Welcome to Indico Global!

5–10 Jun 2016
Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
RT2016 is an interdisciplinary conference on realtime data acquisition and computing applications in the physical sciences. These include


High energy physics, Nuclear physics, Astrophysics and astroparticle physics, Nuclear fusion, Medical physics, Space instrumentation, Nuclear power instrumentation, Realtime security and safety, General Radiation Instrumentation.


Specific topics include (but are certainly not limited to) the list shown below. We welcome correspondence to see how your research fits our venue.

Front end fast digitizers, Realtime system architectures, Intelligent signal processing, Fast data transfer links and networks, Trigger systems, Data acquisition, Real time diagnostics, Processing-farms, Control, monitoring and test systems, Upgrades, Emerging realtime technologies, New standards, Realtime safety and security, Feedback on experiences, Realtime simulation. Realtime simulations. Simulation tools and their applications to realtime systems.

Abstract submission deadline: 20 February 2016 midnight (Central European Time (CET))

Submitting an Abstract and PDF Supporting Materials

The path to the RT2016 program starts with submitting an abstract no longer than 500 words, plus one or two pages of supporting material in PDF. The abstract should summarize the major points of your research.

The abstracts will be distributed to attendees. The supporting material will be available only to the Program Committee, which will use it to guide decisions related to paper selection and program organization. The PDF supporting materials may include graphs, built-up equations, photos, and other such objects that cannot be included in the plain-text abstract.

A special note to invited speakers: Attendees will use the published abstracts to plan their day. Thus, if you are an invited or otherwise featured speaker, you should submit an abstract for the benefit of attendees, even though your place in the program is assured.

To begin, create an account on the CERN Single Sign-On (or use your existing account) via the Login link at the top right of this page. You will now be able to submit your abstract under Call for Abstracts -> Submit Abstract.

During this process, you will be asked to categorize your abstract by subject matter and to express a preference for oral or poster presentation. The program committee will reach all authors of accepted poster presentations by email to know if they are willing to give a 2-minute mini-oral presentation during the conference.

What Happens Next?

Upon submission, the following actions will be taken:

The abstracts and PDF supporting materials will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Taking into account your expressed preferences for oral vs. poster presentation and the appropriate subject-matter grouping, the program layout will be made and a time slot assigned. You will then be notified of the decisions. The abstracts will be published on the Web.
The call for abstracts is closed.