Aug 7 – 11, 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Videos: The TeVPA 2017 YouTube channel has videos of the plenary talks and video advertisements of some parallel talks

TeVPA is a five-day conference aiming at providing the stage for the most recent advances in the booming field of Astroparticle Physics, bringing together leading members of the scientific communities that are contributing to its success.

TeVPA 2017 will be hosted by the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) of The Ohio State University.

First, to express your interest in attending, please register as participant. This is a non-binding expression of interest to attend TeVPA. At registration, you can also indicate if you are interested in taking part of the optional pre-conference mini-workshops on Sunday, August 6.

Second, to express your interest in presenting a talk, please submit an abstract. This is a non-binding expression of interest to attend and present a talk at TeVPA. All contributions will be oral, and we have scheduled many parallel talks to give students and postdocs the chance to present their work. Your submitted abstract will be reviewed by us and we will inform you as soon as we have made a decision on it. If your abstract is accepted and you confirm your participation (see below), you will be required to register as a participant (see above) if you have not yet done so.

Third and last, to confirm your participation in TeVPA --- regardless of whether or not you submitted an abstract --- please pay the conference fee.  After that, you should make travel and accommodation arrangements.

Undergraduate students are welcomed.  We want you to have the opportunity to get to know a community which you might join in the future. Therefore, you are free to attend TeVPA without having to pay the conference fee. However, you are still required to register as participant. You are welcome to attend the conference reception. However, attending the conference dinner requires payment of the conference fee (student rate, $250). In the registration form, please say yes to attending the reception (if you wish to attend) and no to attending dinner.

Important dates

4 April 2017 Registration and abstract submission open; discounted rate booking at the DoubleTree hotel starts
2 June 2017  30 June 2017 Extended deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration 
6 July 2017 Deadline for discounted rate booking at the DoubleTree hotel
24 July 2017 Final deadline for abstract submission and registration
6 August 2017 Pre-conference mini-workshops (optional)
7 August 2017 Conference starts
11 August 2017 Conference ends

Plenary speakers

Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton) Victoria Kaspi (McGill U.)
Anna Barnacka (Harvard) Marek Kowalski (DESY)
Julia Becker Tjus (Ruhr U. Bochum) Elisabeth Krause (Stanford / SLAC)
Veronica Bindi (U. Hawaii at Manoa) Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton U.)
Esra Bulbul (MIT) Raffaella Margutti (Northwestern U.)
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine (Harvard) Miguel Mostafá (Penn State U.)
Emma de Oña Wilhelmi (CSIC-IEEC) Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley)
Ralph Engel (KIT) Samaya Nissanke (Radboud U.)
Gianluca Gregori (U. of Oxford) Tracy Slatyer (MIT)
Daniele Gaggero (GRAPPA) Todd Thompson (Ohio State U.)
Francis Halzen (U. of Wisconsin, Madison) Abigail Vieregg (U. of Chicago)
Fiona Harrison (Caltech) Stephan Zimmer (U. of Geneva)
Xiangdong Ji (Shanghai Jiao Tong U.) Kathryn Zurek (LBNL)
Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins U.)  


Neutrinos: Markus Ahlers (NBI), Amy Connolly (Ohio State), Ke Fang (UMD), Sergio Palomares-Ruiz (IFIC)

Cosmic rays: Ilias Cholis (Johns Hopkins), Foteini Oikonomou (Penn State), Nahee Park (U. Chicago), Michael Sutherland (OSU)

Gamma rays: Marco Ajello (Clemson U.), Andrea Albert (SLAC), Michelle Hui (NASA), Yoshiyuki Inoue (JAXA)

Multi-messenger: Shin'ichiro Ando (GRAPPA), Kohta Murase (Penn State), Maria Petropoulou (Purdue U.), Amanda Weinstein (Iowa State)

Dark matter: Francesca Calore (CNRS), Eric Dahl (Northwestern U.), Kerstin Perez (MIT), Ben Safdi (U. of Michigan)

Galactic sources: Yves Gallant (LUPM), Elena Orlando (Stanford), Pablo Saz Parkinson (Hong Kong U.), Pat Slane (Harvard)

Extragalactic sources: Jay Gallagher (U. of Wisconsin, Madison), Vasiliki Pavlidou (U. of Crete), Emma Storm (GRAPPA), Tuguldur Sukhbold (OSU)

Particle physics: Nicole Bell (U. Melbourne), Pavel Fileviez Perez (CWRU), Tongyan Lin (LBL), Haibo Yu (U. of California, Riverside)

Cosmology: Martina Gerbino (Stockholm U.), Tom Giblin (Kenyon College), Dragan Huterer (U. of Michigan), Gordan Krnjaic (Perimeter Institute)


Local Organizing Committee International Advisory Committee
Katie Auchettl - Co-chair Felix Aharonian (DIAS & MPIK)
John Beacom Laura Baudis (U. of Zurich)
Mauricio Bustamante - Co-chair John Beacom (Ohio State U.)
Tim Linden - Co-chair Lars Bergstrom (U. of Stockholm)
Annika Peter Gianfranco Bertone (U. of Amsterdam) - Chair
  Elliott Bloom (KIPAC-SLAC)
  Marco Cirelli (LPTHE Jussieu, Paris)
  Joakim Edsjo (U. of Stockholm)
  Jonathan Feng (UC Irvine)
  Gian Giudice (CERN)
  Sunil K. Gupta (TIFR)
  Francis Halzen (U. of Wisconsin, Madison)
  Dan Hooper (Fermilab)
  Olga Mena (IFIC/CSIC-UV)
  Subir Sarkar (Oxford & NBI Copenhagen)
  Tim Tait (UC Irvine)
  Masahiro Teshima (ICRR)
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hosted by the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP), The Ohio State University

Conference webpage:


Registration for this event is currently open.