18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Accommodating scalar resonances in the HEFT

20 Aug 2024, 16:20


Oral G: Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter


Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES))


Loss of unitarity in an effective field theory is often cured by the appearance of dynamical resonances, revealing the presence of new degrees of freedom. These resonances may manifest themselves when suitable unitarization techniques are implemented in the effective theory, which in the scalar-isoscalar channel require making use of the coupled-channel formalism. Conversely, experimental detection of a resonance may provide interesting information on the couplings and constants of the relevant effective theory. By applying a systematical procedure we shall try to confront the efective theory with the absence or presence of resonances at the LHC in the vector boson fusion channel.


Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES)) Dr Federico Mescia (Universitat de Barcelona) Inigo Asiain (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presentation materials