Jun 5 – 10, 2016
Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Student Paper Awards

Student Paper Awards

The four RT2016 Outstanding Student Paper Awards will honor the best student submissions accepted for an oral or a poster presentation.

To be eligible, the student/author must do these things:

  1. ONE WEEK before the conference starts the student must send the full TNS-like paper to bohm@physto.se with email title “RT2016 Student paper award submission”.
  2. Include two pdf documents along with the TNS-like paper when sending the paper.
    • A letter from the graduate student's advisor that confirms that the student is the main contributor to the conference record paper.
    • Evidence to his status as a graduate (master's or doctoral) student.
  3. Present the work in an oral or poster session at the conference. Only work that is actually presented by the student-author will be eligible.

The award is based on the scientific content and the quality of the text (quality of English, clarity of the text, quality of figures, etc). Oral and poster presentations have equal chances of winning—the award is for the paper, not the presentation.

The first two awards are $500 US and an IEEE certificate. The third- and fourth-place awards are IEEE certificates.

Tips for Award-Worthy Papers

Your TNS-like paper must use the TNS template Trans-jour.doc and should specifically include these items:

  • An introduction that describes the research field and goal of the paper.
  • Discussion of the scientific basis and state of the art (e.g., signal processing involved, mathematics related to the paper, scientific support for the chosen material and method, etc.).
  • A Materials and Methods section that describes the work and how it was done.
  • A section that presents all results.
  • A discussion section that explains results and shows the originality of the work, compared to previous efforts or to projects from other researchers.
  • Conclusions, briefly summarizing the points that others should remember from your paper.
  • References that show understanding of your field and proper acknowledgement of the work of others, and which point the reader toward useful further information. Some rules of thumb are that a paper of this length should have at least 10 references, and that fewer than 1/3 of the references should be from your (or your team's) previous works.

The IEEE file Trans-jour.docis particularly useful as a guide to presenting graphics and tables. If you are not accustomed to writing in the IEEE format, reading this document carefully before you begin will make your work simpler and easier.