1 is a high performance readout module we developed last two years. It is based on the ZYNQ architecture SOC chip from Xilinx and ZYNQ is the new architecture of FPGA with dual high performance ARM Cortex-A9 processors and high capacity programmable logic. We developed a series of readout system with the RAIN1000Z1 module based on ZYNQ architecture. For the crystal detectors, such as...
roberto cavazzana
(Consorzio RFX)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
A system for electron density control on tokamak plasma discharges of the RFX-mod experiment (R/a=2.0/0.46m, toroidal field up to 0.55T, plasma current up to 150 kA), has been developed, implemented and subsequently routinely used during experiments. The system has been developed by integration of the existing infrastructure, without further additions of new hardware. This paper describes the...
Sriprakash Verma
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
INDA is responsible for development & delivery of total 9 no. of RF sources for ITER Ion cyclotron Heating & Current Drive (ICH & CD) system [1]. To validate the design an R&D program has been initiated. Each ICH & CD source consist of low power RF section, one medium power solid state amplifier followed by two tuned high power tube (tetrode/diacrode) based amplifiers, high voltage/high...
Rafael Henriques
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
ISTTOK is an iron core tokamak (R = 46 cm, a = 8.5 cm, BT = 0.5 T) which operates regularly in
alternate current (AC) mode, extending the plasma duration up to 1 second by inverting the plasma
current sequentially. However, during the current reversal process, the signal integrity of the
magnetic diagnostics (Mirnov coils) is degraded due to low plasma current leading to wrong...
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is a large fusion research device which aims at long-term and high parameters plasma operation. A distributed and continuous data acquisition system based on PXI/PXI Express technology has been developed for EAST. At present the system has more than 50 data acquisition units and more than 2000 raw channels, the maximum data throughput is...
Diogo Miguel Louro Alves
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The beam-based feedback system is essential for the operation of the LHC. It comprises two C++ servers: a FESA (framework for real-time systems developed at CERN)-based acquisition and configuration proxy, and a non FESA-based controller which sanitizes the acquisition data and feeds it to multiple real-time feedback algorithms (orbit control, radial-loop control and tune control) ensuring a...
Jing-Ge Shiu
(National Taiwan University)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The SuperKEKB collider in KEK Japan is designed to supply high luminosity of e+/e- collision for B physics study at Belle II experiment. It has started its first beam circulation this year. The BEAST II experiment is designed to study the beam-induced backgrounds prior to the Belle II full installation and commissioning. This is very useful for beam control practice in the beginning of beam...
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
A beam detection system has been developed for electron’s track, position and energy calibration, which consists of a TPC-THGEM detector, a particle distribution detector (PDD) and a silicon-based energy detector. Its DAQ system aims to realize a 40MHz waveform sampling readout for 511 channels of TPC and 200 channels of PDD, as well as reconstruction and three-dimensional display of each good...
Bingjia Xiao
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr
Feng Wang
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr
Shi Li
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Ying Chen
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
A data acquisition and control system has been realized for a ME-SXR (Multi-Energy Soft X-Ray) diagnostic, which has been built for EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) electron temperature profile in the edge plasma region. The system has two functions: long-pulse data acquisition and electronics’ gain auto-control. In order to meet the requirements of long-pulse data...
Pierre-Andre Amaudruz
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
This paper describes the data acquisition and its challenges posed by
the operation of the DEAP detector installed in the underground Solar
Neutrino Observatory Laboratory 'SNOLab" near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
The DEAP experiment aims at a direct observation of dark matter using
liquid Argon with a factor ten better sensitivity than current
The SNOLab is located in an...
(CEA Saclay / IRFU)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
We report on the design and performances of the front end electronics and data acquisition system for the double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD) of the SIRIUS array, to be installed at the focal plane of the S3 spectrometer for SPIRAL 2 at GANIL in 2017. The DSSD placed across the particle path is used to detect the time and position of the implanted heavy ion along with the subsequent...
Liang yi
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
In the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS which constructed by ihep), the performance of neutron detector and its readout system was related to whether the high neutron flux is fully utilized. So it have a very important significance in the large area position sensitive neutron detector. This paper introduced a neutron detection readout system based on GEM detector .GEM gas detector is...
Zuchao Zhang
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
Keda Torus eXperiment (KTX) is a middle-size reversed field pinch (RFP), designed and implemented jointly by the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and the Institute of Plasma Physics at the Chinese Academy of Science (IPPCAS). All the components fabrication and assembly completed in August 2015, and the central control system (CCS) has operated stably since the first...
Stefano Mastroianni
(INFN, sec. Naples)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
Laser calibration facilities play a key role in the study and characterization of detectors like electromagnetic or hadronic calorimeters. They can be operated both during physics data taking and off run. Typically these facilities are based on a lasers source which deliver light to each detector element via a light distribution system. The laser control system typically manages the interface...
