Welcome to Indico Global!

5–10 Jun 2016
Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Conference Records and IEEE Publication Rules


If you give a presentation, whether oral or poster, at RT2016, we ask that you submit a manuscript for the Conference Record. This non-refereed publication is intended as a promptly published compendium of what was discussed at RT2016. The submittal deadline will be 30 May 2016. The manuscript has to be submitted through this web site as described below. 

Before you do so, you need to be aware of new IEEE publication rules that may have unintended consequences for a subsequent publication of your results. Please read the following explanations carefully.

IEEE Publishing has implemented changes to its policies that have a major impact on our conference proceedings/conference record publications. In particular, we will no longer be allowed to publish in a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., TNS) any paper which is substantially the same as that which has been published in a conference record and thus appears in IEEE Xplore. In particular, authors will no longer be allowed to submit the same (or substantially the same) manuscript to both the conference record and to any of our journals. Any such manuscript submitted to a journal will be rejected without review.

Conference Record

In light of the new policies, you have two choices:

  1. submit a manuscript which will appear both in the “informal” CR – the collection of all the submitted papers which will be available to attendees for online download – and on the publicly available IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please note that if you plan to also submit your work to a peer-review journal, you should submit only an extended abstract (minimum 2 pages) to the conference record and then to submit a complete manuscript to the journal for consideration. 
  2. submit a manuscript which will ONLY appear  in the “informal” CR – the collection of all the submitted papers which will be available to attendees for online download. This is useful if you plan to submit your paper to TNS and do not want the paper to be officially published in the Conference Record, but want your colleagues attending the Conference to have access to your work. NOTE: in this case, this manuscript cannot be used as a reference in other papers. 


Page Limit

The conference record has no strict page limit, but it is suggested that authors stay below eight pages.

How to Format for the Conference Record

Download the desired approved templates:


MS Word

LaTeX format

You need to submit either the MS Word document or an  Xplore-compatible PDF document. The suggested length limit is eight pages.

If you use a word-processing format other than Word, you must submit a PDF file in Xplore-compatible PDF format. (To get the correct formatting, please download, read, and imitate this PDF example.) To assist you in meeting the requirements, IEEE has established a web based service called PDF eXpress. We strongly suggest that you use this service to create your PDF files. PDF manuscripts that are not IEEE Xplore-compatible will not be accepted in the Conference Record.

Some common formatting problems

  • Manuscript title and all headings must be in Title Case. (In title case, each word is capitalized except for the connecting words, such as articles and prepositions. You may have to manually correct Word's tendency to put every word of the title into Title Case.)
  • Font size and aspect of figures captions and table captions should be as indicated in the template.
  • Authors' affiliations go in the unnumbered footnote on the first page.
  • Do not put in headers, footers, or page numbering.

Submittal Procedure

In order to ensure a timely release of the Conference Record, please follow this procedure.

Step 1. Download a template and write your manuscript

Please use one of the templates (Microsoft Word or LaTex). There is also an example in PDF that shows how a properly formatted PDF should look, in case you are using other word processors. The template itself contains instructions and hints on how to produce your paper. Please read it carefully.

Please add the appropriate copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document, as shown in the PDF and Word templates.

For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:

U.S. Government work not protected by  U.S. copyright

For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:

978-1-5090-2014-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 Crown

For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:

978-1-5090-2014-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 European Union

For all other papers the copyright notice is:

978-1-5090-2014-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE


Step 2. Produce an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file using PDF eXpress

Step 2 is necessary only if you wrote with something other than Microsoft Word. For Word users, Step 2 is optional—you may use it to see what your PDF will look like, or you may go directly to Step 3.
The IEEE PDF eXpress service is available for RT2016 authors until the manuscript submission deadline. The URL for the service is PDF-eXpress.org. Enter 35693XP as the conference ID. (You will first have to set up an account if this is your first visit to PDF eXpress.) This service will open on 15 May 2016.

