13–18 Dec 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dualities and Symmetries of Galileons

16 Dec 2015, 17:15
Level 2, Room 14 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 2, Room 14

International Conference Centre Geneva

17 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Geneva


Johannes Noller (University of Oxford)


Galileons appear in the low-energy limit of several cosmologically motivated theories, e.g. Massive Gravity, Bigravity and DGP. Yet we are only just beginning to understand some of their features. I will discuss newly discovered dualities and enhanced symmetries for (subsets of) Galileons and how they are related to scalar-theories of gravity and Massive gravity/Bigravity in particular.


Johannes Noller (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials