1–5 Aug 2022
GMT timezone
*** Thanks to everyone for making this a successful conference - See you in person for RT2024 (April) ***

Fast-Settling high input dynamic range Automatic Gain Control Front-end circuit for particle detect

Not scheduled
Poster plus Minioral Front End Electronics and Fast Digitizers Mini Oral - IV


Mr DENG, Yunqi (Central China Normal University) DENG, YunQi (Centrol China Normal University)


The calorimeter is one of the most important detectors in the field of particle physics. In recent years, the research of SiPM as the sensor of the calorimeter has attracted a lot of attention. There are two ways of traditional SiPM readout circuit, one is multi-channel readout, setting readout paths with different gains, the disadvantage is that the power consumption is high and the layout area is large. The other is to adjust the gain off-chip, which is inconvenient for practical application and slow in response. In this paper, a variable gain amplification chain is designed using GMSC 0.13um CMOS process to cover signal measurement with a large dynamic range. The post-simulation result shows that the gain dynamic range is -6.6dB ~19.73dB, covering 60dB the input dynamic range. The -3dB bandwidth is about 20MHz, and the gain adjustment time is less than 5ns. And the linearity of the circuit is good. This method can cover a large input dynamic range and save power consumption by using only one analog-to-digital conversion and single measurement.

Minioral Yes
IEEE Member No
Are you a student? Yes


Prof. HUANG, Guangming (Central China Normal University) Ms WANG, Xiao (Central China Normal University) YANG, Ping Mr DENG, Yunqi (Central China Normal University) Mr YUE, Zhuang (Central China Normal University) DENG, YunQi (Centrol China Normal University)

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