7–11 Aug 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Improving the angular resolution in IceCube cascade reconstruction

8 Aug 2017, 17:00
Athenian Room (The Athenaeum)

Athenian Room

The Athenaeum

Oral Neutrinos (astrophysical, atmospheric) Neutrinos


Tianlu Yuan (UW Madison)


Neutrino interactions occurring in IceCube require accurate reconstruction techniques to quantify the neutrino's energy and arrival direction. At the highest energies, the angular resolution of IceCube is limited primarily by ice property uncertainties. Previous studies have shown that a perfect knowledge of the ice may improve cascade angular resolutions by a factor of two or more. We present a new method for evaluating the effect of ice model uncertainties and explore several channels by which the reconstructed angular resolution may be improved.


Tianlu Yuan (UW Madison)

Presentation materials