There will be a finite capacity for providing partial financial assistance with regards to student attendance at the Conference.
Please note that this is indeed limited to students - there is not the ability to provide support for general participants.
Support is intended only for students who will be making a presentation (either oral or poster).
Deadline for student support applications : June 3rd 2024.
Decisions on student support applications : June 10th 2024.
If you wish to apply for partial financial support, please send an email to and cc it to
Please make sure your email contains the following information :
- email subject line
- QCHSC2024 student financial support application - YOUR NAME - YOUR INSTITUTION
- email body
- First name
- Surname
- Institution (i.e. your affiliation)
- Submitted talk type (oral or poster)
- Talk/poster title
- Talk/poster abstract
- A reference letter from your supervisor
- Additional information that you feel is relevant