1–5 Aug 2022
GMT timezone
*** Thanks to everyone for making this a successful conference - See you in person for RT2024 (April) ***

HiGBt, a 5Gbps SerDes for heavy-ion physics experiments

Not scheduled
Poster plus Minioral Fast Data Transfer Links and Networks Mini Oral - III


Dr NIU, Xiaoyang (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)


The Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL) and the High-Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) are the leading heavy-ion physics centers. Heavy-ion physics experiments at HIRFL and HIAF with significantly increased scale have put forward urgent requirements on high-speed and high-density data transmission links. In addition, the strong radiation environment is a significant challenge for commercial ASIC. Hence, the HiGBt, a general-purpose 5Gbps SerDes ASIC is specifically designed in 0.13𝜇m CMOS process for the on-detector and off-detector data transmission in these heavy-ion physics.

The HiGBt mainly consists of the Serializer, the DeSerializer, the 16b/20b Encoder/Decoder and the PLL. The Serializer includes three stages to realize high-speed serialization. The Deserializer is implemented in a high-linearity phase interpolator-based structure to avoid coupling multi VCOs.The 16b/20b encoder employs an upper 8b/10b encoder and two lower 8b/10b encoders to improve the speed. The PLL adopts a ring VCO-based structure to reduce the power consumption. The power consumption is 123.4mW under 3.3V analog and 1.2V digital voltage, and the layout area is 310×310μm2. The jitter is ~2.2 ps, which corresponds to a bit error rate better than 1E-14.

Minioral Yes
IEEE Member Yes
Are you a student? No


Dr NIU, Xiaoyang (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS) Dr ZHOU, Wei (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS) Dr HAN, Weijia (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS and Harbin Institute of Technology) Prof. ZHAO, Chengxin (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)

Presentation materials