- Michael Creutz (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The Compton amplitude is of significant phenomenological interest, particularly at higher momenta, where numerical approaches such as Lattice QCD are required to calculate the Compton amplitude. There are, however, significant challenges to using Lattice QCD at non-zero momentum, not least of which is the reduction in signal to noise ratio. Traditionally, signal to noise ratios are improved by...
We revisit the Standard Model fit to electroweak precision observables using the latest data and the Particle Data Group value of the mass of the W boson. This analysis is repeated for the value reported by CDF. The constraints on the parameter space for dark photons arising from these electroweak precision observables are then evaluated for both values of the W boson mass. We also extend...
Since the matter in neutron stars is stable long term, then to the extent that the cores of such stars are hadronic, one must satisfy the conditions of beta equilibrium and hyperons must be present. The initial appearance of hyperons carries low momentum and thus slows the increase in pressure in comparison to the nucleon only equation of state. In turn, the maximum mass is lowered when...
We perform a comprehensive analysis of the scattering of matter and gravitational Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes in five-dimensional gravity theories. We consider matter localised on a brane and in the bulk of the extra dimension for scalars, fermions and vectors, respectively and consider an arbitrary warped background. While naive power-counting suggests that there are amplitudes that grow as fast...
The CMS group has recently reported an anomaly in the production of particles at ~95 GeV above expected background at the LHC in the ditau and diphoton channels. Taken with an older result from LEP showing a similar anomaly in bb production, this indicates the prospect of a new particle at this energy.
As a possible explanation for these anomalies, we consider a pair of Simplified Models...
We study the impact of Gribov copies on the quark propagator in lattice 2-colour QCD. We find that the Gribov noise is comparable to the gauge noise for smaller volumes but becomes less significant for larger spatial volumes. The Gribov noise in the quark propagator is found to be comparable to, but smaller than in the gluon propagator on the same ensembles. No correlation is found between...
The computation of the four-gluon and ghost-gluon vertices in the Landau gauge using high statistical lattice ensembles for 324 and 484 volumes is addressed. For the four-gluon vertex, our previous results for the collinear kinematics are updated allowing to get a better coverage of the IR region. Furthermore, the one-particle irreducible ghost-gluon Green function in the soft gluon limit is...
In this project we examine a compact U (1) lattice gauge theory in (2 + 1) dimensions and present a strategy
for studying the running coupling and extracting the non-perturbative Lambda-parameter.
The methodology involves a series of sequential steps (i.e., the step scaling function) to bridge results
from small lattice spacings to non-perturbative large-scale lattice calculations.