You can then upload your word processor file to the web site and have it converted to PDF. Shortly after your upload, an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file will be generated and emailed to you. Save this file and go to Step 3 to submit it to the Conference Record. Detailed instructions on the PDF eXpress service are available at http://www.pdf-express.org/frhelpnologin.asp.  Please note that PDF eXpress is NOT the final destination for your manuscript and the next step in submittal is NOT automatic. You must submit your manuscript to the RT2016 Conference Record via Step 3.

Step 3. Submit the MS Word file or the Xplore-compatible PDF file

To submit your contribution, click on “My Conference” and select "My Contributions" on the left menu; select your contribution by clicking on its title. Your presentation summary will be shown, and next to "Presentation Materials" you have a pencil on which you can click to open a window which lets you upload any file - upload your manuscript.

When submitting your manuscript, please name the file you upload following the rules below.

CR going in Xplore:  CRX_<session>_<abstract ID>.pdf /docx     

CR informal: CR_<session>_<abstract ID>.pdf/docx

If you forgot your abstract ID, please have a look at the list of all contributions. The abstract ID and the contribution ID are the same. It is the number in front of your contribution.

Step 4. Sign the electronic Copyright Form.

Please go to https://midas.psi.ch/copyright/RT16.html to sign the electronic Copyright Form. If you are NOT the authorized person for this matter, please forward this information to the person having the necessary authority to sign. Please note that your manuscript cannot be published if we do not have a signed copyright form.

Here is a link to the IEEE copyright-form page if you need a hardcopy.

Also, for some particular situation, download here the copyright form for Joint Ownership.

What Happens Next

The as-submitted versions of all manuscripts will be made available online promptly. The finished Conference Record will be available online to all registered RT2016 attendees. It will be also published as an IEEE Conference Record and will be available through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. at ieeexplore.ieee.org.  


Policies and Practical Consideration for the Conference Record

Readiness for Publication

Please submit only final manuscripts that have been fully cleared for release under your home institution’s policies and procedures, and which RT2016 and the IEEE are free to publish. Also note that manuscripts must conform to the page layout requirements specified in the online templates.

The Presentation Imperative

The RT2016 Conference Record is reserved for talks and posters that were actually presented. If you cannot attend the conference and give the talk or poster, please designate a co-author or other knowledgeable colleague to make the presentation. It is very helpful to inform us as far in advance as possible if someone other than the person on record as the submitting or corresponding author will attend and present. The Program Committee intends to decline manuscripts that had not been presented unless there is a most compelling reason.

The Conference Record is Meant for Prompt Publication

Much of the value of the Conference Record lies in its timely availability. We encourage high standards of scholarship and writing, but cannot peer-review the Conference Record manuscripts. To enable prompt publication, the deadline 30 May 2016, must be strictly enforced. 


Publication Help

The production of the Conference Record is being handled by Dora Merelli CEA Saclay, France, (dora.merelli@ieee.org).


Transactions on Nuclear Science

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS) will publish selected papers originating with RT2016. Submittal is not automatic. Neither is acceptance — the papers will be fully reviewed to the standards of the scholarly literature.

Typically of refereed journals, publication will occur some months after the conference. It is our intent to publish the RT2016 papers together in a single issue of TNS if their authors meet the deadline.

How to Submit to TNS

Submittal is handled through IEEE Manuscript Central and the template will be the standard one of TNS and other refereed IEEE journals.

The submittal deadline is 24 June 2016, which is two weeks after the conference.

Before Writing...

  1. Go to the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox.
  2. Review the various guidelines and author tools under "Article Preparation and Submission". Many useful tips on writing, graphics, and the practical details of manuscript preparation are available there.
  3. Download the appropriate template (Microsoft Word, Unix LaTex2e, or Macintosh or Windows LaTex2e) under "Template for Transactions."
  4. Prepare your manuscript using the template.

After Writing...

