Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A1a (Parallel A)
- Derek Leinweber (CSSM, University of Adelaide)
Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A1b (Parallel A)
- Ivan Horvath
Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A2a (Parallel A)
- Tamas G. Kovacs
Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A2b (Parallel A)
- Aleksey Cherman (University of Minnesota)
Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A4b (Parallel A)
- Luis E. Oxman (Fluminense Federal University)
Vacuum Structure and Confinement: A4c (Parallel A)
- Srimoyee Sen
The $SU(3)\otimes SU(2) \otimes U(1)$ standard model maps smoothly
onto a conventional lattice gauge formulation, including the
parity violation of the weak interactions. The formulation makes
use of the pseudo-reality of the weak group and requires the
inclusion a full generation of both leptons and quarks. As in
continuum discussions, chiral eigenstates of the...
I will describe recent work on anomalies and fractional instantons on a twisted four torus and their relevance for the calculation of the gaugino condensate in minimally-supersymmetric four-dimensional Yang Mills theory
The phenomenon of unpaired Weyl fermions appearing on the sole
2𝑛-dimensional boundary of a (2𝑛+1)-dimensional manifold with massive Dirac fermions was recently analyzed. I discuss how similar unpaired Weyl edge states can be seen on a finite lattice. In particular, I consider the discretized Hamiltonian for a Wilson fermion in (2+1) dimensions with a 1+1 dimensional boundary and continuous...
We investigate the vacuum structure of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice in the presence of chromometallic mirrors both at zero and finite temperatures in 3+1 dimensions. The new excitation at the boundaries with the mass $m_{gt} = 1.0(1)\sqrt{\sigma}=0.49(5)$GeV which is more than three times lighter than mass of $0^{++}$ groundstate glueball was uncovered. We call this excitation...
In this talk, we explore the QCD vacuum structure with topological theta angle, employing a novel semiclassical framework on $\mathbb{R}^2 \times T^2$ with 't Hooft and baryon magnetic fluxes. Grounded in the adiabatic continuity conjecture, the semiclassical analysis at small $T^2$ can capture the QCD vacuum structure, and the confining vacuum is described by the dilute gas of center...
The Schwinger model (QED in 1+1 dims) describes confinement and nontrivial $\theta$ vacuum similar to QCD. In this presentation, I quantitatively reveal the confining properties in the Schwinger model at finite temperature and $\theta$ using the Monte Carlo method. The well-known sign problem is avoided using bosonization, in which the Dirac fermion is transformed into a scalar boson. We...
Filtering methods based on adjoint fermion zero modes are presented in this talk. The theoretical foundations and relations of supersymmetric theories are discussed and results from Monte Carlo data are presented. Furthermore, some specific properties of Yang-Mills theories with twisted boundary conditions are introduced, which lead to an interesting approach for a better understanding of...
This presentation will focus on defining the net topological charge within distinct topological objects in the nontrivial ground-state fields of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ lattice gauge theory. Such an analysis has been called for by the growing number of models for Yang-Mills topological structure which propose the existence of fractionally charged objects. We perform this investigation for...
The geometry of centre vortices is studied in SU(3) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature to capture the key structural changes that occur through the deconfinement phase transition. Visualisations of the vortex structure in temporal and spatial slices of the lattice reveal a preference for the vortex sheet to align with the temporal dimension above the critical temperature. This is...
In this talk, we revisit the idea proposed by one of us in PRD 98 036018 (2018) where the nonoriented component, in 4d ensembles of percolating thin center-vortex worldsurfaces, was shown to be essential to understand the properties of confinement at asymptotically large distances between heavy quarks. The same physics was reobtained in the Schrödinger's wave (functional) representation PRD...
A study of centre vortices and gluon propagators is presented on anisotropic, dynamical lattices. We use thermal ensembles from the FASTSUM collaboration and results are discussed in both the confined and deconfined phases. Centre vortices are analysed including their percolation and branching point properties, and an analysis of the Landau gauge-fixed gluon propagators is presented. Issues...
Motivated by color-magnetic instability in QCD [1,2], we investigate spatial color-magnetic correlation in SU(2) and SU(3) lattice QCD. In the Landau gauge, we numerically obtain the spatial color-magnetic correlation $\langle H_z^a({\bf x}) H_z^a({\bf x}+{\bf r})\rangle$. Curiously, the correlation is found to be always ${\it negative}$ for ${\bf r}$ on $xy$-plane, apart from the same-point...
We examine a pattern of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking making use of the vacuum energy density as a function of the quark condensate. We compute the vacuum energy density and the quark condensate in the interacting instanton liquid model (IILM) with three-flavor quarks. These computations are performed by using a numerical simulation of the canonical IILM, i.e., the number of instantons...
In the lattice SU(2) gauge-scalar model with a single scalar field in the fundamental representation of the gauge group, we have quite recently found that there exists a gauge-independent transition line separating Confinement phase and Higgs phase without contradicting the well-known Osterwalder-Seiler-Fradkin-Shenker analyticity theorem between the two phases by performing numerical...
I discuss the symmetry and the physics which distinguishes the confinement and Higgs phases of a gauge-Higgs theory, and the possible existence of unexpected particle excitations in the Higgs phase.
I'll discuss the symmetries of large N QCD, focusing on how a 1-form symmetry emerges at large N, as well as its connections to confinement, 't Hooft anomalies, and a consequent constraint on the phase diagram as a function of temperature.
I will present the recent findings from an extensive investigation of the flux-tube spectrum and its implications for the axion on the worldsheet of the confining string. Specifically, I will discuss our latest results for both the closed and open flux tubes for 4D SU(N) gauge groups. For the closed flux tube, employing the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) method with certain approximations,...
QCD matter in a strong magnetic field exhibits a rich phase structure. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the chiral Lagrangian for two flavors is accompanied by the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term containing an anomalous coupling of the neutral pion $\pi_0$ to the magnetic field via the chiral anomaly. Due to this term, the ground state is inhomogeneous in the form of either chiral...
In four-dimensional (4D) QCD, quark confinement is characterized by one-dimensional color-electric flux-tube formation, which leads to a linear interquark potential. The flux-tube formation implies a possibility of low-dimensionalization of 4D QCD. We propose a new gauge fixing of ``dimensional reduction (DR) gauge" defined so as to minimize
Effective String Theory (EST) represents a powerful non-perturbative approach to describe confinement in Yang-Mills theory by modeling the confining flux tube connecting a static quark-anti-quark pair as a thin vibrating string. EST calculations are usually tackled using zeta-function regularization; however, there are situations (for instance, the study of the shape of the flux tube or of the...
In this talk, we report on new results for SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in
four dimensions in the continuum formulation. Using the background
field method, we find that the notorious infrared divergences of the
effective action cancel between gauge and matter sectors for QCD if
the number of massless quark flavors is exactly Nf = 4N, but not if
Nf=0. Improving the calculation for pure...
The residual local gauge symmetry is the local gauge symmetry remaining even after imposing the gauge fixing condition. Although this symmetry is “spontaneously broken” in the perturbative vacuum, it can be restored in the true confining vacuum of QCD. Therefore, a color confinement criterion is obtained as the condition of restoration of the residual local gauge symmetry, namely,...