Aug 18 – 24, 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

First Circular

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the "XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference” will be held between 19-24 August 2024 at the Cairns Convention Centre in Queensland, Australia. 

The Conference poster PDF is linked from the image at the bottom of this page.

The conference series focuses on QCD, with the aim of exploring all aspects of strongly interacting systems. It provides a biennial forum for exchanging ideas and results between theorists and experimentalists. The conference will have exciting plenary and parallel talks, as well as stimulating round table discussions and a devoted poster session covering the following scientific topics:

Session A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement

Focus Subsection: “Topology and confinement at borderlines of particle physics and condensed matter: emergent confinement in cold atoms and Anderson criticality in the QCD deconfinement transition.”

Session B: Light Quarks

Session C: Heavy Quarks

Session D: Deconfinement

Session E: QCD and New Physics

Session F: Nuclear and Astro-particle Physics

Session G: Strongly Coupled Theories and Dark Matter

Session H: Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century.


The important dates and the list of conveners for the scientific program, as well as additional information on travel, accommodation and the conference social program, can be found at the conference webpage : 

If you wish to give a talk in one of the parallel sessions or present a poster, abstract submissions and registration will open on the 29th of January 2024. The submission deadline for abstracts is 29 April 2024.

We are looking forward to seeing you at CONFINEMENT2024! 

Sincerely yours,

The local organising committee:

Ayse Kizilersu (University of Adelaide, Chair) and Nora Brambilla (TU Munchen, Co-chair)

Anthony W. Thomas (University of Adelaide, Senior Adviser and organiser)

Derek B. Leinweber (University of Adelaide)

Wally Melnitchouk (JLAB & University of Adelaide)

Martin White (University of Adelaide) 

Anthony G. Williams (University of Adelaide)

Ross Young (University of Adelaide)

James Zanotti( University of Adelaide)


Conference poster