  1. Go to Manuscript Central and log in (creating a new account if necessary).
  2. Click "Author Center" on the next page.
  3. Under Author Resources on the next page, click where indicated to submit a new manuscript and follow the step-by-step instructions to enter various information and to upload your manuscript file. Be sure to select "Real Time Conference 2016" in the "Manuscript Type" pull-down menu on the next page. Then select the "Paper Category" that best fits your manuscript. (By default, it will be the conference track title in which your talk or poster was presented.)
    You will also see a link for submitting the copyright form electronically. (Your manuscript cannot be published if we do not have the IEEE copyright form!)
  4. Please mention at least two preferred reviewers. Good candidates include colleagues working in the same field, or perhaps your session conveners. If you need further guidance or suggestions, ask the Senior Editor, Sascha Schmeling, during the conference.

Further information on the publication process can be found in the slides of the presentation in the Welcome Session.

Policies and Practical Considerations for the TNS Papers

Length: 8 Pages

TNS has an 8 page suggested length limit for manuscripts, although exceptions can be made when justified.

Because the publication appears in a hardcopy journal as well as electronically, there is a charge that must be paid by you or your institution if you want color. (See the IEEE Information for Authors kit for further information).

All printing will be done in black and white (greyscale) unless you make arrangements for color. Regardless, please be sure that color illustrations look good and make sense even in greyscale. Do not rely solely on color to convey important subtleties, especially in graphs. Readers with limited color vision, for example, will appreciate this. At many institutions, a technical reports department can offer advice on making graphics that look good in both color and black and white.

Readiness for Publication

Please submit only final manuscripts that have been fully cleared for release under your home institution’s policies and procedures, and which the IEEE is free to publish. The standard IEEE copyright release (available through IEEE Manuscript Central as an online form) will also be required.

Original Manuscripts Only

Manuscripts submitted to TNS must not have been published elsewhere or as a pre-print at the home institute of the authors.

The Presentation Imperative

Publication among the other RT2016 papers in TNS is reserved for papers that were actually presented. Papers not presented may be submitted to TNS to be considered for a regular issue.


The TNS is a premier peer-reviewed journal with a significant distribution within the nuclear science and medical imaging communities. Only those papers that pass the review process will be published. Prospective authors should consult the TNS homepage for a description of the publication.

TNS discourages the submission of progress reports and manuscripts that are more suitable for distribution as an institution's internal document or RT2016's unrefereed Conference Record (see above). We expect each manuscript to be cast in the context of the state of the art of its field, including appropriate motivation for the work; to present a complete description of the work performed; and to present a set of conclusions supported by the measured and/or calculated data.

Associate Editors

The associate editors listed here will by default coordinate the reviewing process for the different tracks. They are listed by conference track and you can already at the conference talk to them if there are issues before submitting your publication, e.g. when it comes to suggesting reviewers.

Christian Bohm ("Futures"): Emerging Technologies / Feedback on Experience, New Standards, Upgrades

Réjean Fontaine ("Front-End Technologies"): Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers, Real Time System Architectures and Intelligent Signal Processing

Wolfgang Kühn ("DAQ and Trigger"): Data Acquisition, Fast Data Transfer Links and Networks, Trigger Systems

Adriano Luchetta ("Fusion"): all manuscripts from the Fusion community

Niko Neufeld ("Online Computing"): Processing Farms, Real Time Simulation

Martin Purschke ("Controls, Safety, and Security"): Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems, Real Time Safety and Security

In addition, Zhen-An Liu will act as associate editor for various subjects in order to balance load and assure a smooth review process.

Any Questions?

Submittal, refereeing, editing and publication will be coordinated by TNS. The Senior Editor in charge of the RealTime Conference manuscripts would be happy to answer questions about the process during the conference or else via e-mail: Dr. Sascha Marc Schmeling, ieee-tns-rt@cern.ch

Thank you again for following up on your RT2016 presentation with a high-quality contribution to the refereed, archival literature.