Aug 18 – 24, 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Public Lecture

Tuesday August 20th, 19:00-20:00, Cairns Performing Arts Centre

"Cosmic explosions illuminating the invisible" : Professor Tamara Davis AM (University of Queensland)

The last few decades have been a golden age for observational astrophysics and cosmology, thanks to the power of modern telescopes. From unveiling properties of dark matter and dark energy, to measuring the mass of the neutrino, and exploring the blossoming field of gravitational waves, modern astrophysics is now a key tool in studying fundamental physics.

Come along to hear astrophysicist Tamara Davis talk about pushing the boundaries of known physics with extreme objects such as supernovae and black holes, and in particular her studies of dark energy.

Having just completed a ten-year effort with the Dark Energy Survey, she will reveal the new knowledge that has been gleaned from thousands of supernovae, and a new map of over half-a-billion galaxies.