18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

The four-gluon and ghost-gluon vertices in the Landau gauge from lattice simulations

21 Aug 2024, 18:30
1h 30m
Mezzanine Exhibition Hall (Cairns Convention Centre)

Mezzanine Exhibition Hall

Cairns Convention Centre

Poster A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Posters


Paulo Silva


The computation of the four-gluon and ghost-gluon vertices in the Landau gauge using high statistical lattice ensembles for 324 and 484 volumes is addressed. For the four-gluon vertex, our previous results for the collinear kinematics are updated allowing to get a better coverage of the IR region. Furthermore, the one-particle irreducible ghost-gluon Green function in the soft gluon limit is computed covering, with precision, a large momentum region.


Mr Manuel Colaço (University of Coimbra) Nuno Brito (University of Plymouth) Orlando Oliveira Paulo Silva

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