Welcome to Indico Global!

5–10 Jun 2016
Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Venue                           RT2016 event locations -map


The venue for the conference is “Centro Congressi Padova”


The “A. Luciani” Padua Congress Centre is the most versatile and spacious event venue in the northeast: we have 8 meeting halls to seat between 20 and 730 people, for a total of 2,000 square meters of indoor congress and exhibition areas.


It is located in the heart of Padua and surrounded by a luxuriant park, far only 3 kilometers from the downtown and from the major noteworthy sites of Padua. There is also a catering service and a restaurant open to the public.

The CongressSpazi Centro Congressi Centre also offers internet and networking facilities for its guests. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the centre, including the exhibition halls and common rooms.

See all Congress Center facilities.

Opening Session (from 8:30 to 12:30) at the Conference Venue.





Aula Magna - Universita' di Padova



We propose to continue the Session in the afternoon (from 14:30 to 18:00) at Palazzo del Bo – University of Padova.Auditorium Centro Congressi

Centro Congressi Papa Luciani

RT2016 event locations -map