6:30 PM
Searching for a new (pseudo)scalar at 95 GeV
Navneet Krishnan
(Australian National University)
6:30 PM
Constraints On the Dark Sector from Electroweak Precision Observables
Bill Loizos
6:30 PM
Calculation of the Compton Amplitude at High Momentum using Momentum Smearing
Ian Van Schalkwyk
6:30 PM
The effect of Gribov copies on the quark propagator
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
6:30 PM
Towards determining the (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics running coupling with Monte Carlo and quantum computing methods
Karl Jansen
6:30 PM
Scattering Amplitudes of Massive Spin-2 Kaluza-Klein States with Matter
Joshua Gill
6:30 PM
The four-gluon and ghost-gluon vertices in the Landau gauge from lattice simulations
Paulo Silva
6:30 PM
Observations of neutron stars place the upper mass limit at above 2 solar masses
Jesper Leong
(University of Adelaide)