Aug 7 – 11, 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Pre-conference mini-workshops

We want to make TeVPA an opportunity for the community to get together to tackle open problems that require the combined input from different experimental collaborations and theorists.

To help achieve this, we will host a number of optional informal pre-conference mini-workshop sessions on Sunday, August 6th, at OSU, provided there is sufficient expression of interest from participants. Each session will address a particular open problem. Most of the time will be dedicated to discussion within and between different experiments, with perhaps one or two short presentations.

When you register as participant in TeVPA, you may express your interest in participating in one or more of the following 7 mini-workshops:

  • Anisotropy and propagation in the Galaxy
  • Galactic Center excess
  • Multi-messenger sources
  • Radio detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays
  • Dark matter complementarity
  • Comparing realistic systematics between neutrino experiments and between cosmic-ray experiments
  • Columbus-Amsterdam-Paris-Stockholm (CAPS) meeting

Mini-workshops will be primarily self-run by participants.  We have appointed a few organizers in each mini-workshop to help stimulate and direct discussion.  We will provide facilities and coffee.



In the mini-workshops, participants will get together to tackle an important open issue.  The hope is that discussion among a rich mix of theorists and experimentalists will lead to progress on the issue.  They are also unique opportunities for representatives of different experiments to discuss.


Mini-workshops will be informal and flexible, with the focus on discussion, rather than on presentation.  They are not meant to be additional parallel sessions.

There should not be formal presentations, but preparing a few simple slides might help to get things moving.  Mini-workshop organizers may kindly encourage participants to prepare a few slides beforehand.



Seven mini-workshops will take place simultaneously.  The topics are listed above.  Participants are welcomed to attend one mini-workshop from start to finish, or to switch between them.


All mini-workshops will take place simultaneously at The Ohio State University, on Sunday, August 6. 

10:00-10:30 General meet-up, coffee with all participants in the Physics Research Building
10:30-12:30 Morning discussion, each mini-workshop in a different room
12:20-14:00 Lunch on your own
14:00-17:00 Afternoon discussion, each mini-workshop in a different room

You can find this on the conference Indico timetable.



All mini-workshops will take place in rooms in the Physics Research Building and the Smith Lab, which are across the street from each other.  The doors will be unlocked and we will set up signs to guide participants.

Map of the Physics Research Building ---

Map of the Smith Lab ---

What do we provide?

We provide rooms for discussion, projectors, blackboards, wifi, and coffee.  Members of the TeVPA Local Organizing Committee will be on-site to help if needed.

What is the job of the mini-workshop organizers?

The first job of the organizers is to stimulate and guide discussion.  We ask organizers to please talk among yourselves as organizers during the weeks leading up to the mini-workshop and put together a list of questions to be discussed during.  Gear your questions to make use of the mixed expertise of the participants.  Before (and during) the mini-workshop, organizers should also ask participants for questions that they would like to discuss.  Questions are not meant to be answered by organizers alone, but by all the mini-workshop participants.

The second job of the organizers is to rally people to attend their mini-workshop.  There is already lots of people interested in attending, so this will not be a difficult job.  Organizers can do this in two ways:

+ By nudging particular TeVPA participants that they think would be a good fit to attend

+ By reaching out to all of the TeVPA participants that expressed an interest in the mini-workshop they are organizing

Communicating your results

If, as a result of the discussion in the mini-workshop, organizers and participants feel that they have reached results that would be interesting to communicate to all of the TeVPA participants, please talk to the LOC (  We might be able to allocate time during one of the sessions for you to briefly present these results.


Like the main conference, we will not have proceedings for the mini-workshops.  However, feel free to write up results and discussions and make them public (e.g., as a report, or a white paper).

If you used slides during your discussion and you want to make them public, please upload them to Indico yourselves (mini-workshop organizers can do that) or send them to us for uploading.  It is also fine to upload pictures of handwritten notes on paper or board.

Indico access

All mini-workshop organizers have been added as conveners of the mini-workshop session on the Indico timetable: .

With this, organizers are able to upload slides themselves.


List of mini-workshop organizers

  • Anisotropy and propagation in the Galaxy: Mattia Di Mauro (SLAC), Daniel Fiorino (U. Maryland), Norita Kawanaka (JAXA)
  • Galactic Center excess: Dan Hooper (Fermilab), Savvas Koushiappas (Brown U.), Oscar Macias (Virginia Tech), Nicholas Rodd (MIT)
  • Multi-messenger sources: Keith Bechtol (LSST), Brian Humensky  (Columbia), Azadeh Keivani (Penn State U.), Ranjan Laha (SLAC)
  • Radio detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays: Cosmin Deaconu (KICP), Olivier Martineau (LPNHE), Carl Pfendner (OSU), Stephanie Wissel (Caly Pol)
  • Dark matter complementarity: Kimberly Boddy (U. Hawaii at Manoa), Antonio Boveia (OSU), Caterina Doglioni (CERN), Alex Drlica-Wagner (Fermilab)
  • Comparing realistic systematics between neutrino experiments and between cosmic-ray experiments: Lu Lu (Chiba U.), Radomir Smida (KIT)
  • Columbus-Amsterdam-Paris-Stockholm (CAPS) meeting: Nassim Bozorgnia (GRAPPA), Annika Peter (OSU)