We investigate the vacuum structure of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice in the presence of chromometallic mirrors both at zero and finite temperatures in 3+1 dimensions. The new excitation at the boundaries with the mass $m_{gt} = 1.0(1)\sqrt{\sigma}=0.49(5)$GeV which is more than three times lighter than mass of $0^{++}$ groundstate glueball was uncovered. We call this excitation "glueton" and interpret it as a non-perturbative colorless gluonic state of two gluons bound to their negatively colored images in a chromometallic mirror. The glueton is a gluonic counterpart of a surface electron-hole exciton in semiconductors. Additionally, we show that a heavy quark is linearly attracted to the mirror, and it presumably forms a "quarkiton" ("quark exciton") colorless state with its anti-quark image in the chromometallic mirror.