Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter: G1a (Parallel G)
- Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES))
Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter: G2b (Parallel G)
- Irene Bolognino (University of Adelaide)
Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter: G3a (Parallel G)
- Anthony Williams (University of Adelaide)
Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter: G4a (Parallel G)
Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter: G4b (Parallel G)
We go beyond the state-of-the-art by combining first principal lattice results and effective field theory approaches as Polyakov Loop model to explore the non-perturbative dark deconfinement-confinement phase transition and the generation of gravitational-waves in a dark Yang-Mills theory. We further include fermions with different representations in the dark sector. Employing the...
The gauge/gravity duality, combined with information from lattice QCD, nuclear theory, and perturbative QCD, can be used to constrain the equation of state of hot and dense QCD. I discuss an approach based on the holographic V-QCD model, which includes both nuclear and quark matter phases, separated by a first order phase transition. By using this model in state-of-the-art simulations of...
The double copy mechanism relates the scattering amplitudes of Yang-Mills theories to the theory of gravity. In this talk I will demonstrate how gravitational amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions can be obtained via the double copy prescription of gauge theories. I will further demonstrate that the prescription holds even for compactified gauge theories, which can be related to compactified...
We consider a pure Yang-Mills theory on $\mathbb{T}^2\times\mathbb{R}^2$ with boundary conditions imposed not only in the imaginary time direction but also in one spatial direction, and discuss thermodynamic quantities and their phase structures. The introduction of the boundary condition leads to the breaking of rotational symmetry, resulting in anisotropy of the pressure. Results from...
Loss of unitarity in an effective field theory is often cured by the appearance of dynamical resonances, revealing the presence of new degrees of freedom. These resonances may manifest themselves when suitable unitarization techniques are implemented in the effective theory, which in the scalar-isoscalar channel require making use of the coupled-channel formalism. Conversely, experimental...
The SABRE experiment aims to provide a definitive answer on the nature of the purported dark matter annual modulation signal from the DAMA/LIBRA experiments. Their 12.9๐ measurement remains incompatible with null results of other dark matter experiments. By relying on ultra-pure NaI(Tl) crystals and dual hemisphere locations, the SABRE experiment will provide a model independent...
We present a unified approach to the transition from hadronic matter to quark matter where hadrons are treated as bound states of quarks which dissociate at high densities due to quark Pauli blocking. We demonstrate that a sudden switch of the quark mass from a sufficiently high value to mimic quark confinement to its current mass value is compatible with a smooth crossover behavior of the...
We deepen the understanding of the primordial composition of the Universe in the temperature range $130\,\mathrm{GeV}>T>0.02\,\mathrm{MeV}$ within the big-bang FLWR cosmology model by applying the know-how of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physic. In this temperature range the unknown cold dark matter and dark energy have a negligible influence allowing a reliable understanding of...
Machine learning technologies has gained a great advance to affect various fields of research in physics, and nonperturbative QCD is not an exception. Here in this talk I will rephrase the AdS/CFT correspondence by a deep learning architecture, and demonstrate the emergence of the gravity geometry by using QCD data, thus establishing a possible duality between QCD and a gravitational theory....
QCD instantons are arguably the best motivated yet unobserved nonperturbative effects predicted by the Standard Model. A discovery and detailed study of instanton-generated processes at colliders would provide a new window into the phenomenological exploration of QCD and a vastly improved fundamental understanding of its non-perturbative dynamics. We review a recent calculation of QCD...
Basis light-front quantization (BLFQ) is a fully relativistic and nonperturbative method based on a light-front quantized Hamiltonian with input from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), offering the potential for first-principle calculations. In our QCD applications, we incorporate a form of confinement derived from light-front holography and additional longitudinal confinement into the Hamiltonian....
We investigate the internal structure of deuteron using the light-front wave functions obtained from the two Schrรถdinger-like equations: the light-front holographic QCD equation and the 't Hooft equation. The former governs the transverse dynamics inside the composite system, while the latter describes the confinement in the longitudinal direction. After generating the wave functions, we...
Composite Higgs Models offer an attractive solution to the hierarchy problem. We extend previously examined models based on a SO(5) โ SO(4) symmetry breaking pattern and 3rd generation quarks, with two representations of the ฯ and its neutrino. We conduct Bayesian global fits of these models using a wide array of constraints in order to find regions in the parameter volume that best fit...
Observations of neutron stars place the upper mass limit at above 2 solar masses. Since the matter in neutron stars is stable long term, then to the extent that the cores of such stars are hadronic, one must satisfy the conditions of beta equilibrium and hyperons must be present. The initial appearance of hyperons carries low momentum and thus slows the increase in pressure in comparison to...
Gauge p-forms in diverse dimensions naturally occur in supergravity and string theory. This talk will review new formulations for interacting gauge p-form theories in d = 2p + 2 space-time dimensions. For odd p, such theories possess U(1) duality invariance and include the Born-Infeld action as a well-known representative. For even p, each theory describes a self-interacting chiral...
We proposed that the parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) offers a powerful tool to probe the hypothetical dark photon. We calculated the dark photon contributions to PVES asymmetries in both elastic and deep-inelastic scatterings (DIS). These contributions are characterized by the corrections to the standard model couplings $C_{1q}, \, C_{2q}$, and $C_{3q}$.
At low scales, the...
We clarify the meaning of the Polyakov loop by examining the partition function in the path integral formulation and the Hamiltonian formulation. It turns out that the Polyakov loop can characterize confinement and deconfinement without relying on the center symmetry, and hence, even for QCD. We discuss two applications: (1) Two-point correlator of Polyakov loops in the confined phase reduces...
We study the dynamics and interrelation of chiral symmetry breaking and
confinement in QCD in the many flavour limit. This includes an
of close-conformal theories, also providing a quantitative estimate for
the lower boundary of the Caswell-Bank-Zaks window. This work is done with
the functional renormalisation group approach to first principle QCD,
and offers a...
I will assume the dark sector is described by QCD-like confining gauge theories, with dark pions and dark baryons that can make cold dark matter (CDM) of the Universe. If dark pion masses are in electroweak (EW) scale and they interact the SM sector through singlet scalar exchanges, they become weakly-interactin-massive-particla (WIMP) DM. If the dark pion mass becomes sub-GeV and the...