The Least Mean Squares Adaptive FIR Filter for RFI Suppression in Radio Detectors of Cosmic Rays
Zbigniew Szadkowski
(University of Lodz)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
The radio emission from the Extensive Air Showers (EAS), initiated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays, was theoretically suggested over 50 years ago, however, due to technical limitations, successful detection can be taken for several years.
Nowadays, this detection technique is used in many experiments consisting on detecting EAS. One of them is Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA), located...
Stefano Mastroianni
(INFN, sec. Naples)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The new *Muon g-2 Experiment (E-989)* at Fermilab will measure the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment, a=(g-2)/2, to an unprecedented precision of 0.14 parts per million (ppm). Data collection is expected to begin in early 2017. To achieve a statistical uncertainty of 0.1 ppm, the new experiment will benefit from upgrades of detectors, electronics and data acquisition at a much higher data...
Evgeniy Kotov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
The series of high performance multichannel digitizers ADC4x250 have been developed at BINP SB RAS. There are three devices in the series: four-, two- and one-channel with a sampling rate of 250 MSPS, 500 MSPS, 1 GSPS, respectively designed to recording of waveforms with duration ranges from tens of nanoseconds.
The main feature of this series is the common hardware base with all the...
Feng Li
(Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN))
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
ATLAS is one of the four experiments at Large Hadron Collider (LHC).LHC will be upgraded in the next several years aiming to new physics study. ATLAS experiment will fulfill Phase-I upgrade by 2018. The current ATLAS muon end-cap system (Small Wheel, SW) will be replaced with the New Small Wheel (NSW). The NSW is a set of precision tracking and trigger detectors able to work at high rates with...
Jörg Schacht
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
The superconducting stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) started plasma operation in December 2015 after the commissioning phase of the machine. The main technical and diagnostic systems have been finished successfully.
The timing system is an important part of the Control, Data Acquisition and Communication systems of W7-X. Its main function is to synchronize all clocks of the control and...
Zhe Ning
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Data Acquisition
Poster presentation
Aiming at achieving the charge and timing of signal from Gas Electron Multiplier at the same time, a waveform sample system of 200 channels based on VME is developed with 40 MHz waveform sample rate and 16 ADC bits. Considering the flexibility, the board structure is mother board pulse daughter board. In order to simplifying the system, the 1 Gbps TCP/IP protocol based on SiTCP is used for...
Filomena Clemêncio
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
The TOFtracker concept, the simultaneous measurement of accurate time and bi-dimensional space coordinates in a single gaseous detector, has been previously demonstrated [1]. The small detector yielded a time accuracy of 77 ps along with a bi-dimensional position accuracy of 38 um over a full active area of 60 x 60 mm2.
Recently, a large area, 1550x1250 mm2, RPC detector has been constructed...
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China; Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
A segmented 4π detector array that consists of 92 BaF2 crystals is being constructed for neutron capture cross-section measurement at WSNS-WNS (White Neutron Source at China Spallation Neutron Source). In order to precisely obtain the wave and time information carried by detector signals, a 12-bit ADC with sampling rate up to 1 GSPS is used for waveform digitization in the readout electronics....
guangyuan yuan
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China ;Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Owing to the good spatial resolution, high rate capability, large active areas, and radiation hardness, Micro-pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs), such as GEM, are widely used in high-energy physics, and have expanded to astrophysics, nuclear physics and medical imaging. As two-dimensional position sensitive detectors, MPGDs usually employ strips readout or pixels readout. To obtain good spatial...
Satoru Yamada
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
The slow control system in the Belle II experiment was developed based
on a unified software framework which consists of Network Share Memory 2
(NSM2), Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), and
Control System Studio (CSS).
NSM2 is an upgrade of the NSM inter-process communication software that
was used as the slow control framework of the former Belle experment.
Mateusz Zukocinski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers
Poster presentation
Several accelerator facilities exist worldwide and many new projects are under construction or planned to be realized in near future. They have different specifications that depend on their concepts and applications. This variety of systems leads to development of standardized equipment and universal system platforms. In this article a universal high-performance Local Oscillator (LO) and Clock...
Jingzhou ZHAO
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Trigger Systems
Poster presentation
In the End-cap TOF(ETOF) upgrade of BESIII MRPC(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber) detectors are used. ETOF is designed with 72 MRPCs. 24 channels signal are generated from each MRPC, in which 6 neighbouring channels OR together in Front-End Electronic(FEE) side. So 288 channel hit signals are sent to ETOF trigger system for trigger logic. The MPRC hit signal is about 30 ns width after FEE....
Bryerton Shaw
6/10/16, 10:30 AM
Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems
Poster presentation
New data acquisition electronics is being developed at TRIUMF for the Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei (GRIFFIN) spectrometer. Current FPGA capabilities have allowed opportunities for providing a more user friendly, web-based, hardware control interface that can be used without requiring additional custom software. Several software and firmware components are...